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𝐸𝑙𝑠𝑎I'm sat in the Griffindor common room in which I feel very out of place, me Rapunzel and Merida decided to have a girl's night in after I'd finished detention in the forest

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I'm sat in the Griffindor common room in which I feel very out of place, me Rapunzel and Merida decided to have a girl's night in after I'd finished detention in the forest.

"So let me get this straight you saw you know who, in the woods?"
Merida questioned again.

"Yes! He's living off the nightmares that's what's keeping him alive"
I replied.

Suddenly Punzie gasped and started flustering around.

"Bunny isn't trying to steal the stone for himself, he's trying to give it to Pitch!, the elixir of life will make him take his true form"
she screamed.

"Elsa when he comes back, do you think he'll try and kill you?, yknow like your parents"
Merida began to mumble.

I took a big breath.

"well he tried to in the forest, he sort of flew towards with as if he was going to, but a centaur jumped in the way. He told me to leave, and that the dark creatures of the forest knew who I was"
I grumbled whilst playing with my braid.

"Pitch has to be afraid of someone right? Otherwise he would still be here"
Rapunzel squeaked.

I whispered under my breath.

"He's afraid of Professor Manny!"

Soon the conversation deteriorated and we all fell asleep by the fire place.

I had to find Elsa. Something she said last night kept me awake all night funny how North just wants a dragon and all of a sudden someone shows up with one no strings attached.

That's when I realised there were strings attached, strings North didn't even realise, that'd have big consequences.

I burst into Ravenclaw common room and dashed straight to Elsa's dorm, ignoring all the awkward stares. I knocked on her door and out peeked Belle.

"Where's Elsa?" I asked, I didn't realise how loud my voice was until it echoed around the halls. Belle stretched and let out a yawn.

"She didn't come back last night, must of fallen asleep in Gryffindor again"
as she slowly shut the door.

I turned away and began to run over to Griffindor which was luckily right next door, I ran in to see Elsa, Merida and Rapunzel all asleep in a little bundle on the sofa.

I ran over and stroked Elsa's forehead to gently wake her up, she grumbled abit before opening her eyes before looking at me with a very puzzled expression. I took her hand in mine.

𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐀 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐄Where stories live. Discover now