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Kara and Winn were getting their food and then went the there table, the 'loser' table. They sat there talking waiting for Kenny who had gone to the bathroom after math class, all of a sudden a girl asked if she can sit with them.

"Umm, excuse me is this seat taken?" She asked Kara and Winn.

"No its all free!" Winn said.

"Are you new here?" Kara asked.

"Yeah, I just moved to Midvale with my family. My name is Lena by the way."

"Ohh, My name is Kara, this is Winn, and also our friend Kenny should be joining us soon, Ohh there he is!" Before Kenny can come any closer the jerk of Chuck smashed his tray down. They were making fun of him. That made Kara get angry that her fingers went through the table, she got up and went over to the table where Chuck, Mike, James, Imra, Alison, and some other teammates were. Mike also got mad because he didn't like it when other people got teased. Mike saw Kara get up and defended Kenny.

"Leave him alone!" Kara yelled at Chuck.

"If I won't what are you gonna do little Miss Danvers?" Chuck said trying to touch Kara's Hair but, before he could Kara instantly grabbed his wrist. Chuck was surprised by how strong Kara was. People started to stare at the scene Chuck had caused.

"Don't you dare touch me!" Kara pushed Chuck back, helped Kenny pick up his tray, and headed to her table. Before she had sat down at her table she had shared a glance with Mike.

"Damn Chuck you almost got your ass beaten by Kara Danvers!" James said now laughing. Chuch just rolled his eyes and looked at his wrist it was a little red. Kara didn't even try but if she did then maybe she could've snapped his wrist in half. 

When Kara saw what she had done to the table she instantly covered it with her tray and shared glances with Kenny and Winn. She knew that Winn saw when her fingers went through the table and that Kenny saw the table messed up when he sat down. She didn't think Lena saw it so she was a little relieved. They talked for a while when Kara saw Alex heading toward her table.

"Kara can I talk to you for a minute," Alex said giving her a death stare.

"Fine." Kara rolled her eyes and got up and followed Alex to the bathroom.

"Kara how could you do that you could've exposed yourself what will people think that I have an alien sister!" Alex said.

"That's all you care about, don't you!'what will people think about you'. And Alex you and I are NOT sisters!" With that Kara stormed out of the restroom leaving Alex in the bathroom. 

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