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Demi’s POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock and immediately hit the snooze button. A few more minutes of sleep won’t hurt anybody. That gave me approximately 8 more minutes of sleep so I wouldn’t miss my meeting with my manager. One of the best things I could do was sleep all day long even on the days I have things to do. Typical me. I heard ringing again and groaned when I realized it wasn’t my alarm clock and that it was my phone. I was extremely annoyed. Don’t people know that I love to sleep? I hope whoever is calling me has an explanation or I will curse them out.

“Hello?” I said sleepy and annoyed. I’ll be honest here; I’m not even trying to be friendly. “Hey Demi, I’m sorry I woke you up.” a well-known voice said into the phone. My mood was instantly turned around. So many thoughts running through my mind. I haven’t heard from this person in over a year and the only things I know about him are the stuff I read in the media. He has changed and not for the better. If you read on any blog site, no matter where you are reading, there are stories about his one night stands. Let’s just say he has a new one almost every single time. It actually makes me sick how many stories there are of heartbroken girls as well. He’s one hell of a jerk but at the same time I missed hearing his voice and our late night heart to hearts. Although I know that the things in the media are true there’s a little part of me that hopes they are fake. He is in fact my best friend and I have all the faith in the world with him and nothing will ever change that. He doesn’t always have to be there but I know he loves me. At least I hope so.

“Hey, it’s okay” I said trying to sound less tired. I can hear him giggle and a part of me tries to imagine how he looks right now. No matter how hard I try I can’t. I haven’t seen him in so long that I only know what he looks like from photos I see on the internet. I never want to admit how much my heart has missed him when I read another story about his new affair. He was my best friend and was the first one I called/texted when I had some good/bad news. As time went on the calls/text got less and less but his one night stands got more and more.

He clears his throat “It feels like we haven’t talked in ages. How are you?” Big mistake, he shouldn’t have asked that but then again how would he know I was in love with him. Also I used to lie in the past about how I was so this question reminds me of all the times I lied while answering this question.

I remember the first time I saw Nick, I’ll never forget it. It’s like permanently lodged in my brain. Well anyway. He looked so cute with his curls and his little shy laugh. We talked all the time and eventually became best friends. We got a long great. As time went on I started to fall head over heels in love with him. I knew from the start that him and I would never be more than just friends. I thought I was ugly and worthless but knowing the things I know now I wish I could go back in time and tell myself I was beautiful and worthy of life. It hurt to watch him fall in love with Miley. It hurt so bad when he would talk about his feelings for her. My two best friends were in a relationship and I had to act like I was okay with it. I started to think that I would never be as beautiful or as amazing as Miley or Selena or even Delta. My depression was starting to get worse and I always made the excuse that if Nick didn’t have all those girlfriends it wouldn’t have been as bad as it was. I knew that was a lie but it was a lie I told myself to get through it. I eventually told myself that enough was enough and I went to rehab and recovered. A little part of that was because of Nick. I didn’t want him to constantly be worried about me.

Nick interrupted my thoughts and said “Demi, are you alright?” I realize I never answered him. “Yes, sorry. My thoughts are on overdrive today but I’m fine how are you?” I take a deep breath and get the courage to say “I guess that’s your fault as to why we haven’t talked in a while, Nicholas” The minute I said Nicholas he knew I was mad. He doesn’t say anything for a long time and I instantly regret saying that. “I know and I’m sorry for that. I was just.. uh.. really busy.” Nick says quickly. “Yeah, with all those girls and having sex with them because we all know you aren’t MAKING LOVE to anyone” I spat out harshly. I started to regret saying that but at the end it kind of made me feel proud of myself. This new found courage was suddenly a good thing rather than a bad one.

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