4 Bakugo's POV

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I wake up to Kiri studying and blush, I fell asleep? I rub my head against him as I start to wake up and he flinches. "Hey!" He says gently and I sit up, trying to discretely hide my blush. Why am I blushing? No homo, and all. He lets me sit up a little and keeps his arm around me. "Hey, you don't have to go but its 7:45 and I know you go to sleep at 8 so I just wanted to let you know." He says but I immediately shake my head. "I'm staying up tonight." I say quickly and he stares at me oddly. "What?" I snap and he shrugs. "Nothing. Its just that this is our third year living in these dorms and I've never seen you stay up past 8 unless there's a party." He says quietly but I just look back at the notes pointedly. He drops it to ask me questions about history. I help him out with it and shifts his arm to fall on the bed beside me but stays around me. I let myself lean against him slightly as I'm still tired. He doesn't comment on it and I'm thankful for it. My eyes start to feel heavy soon but I refuse to go to sleep. He occasionally asks me questions about the notes but otherwise let's me study. "Hey, do you want to take a break?" I ask, eager to do something to keep my eyes open. "Yeah! Thanks for helping me, by the way." He says and pushes the binders away. "What do you want to do? Watch a movie?" He asks and I shake my head, too easy to go to sleep. "Uh, games maybe? I don't know. Maybe just talking?" I say and rub my eyes. "You don't have to stay up with me or we can have a sleepover." He offers and I must be sleep deprived because I'm actually considering it. Maybe I didn't have a nightmare the other night because I was in the common room with people I know and care about. That's the only reason.

"Let's watch a movie, okay?" He says carefully. I glance at him but nod and he takes his arm out from around me to get up and put a movie in. He sits back down beside me and puts his arm around my shoulders after turning off the lights. Just friends watching a movie, no homo. He seems to relax instantly and I notice its a Disney movie with slight curiosity. I glance at him with my eyebrow raised skeptically and he blushes a little. "Its kind of a comfort movie, I thought we both could use it with... recent events." He says quietly and I just nod. Brother Bear. Who would've thought? Well, I won't say anything to anyone. I can't keep my eyes open and end up falling asleep, leaning against him.

~Time Skip~

I wake up with explosions sounding off and manage a choked sob. I feel a rock move to pin me down and yelp, pressing my exploding hands to it. "Hey, calm down Bakubro. Its just me." I hear Kiri say and my eyes widen as he wraps his arms around me. Tears are rolling down my face and it feels like I can't breathe. He rubs my back beneath my shirt and keeps me close. "Its okay, you're safe. I've got you, you're okay. No one can hurt you." He says softly as I cling to his shirt, trying to force myself to stop. "Hey, hey. This stays here. No one else is going to know. Just let it out, I'm not going to judge Bakugo." He says as I press my head against his chest, gasping for breath between sobbing. "Shhh, focus on your breathing. You're completely safe, no one can hurt you." He says and I obey him, trying to focus on my breathing instead of making myself stop. "Its okay to cry, let it out." He whispers and rests his head on mine. I eventually breathe better but am still crying from the dream. He keeps whispering comforting things and rubs my back. It actually works and I slowly calm down fully, still clinging to his shirt.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks but I shake my head, not ready for it. "That's okay. You don't have to. This stays here, okay? I'm not telling anyone." He says and traces faint patterns on my back beneath my shirt. I tuck my head into him, too scared yet sleepy to be embarrassed. He rests his head on mine and keeps me in his arms. I let my eyes drift closed as he whispers comforting things.

~Time Skip~

I wake up to an empty bed and groan softly, sitting up after a moment. "Morning, Bakubro!" Kiri says from the couch and I rub my eyes. Why the fuck is he on the couch? Oh. "Morning." I say, voice still a little raspy from waking up. He still grins and sits up fully to look at me. This boy is going to be the death of me with that grin of his. He gets up and walks over to the bed before sitting down beside me. "How are you feeling, Bakubro?" He asks and I huff. "Kinda tired." I say with a groan and he nods. "Well it's Saturday so we can do whatever you want to today." He says, seemingly a little excited. "I'll cook breakfast then we should just stay in or something." I reply and look over at him. How is he in such a good mood at this time in morning? "Sounds great to me!" He says and gets up, grabbing a hoodie to slip over his head. He offers me one and I take it, putting on his hoodie before we both stretch then he opens the door. We get out and close the door behind us before starting to walk to the kitchen.

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