Chapter 2- Battle of the Bands Part 1

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Hi guys! I hope you liked the first chapter. I will try to up date as often as i can. Again I dont own any of the characters or the songs in this book. Have Fun Reading.


Songs Featured in this chapter

Miss Movin On by Fifth Harmony

Blow by Kesha

All of Me by John Legend

Anna P.O.V

I cant believe that we are having a battle of the bands! I cant wait. We all went back to my house because we have a practice room in our house. When we got there we were picking what songs to do.

Elsa: "how about Roar by Katy Perry?"

We all said yes to that song.

Rapunzel: "How about Shake it off by Taylor Swift?"

we all said yes to that song too.

ME: "How about Applause by Lady Gaga?"

We all agreed on these three songs for tommorrow. We started Practicing.


Flynn: "Why don't we sing Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars?"

The band said yes to that song.

Kristoff: "What about Don't Stop The Music by Rihanna?"

We all said sure to that song. We need one more song and it has to be a really good one.

Hiccup: "How about Rude by Magic?"

we all agreed on these song and practiced them. After 3 hours they all went home. I took a shower then put some basketball shorts and a sweater on then went to bed. For some reason i could stop thinking about Elsa. There was something about her. I couldn't quite put my finger on it but there's something. I finally went to sleep but dreamt about her.


I woke up at 6:30 as usual. I took a shower while singing Shake it Off. I was practing for the Battle were going to have. I got permission from the school because my Aunt is the Principal. Today I wore a red dress with a black leather jacket. Red and Black is our band colors. I jsut tossed my hair to the side. Anna was going to wear a sleeveless crop top with black shorts and suspenders and grey leggings that are ripped. I dont know about Rapunzel or Merida. I usually call Rapunzel "Punzie" and Merida "Mer". They dont mind most people call them that. I put my makeup on then went down stairs. I just ate an apple because I didn't want to ruin my makeup that much. Anna came downstairs and ate an orange. Her hair was in a high ponytail.

Elsa: "Hi. Are you ready?"

Anna: "Oh Yeah!" "We are going to win this thing!"

Elsa: "We better go now or we'll be late."

We hop on our motorcycles and ride to school. When we get there we see Punzie and Mer standing there. Punzie was wearing a mini dress with gray stockings and red heels. Mer was wearing high-waisted red shorts with a gray tank and a black sleeveless jacket and high top converse. We then walk into the school. All eyes were on us. We all go to class. I had Chorus. Then I see jack walk in. Great! i thought is he in all my classes? He sits next to me. Why? He just stared at me.

Elsa: "Hello?" "Jack!"

Jack: "uh" "what?"

Elsa: "You were staring." "Are you ready?"

Jack: "yeah we practiced all night, you guys are going down."

Elsa: "I wouldn't be so sure."

Then the teacher walks in. "Hello class my name is Mrs.Winters." "Today I want you to pick a song and sing it in front of the class. So When I call your name please come up and be ready."

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