Chapter 5- Feelings

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Jack POV

I can't believe that they won. They were pretty good but still, they won. Well we'll have another chance to show what we got. I saw ELSA walk off the stage and I remembered that we had to do the project for theater. I went up to her and asked

Jack:" Hey, for the project, when should I should we meet up?"

ELSA: "You can come over to my house after school."

Jack: "ok."

The bell rang and we all went to class. I had free period next so I could basically do what ever I want during this period. So I went outside to the football field and practice my powers. I have the power to control ice and snow. I made a snowflake and had it fly around. I made sure no one was watching, no one was.


The bell rang and everybody went to their next class. It was my free period so I went to the dance studio the school has and practiced my ballet. Then I see Jack Frost out on the football field and he made a snowflake. I wonder how he did that? Does he have powers like mine? Then he looks around and I hide so he doesn't see me. I thought about how weird it was but it wasn't that weird because I can do the same thing. The bell rang and I had to go to Dance class since that's my special talent. I'm the only one in the class so, it a private class. The instructor came in. "Hello my name is Mrs.Caldwell" I will be your dance instructor. Let's start with the simple plie and Tondue. I did as she instructed. I thought she was very friendly and nice. Then the bell rang and she told me to practice all the time and to bring the right attire for dancing next class. I left and saw the girls. I was sweating, so they ask why.

Anna: "Why are you sweating Elsa?"

Elsa: "I just had dance class, since I can't use my powers you know ballet is one of my special talents."

Punzie: "I didn't know you dance!"

Elsa: "Oh must of forgot to tell you sorry." "Hey sorry guys I got to go home."

Anna: "ELSA, The girls and I are going shopping so I'll see later."

ELSA: "Ok, but don't be too late."

Anna: "k"

I go outside and hop on my motorcycle. I ride home and I wait for Jack to arrive. The door bell rang and I open the door and Jack was standing there.

Jack: "Hey ballerina."

ELSA: "Don't call me that." "let's just practice"

We walk to the band room in my house. Jack has his bass guitar and Inset up my microphone. In the band we all have our own microphone. Mine is light blue with snowflakes. We practice for 2 hours. Then take a break and I go down to the kitchen.

ELSA: "Want anything to drink?"

Jack: "Water please."

When I handed him his water our hands touched. I quickly moved my hand.

Jack:"it's getting late I should probably leave."

ELSA:"ok where do you live?"

Jack: "Next door."

ELSA: "Really!!!!"

When he left I felt disappointed because I started to have feeling towards him. I was going to sing but then Anna walked in. She had a smile on her face. We ate dinner. She watched a movie but went upstairs and practiced my powers. I made it snow in my room and then I saw Jack out my window in his house. I quickly made it stop and closed the curtains. Hopefully he didn't see anything.

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