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Alex looked at Kara and back at the door.

"I'll give you a head start," Kara said with a smirk. With that, Alex went running out the towards the bathroom, but before Alex got to the door Kara used her superspeed and closed the door in front of Alex.

"To slow."

"Ughhh mom why did you ever have to adopt her! I will never get over it!"

"Girls stop that and get down for breakfast before your late for school!" Called Eliza from the kitchen.

Kara got changed into a simple black dress with her mother's necklace and a cardigan over it. With her curly hair and her glasses on.

Kara got out of the bathroom, smirked at Alex, and headed to the kitchen. Alex rolled her eyes looked the door to the bathroom and got ready. With that, she went to the kitchen to Eliza and Kara eating.

"Alex, are you gonna drive with Kara to school?" Eliza asked.

"No. I can't be seen with a nerd!" "No, I'm going on the bus with Kenny and Winn." Kara and Alex said at the same time.

"Okay, and Alex do not call Kara a nerd!"

"But she is." Kara rolled her eyes.

"I have to go Winn and Kenny are waiting for me at the bus stop," Kara said picking her things up.

"Okay, bye sweetie hope you have a great day!" Eliza said.

"Bye Eliza! Alex, I hope I don't see you for the rest of the day."

"Same goes for you nerd," Alex said rolling her eyes.

Kara headed out the door and walked toward her bus stop. As she was walking she thought about Krypton and her parents, she really missed her home. If she was there right now she will most probably be learning how to be a great Queen like her mother, but she will have to marry the jerk Prince of Daxam for the peace treaty. She herself had never met him, but there were always rumors going around that he was the worst. At least she got saved from that, she thought, before she arrived at the stop.

"Kara there you are!" Winn said

"I thought for a moment that you weren't gonna make it," Kenny adds.

"Yeah, sorry Eliza made us a pretty big breakfast."

After chatting for a minute the bus pulls up and the three of them get in with some other people. When Kara looks on the bus she sees all the popular kids at the back including James, Mike, Chuck, Alison, and Imra. She sits towards the bus and just talks with Kenny and Winn for the rest of the way towards Midvale High.

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