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It was early in the morning and Mike woke up to the sound of an alarm clock. He reached to turn off the alarm clock but it seems like he turned it off a little too hard. He ended up smashing the clock.

"Really? That's literally the ninth one this month!" He groaned.

"Mike hurry up before you're late!" Dona his adoptive mother yelled.

Mike slowly got out of bed and used his superspeed to get ready. He got down and found Dona setting his plate down on the kitchen counter. He sat down and started to eat, while he was eating he was checking his phone for any messages. He saw that he was invited to a party next week and he could bring whoever he wants with him, only one name popped up in his head. Kara. He knew he only had met her for a while but he liked her already. Was it first love at sight? 

Mike decided to try to search her up on Instagram. She had a few pictures but one caught his eyes immediately.

 She had a few pictures but one caught his eyes immediately

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(Pretend she has glasses on.)

Mike loved the way she smiled, her hair was perfect, her skin looked so soft, while he was thinking about her Dona interrupted him.

"Who is that beautiful girl?" Dona said looking over his shoulder.

"Her name is Kara, Kara Danvers," Mike responded.

"You have a crush on her don't you!" Dona said teasing him.

"Maybe, and I don't think anyone uses 'crush' anymore," Mike said smiling.

Mike got on the bus and went to the back where his friends were. When he sat down Chuck started talking.

"Hey Mike, did you hear about the party next week? I heard there were going to be hot chicks there."

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