2 Bakugo's POV

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"Stop, please stop!" I cry out as Shigaraki grabs my leg with all 5 fingers. I scream in agony as my leg starts to disintegrate and reach out towards the door in vain. "They don't care about you, you're a bratty boy who has nothing to offer. You should have joined us when you had the chance." Dabi snaps as I get one last idea. I look at my palms, grey from overusing my quirk before quickly pressing a hand to my head-

I wake up to my own defensive explosions with a choked sob. How I got in my bed is a minor concern now. I've already curled up on my side and am hugging a pillow to muffle my cries. I hear a knock on my door a few moments after and force myself to stop crying. I get up and wipe any tears from my face, opening the door. Shitty Hair. Again. "What do you want?" I snap but my voice still sounds broken and hoarse. He stares at me in slight awe as I cross my arms. "Bakugo... I'm here for you. What's going on?" He says and I think about telling him for a split second. I must have gone mad. "No. Nothing is going on, just go to bed nosy Shitty Hair." I say and glance at the back of my door. "Okay, but I'm here when you're ready." He says and backs away as I close the door. Stupid fucking Shitty Hair. I'm fine, I don't need anyone. I go back to bed and lay down with a huff. I could just stay up tomorrow. No sleep, no nightmares, right? Wouldn't hurt to try.

~Time Skip~

I wake up to the blaring alarm and groan. Its Saturday, why didn't I turn it off? Well, I'm already up now. I groan but decide to get some coffee and make breakfast. Shitty Hair comes out of his dorm just after I walk by. "Bakubro! Mind if I tag along?" He asks and I shrug. "I don't care." I say and he grins. Cheesy bastard. I shove my hands in my pocket as we walk to the kitchen. He starts getting stuff out and I'm a little offended. "Oi, don't trust my cooking Shitty Hair?" I snap and he blinks at me in surprise. "I-I didn't know if you'd want to cook. But yeah, I'd live for you to cook." He says and I push him towards a table as I start cooking. He watches me as I cook but I don't really care. He gets back up and props his arm on my shoulder and I shift the food onto plates. "Thanks, Bakubro." He says and I huff. "Don't mention it." I mumble as we take our plates to the table. We talk normally and he doesn't mention the last few nights.

I'm thankful for it and stay moderately calm for me, which is slightly off the norm. He just seems happy to be here and is smiling constantly. That's Shitty Hair for you. He doesn't stop talking as we walk to class and we get there early. I don't mind listening. We get there early and hang out around his desk with Dunce Face, Racoon Eyes, Ear Jacks, and Tape as he props his arm on my shoulder. I don't care and haven't for a long time. I'll admit I've grown used to it, its almost comforting. Eraserhead walks in and we alk scramble to our seats as class begins.

~Time Skip~

Class beat my ass today. I over-used my quirk at least twice and am sore as all get out. Aizawa decided that our quirks weren't strong enough and told all of us to push to our limit today. I think we all stayed true to our mantra, Plus Ultra. We're all layed out like sleepy cats among the common room and not even Grape Bitch is up and bothering anyone. He's holding a towel to his head as more blood oozes out. Icyhot is half covered with a blanket with his shirt off and the other half exposed, trying to maintain a stable temperature. Pink Cheeks is curled up with a bucket and no one complains of the sound. Tape is putting on lotion almost constantly and Shitty Hair is just curled up on a bean bag, occasionally shaking. My eyes probably look dull and my hands are an angry red. It might be nitroglycerin burns, which I haven't had since I was 5. They're bandaged with some cream and are starting to feel better. Recovery Girl even gave some of us a visit. I'm laying stomach down the couch close to Shitty Hair, and not to lie I'm a little worried about him. His skin is hardened in random places and it makes me worried that he's over-used it too bad. "Shitty Hair, talk to me." I say quietly, just loud enough for him to hear. "It hurts." He says, almost whimpering and turning to the side slightly like he's trying to get comfortable. My chest hurts at seeing him in so much pain. "I'm going to try something, okay? Tell me to stop if it hurts." I say and he nods, face contorted in pain. His shirt is raised half way up from his desperate tossing and turning. Sounds of Pink Cheeks throwing up fill the room but no one seems to care. Dunce Face is laying a ways away from the rest of us, occasionally electric to the touch. I reach a hand out and trace around a hardened patch of skin gently. I stay as gentle as humanly possible and don't actually touch the patch of skin, just trace around it.

His breathing seems erratic and frightened but the skin slowly softens and he breaths normally. "Thank you." He whispers and I nod. I trace around another patch of skin and it slowly softens too. I keep going until I have to raise his shirt up more. His breathing evens out and he slowly starts to relax. "Are there more?" I ask and he shakes his head, just breathing. I nod and start to take my hand away but he grabs my wrist. I blink in surprise and look at him but he slowly unwraps the bandages. Whatever Recovery Girl put on my hand has been absorbed and my palm is still slightly pink. He blows gently on my hand and I flinch but sigh as it seems to cool my hand down. I relax and let him, laying my head down on the couch as he eventually lays my hand down palm up and starts on my other hand. No one seems to care or even notice, too preoccupied taking care of each other and themselves. Laser has wrapped his arm around Pink Cheeks, I guess knowing the struggle of having nausea as a side effect. Deku is just curled up on another bean bag with ice packs, probably sore out of his mind. "I fucking hate Aizawa." Tape groans and all of us make general sounds of agreement. I'm moderately sure Ponytail is starting to have a panic attack, wearing a low cut tank top and bleeding from her chest. Ear Jacks is wearing bandages around her ear jacks but pressing gauze to Ponytail's chest and talking softly. We've all pulled together to help each other out at this point. The Bird is laying next to a softly lit lamp and sleeping.

We're all exhausted and probably going to all sleep here tonight. Shitty Hair has laid both my hands down and tucked his head into the bean bag. I rewrap my bandages haphazardly and lay a hand on his head, reassuring myself that he's not going anywhere as I watch around me. Four Eyes is sitting next to Ponytail with his legs on cushions, occasionally tensing up. His lower legs are basically black and his arms are crossed over his lap. Monkey is on his side on a mat on the floor with his tail laid down on pillows. Today's training wouldn't have hurt Invisible Girl but her spot in the class was taken by Eye Bags a long time ago. He's curled up a ways away with noise canceling headphones and Advil, closer to Dunce Face than any of the rest. At least UA is willing to give any materials that could help with us over-using our quirks. I yawn softly and lay my head back down, satisfied with what I've seen.

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