1 Kirishima's POV

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"C'mon, man! You always go to sleep sooo early." Kaminari complains but Bakugo just flips him off as he leaves. I laugh and shrug. "I don't know, bro. 8 sharp, every night." I say and shrug. Bakugo finally started to open up, and all of our self-proclaimed 'Baku-squad' was honored and didn't take it lightly. It wasn't anything much to anyone else. A few pointers on how to improve training. An occasional chuckle at our jokes. One time he even paid Kaminari's bail. He's started to protect Ashido and Jirou from Mineta when they got tired of having to watch their backs all the time. A huge change from our first year. He had become one of the so-called Big Three yet he didn't hold that over us. It was great. Kaminari shoves my shoulder, snapping me out of reminiscing. "Bro! Do. You. Want. To. Play. Mario Kart!?" Kaminari says with a laugh. "What were you thinking about, Kiri?" Ashido asks and I shrug.

"Just about how much we've all changed since first year. Kaminari isn't a pervert, Ashido, you hate cheetah print now and you were obsessed with it, Jirou you dyed the tips of your hair black, Bakubro isn't screaming every 2 minutes, Sero you cut your hair, everyone got better at training. Its been interesting." I say and Jirou laughs. "Thats for sure." She says as we all pile up on the couch. "Yet Bakugo still goes to sleep at 8." Sero jokes and we laugh. Ashido hands out controllers as we start playing but my mind is elsewhere. Is he going to wake me up again tonight? Is he okay? Has anyone else heard? I can't stop thinking about him. I end up placing 5th as my mind isn't in the game and Kaminari teases me for it. I laugh and joke back as Ashido sits on the back of the couch and messes with my hair. For some weird reason, she's always been fascinated with my hair when its down. I relax a little and let her, chatting with Sero. "I think I'm out guys, I'm tired." I say and Ashido gets up, letting me leave. "Night!" Most of them say as I leave and start walking to my room. I open my door and walk inside, closing it behind me. I take off my shirt and change into boxers and gym shorts then crawl into bed, tugging my blankets over me.

I wake up to explosions for the sixth time this week and groan. Damn it, I'm done. I get up and leave my dorm, going next door and knocking on the door. "Bakugo!" I say and cross my arms. Oh fuck. How sleep deprived am I that I knocked on Katsuki Bakugo's door to tell him to stop using his quirk in the odd hours of the night? Well, too late to back out now. I'm the closest to him out of everyone, so he'd tell me if he'd tell anyone, right? The door snaps open a crack and a pissed Bakugo stands behind it. "What the fuck do you want, Shitty Hair?" He snaps, crossing his arms. Any irritation or bravery I had has flown out the window. "I just wanted to know what's up with the explosions?" I ask, rubbing the back of my neck. "Its none of your damn buisness. Go to bed." He says but the second sentence is slightly softer. Barely enough to notice. I sigh but nod. "Fine. You know I'm always here for you, right?" I say and he closes the door then I hear it lock. Damn it. I walk back to my room, close the door, and crawl into my bed, pulling the covers over me. I yawn and drift off to sleep, hopefully I won't be waken up again.

~Time Skip~

I wake up to my alarm clock and turn it off with a groan. Time to wake up. Gotta love Fridays, though! I get dressed and do my hair before walking to Bakugo's room and knocking on the door. "Ready?" I ask and the door snaps open. There he is, top couple of buttons undone on his shirt and without a tye as always. We meet up with everyone else and grab breakfast before walking to class.

~Time Skip~

Its been a long day, I'll admit. Aizawa was never one to take it easy on us but one on one fighting with the teachers and students is hell. We're all tuckered out and the cook got us some ice cream out of sympathy. All of 3A is now piled up in the common room, eating ice cream and napping. We're not exactly one big family, but you get real comfortable with people after living with them for three years. I've got my arm tossed around Bakugo's shoulder and ice cream bowl on my lap. He's leaned back a little bit and relaxed just slightly more than normal. Ashido is on my other side but curled up, napping. Jiro is laid across Momo's lap, sleeping quietly and Mineta has his own chair away from the poor girls. "There's some room next to J-" Mineta starts but I feel Bakugo tensing up. He pushes the bowl of ice cream onto Kaminari's lap, who was sitting on the other side of him, and I have to hold him back from getting up.

"Listen, you perverted grape haired purple bitch! They are trying to mind their own damn buisness and live their life. You need to fuck off or so help me I'll toss you off the roof by exploding you!" Bakugo growls, strainging slightly against me holding his shoulders. Ashido wakes up at the noise and glances at Bakugo, not fully awake. "Calm down, Bakubro. The girls are safe, they can handle themselves." I say slowly, very tempted to just accidentally let him go. But that wouldn't be very manly of me. "They shouldn't have to. Creepy asshole." Bakugo snaps and I manage to pull him back under my arm as Kaminari gives him the bowl back. Bakugo huffs but leans against me slightly as Mineta hides behind the chair. Coward. Well, most of us would be terrified if Bakugo wanted to throw us off a building but Mineta gave him a good reason. Sero just laughs, enjoying seeing someone else threaten Mineta. I roll my eyes but smile and go back to eating my ice cream. Ashido has laid her head back down on her pillow, knowing Bakugo would explode Mineta if he tried anything. "What a bitch." Sero comments and Bakugo nods. Mineta huffs but climbs back into the chair. I glance at Todoroki, happy he's comfortable enough to sleep in the common room even if it is sitting up. "We should watch a movie." I say and there seems to be a general agreement.

Tokoyami picks a random horror movie and gets it set up as Bakugo passes his bowl over for it to be set on a coffee table to take to the kitchen later. He's leaning against me just slightly, enough for me to notice but not anyone else. Or maybe I'm imaging things. Half way into the movie he jumps at a jump scare and goes directly to my side, as if seeking comfort or protection. I lower my arm from the back of the couch and keep him there since no one is really paying attention. He tucks his head into me as it reaches a scene where its just pure torture. Who brought this movie?? I sigh softly but put a comforting hand on his shoulder. By the end of the movie he's asleep and tucked into my side. Ashido gasps and I quickly hold up a finger to my lips, not wanting to wake him. I'm moderately sure he'd blow us all to pieces. "I gotta get a picture of this." Kaminari says and I shake my head. "One picture with my phone." I say and he huffs but grabs my phone and takes a picture before handing it back to me.

"Can you guys move a little? I'm gonna put him in his room." I ask quietly and they make some room. I slide one arm under his knees and the other under his shoulders. I move him onto my lap before standing up with him in my arms. Midoryia stares in awe but has Todoroki leaning on his shoulder. Uraraka holds up a supportive thumbs-up and I flash her a grin. I carry him to his room and struggle to open the door but manage then push it closed with my back once I'm inside. I take him straight to bed and lay him down. I pull the blankets up to his shoulders and smooth any hair from his face before leaving. I close the door to see Ashido. She grins and pats my shoulder. "What?" I ask and she just shrugs. "I'll wait for you to notice." She says. What is that supposed to mean?

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