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Kara was looking through her closet for something to wear for the party when Alex came in.

"Where are you going?" Alex asked sternly.

"I'm going to a party with Mike," Kara replied.

"Wait like Mike Mathews, why would he go with you?" Alex laughed.

"I don't know but he is."

"Well I don't like you, but I'm going to help you pick out what to wear so you won't make a fool out of your self," Alex said moving her out of the way so she can see in Kara's closet. It took some time for her to choose but she finally pulled out a tight black dress.

The GIF above the title has the dress.

"That dress?" Kara asked.

"Yes, this dress and you are going to were it!" Alex ordered.

Kara took the dress and set it on her bed. "What shoes am I going to wear?"

"These black heels," Alex said taking out some black heels. Kara grabbed them and set time with the dress she looked at it again and she kind of liked it.

"Ohh and straighten your hair it will look better than with your natural curls," Alex commented. Kara was stunned on how Alex was actually helping her she knew that Alex wasn't very fond of her but maybe they were making progress somehow?

"Okay thank you so much, Alex," Kara said looking at her.

"Yeah I helped you for your own good and your welcome I guess?" Alex replied. heading out of the room.

Kara looked at the outfit once again and decided to start getting ready because it was already seven. Kara put the dress on, it really showed her curves well it was not too long nor too short, she sat down on her vanity and started to straighten her hair. Once she was down she decided to put on some mascara and some lipstick. She didn't really need so much makeup because her skin was already very clear tanks for her alien DNA. Once she was done she got her necessities in her small purse then she went and put on the heels. She was already wearing her mother's necklace so she was fine.

Kara went down the stairs to see Eliza and Alex talking. Eliza turned around and was surprised because Kara wasn't really the type of person to go out to party neither dress how she has done so.

"Kara sweetie you look lovely," Eliza said smiling.

"Thanks, Eliza." There was a knock on the door. Kara's heart stopped for a second, she then made her way over to the door and opened the door to see Mike, wearing a grey shirt, a leather jacket, black jeans, and back shoes.

 Kara's heart stopped for a second, she then made her way over to the door and opened the door to see Mike, wearing a grey shirt, a leather jacket, black jeans, and back shoes

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Mike stepped in front of Karas's house breath taken away when he saw Kara in that black dress he could see how her curves flowed.

"Hi." Is all that came out his lips.


"You look beautiful," Mike said making Kara blush.

"Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself."

"Well I think we should go we don't want to be too late."

"Yeah, let's go bye Eliza!" Kara said giving a wave to Eliza.

"Bye sweetie be careful," Eliza responded closing the door behind them.

Mike helped Kara into his car and then they drove off singing to some songs and chatting.


They got to the driveway and automatically you can see some people outside talking or making out., you can even hear the music from outside. Mike got out first and went running to the other side to open the door for Kara.

"What a gentleman." Kara teased which made Mike let out a laugh. They walked up to the front door and walked in.


Alisson, James, Chuck, Imra, and some other people were standing next to a table drinking and talking.

"When is Mike going to be here?" Imra asked.

"Who knows do you think he brought a chick?" Chuck asked, while Alisson just shrugged.

"He told me he was going to ask Kara, but I'm not sure," James commented.

"I don't so the girl is not even pretty she's just a crappy geek," Imra said rolling her eyes.

"Well I'm gonna be honest here and say Kara is low-key pretty hot," Chuck said.


Mike and Kara walked into the door when Mike grabbed her hand. Kara looked down at their interviewed hands and blushed. Mike looked at her and smiled. As they were walking everyone stood at their way and just stared at them. The girls were looking at Mike then at Kara, the guys were mostly just checking Kara out.

Mike looked out at the back of the house and saw his friends he took Kara over to them. Kara was a little nervous epically with Imra's deadly death stare filled with jealousy.

"Hey, guys!" Mike said standing next to James leaving Kara next to Imra.

"Hey man," James said, Chuck just stared at Kara looking at her up and down, which made Kara kinda uncomfortable. Mike could sense Kara nervousness so he wrapped a hand around her waist and gave her a small smile. Imra just looked at them she hated it, she has liked Mike since forever and she wasn't going to just let Kara come and steal him.

"I love this song how about we go dance?" Alisson asked. Everyone went to the dance floor and started dancing. Mike and Kara were having such a great time laughing, talking, and dancing of course.

An hour or so had passed and Imra has had enough of it. She was tired of how Mike looked at Kara, how they make each other laugh, how they just connect. Imra went up to them and stood in the middle of Mike and Kara. Imra stood there giving Kara a death stare.

"Imra are you okay?" Mike asked, Imra said nothing and just turned around to face Mike and kissed him. Kara stood there in shock she had this feeling, jealousy.

What Will Happen Next?

Thank You for Reading! Follow @team.supergirl on Instagram! - Jasmin

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