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•night sky•

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•night sky•

All Kara could feel when Imra grabbed Mike and pushed him down for his lips to meet hers was jealousy

"What the hell Imra?" Mike said pulling back.

"What? You'd rather be with that fucken nerdy greek?" Imra said pointing to Kara.

"Excuse me?" Kara said crossing her arms in front of her chest. Imra turned around and looked back at Kara.

"What, you got a problem?" Imra said swinging her hair. "Because if we do we can sort it out right now!"

"Imra I don't wanna fight you it for your own good, all I want is for you to watch out what comes out of your mouth," Kara said rolling her eyes.

"For my own good? Bitch, I will beat the fuck outta you!" Kara knew that there was no way that Imra will ever be able to fight her, She could hut Imra just using her pinky.

"Okay Imra that's enough you're just drunk, so please go on somewhere," Mike said.

"Oh so now you are defending her?" Imra said annoyed.

"I don't need no one to defend me!" Kara said stepping in.

"Okay let's test it out!" Imra said starting to swing her hand at Kara's face but before she could come a centimeter closer to Kara's face Kara got a grip on her wrist.

"What the hell let go of me!" Imra said trying to let go of Kara's grasp.

"I thought you said I couldn't defend myself?" Kara said pushing Imra back letting go of her wrist. Imra looked down at her wrist and started to rub on it. She didn't think Kara, the 'geek', 'nerd' was even this strong.

"I think we should go somewhere else maybe?" Mike suggested.

"I'd like that," Kara said walking out of the part to Mike's car. 


Mike decided to take Kara to the beach since there were really close by and the night hadn't ended yet. They pulled up to the beach and Kara immediately got out and went to the sand kicking her heels off feeling the sand in between her toes.

"I can see that you like the beach!" Mike said jokingly.

"Yeah, t's one of my favorite places to be especially at night when you can see at the stars."

"Well its one of my favorite places as well I come here and think a lot I guess it helps me relax or something," Mike said also kicking his shoes off and standing next to kara look at the night sky. They went closer to the water but still far enough to not get wet and laid down still staring at the stars. 

Mike looked over at Kara and saw how she was well distracted so he took this opportunity and easily picked her up and went running into the water making sure that he took his phone out his pocket and threw Kara's purse out in the sand before going in.

"Omg Mike!" Kara yelled while Mike was historically laughing. "What the hell?"

"You know you are really cute when you are mad!" Mike said causing Kara to blush.

The rest of the evening was filled with chatting, splashing, and laughing.


Mike stood at Kara's porch saying their goodbyes as the night came to an end.

"You know I had a really nice time," Kara said looking him.

"Yeah me too maybe we could hang out more often you know like friends or not I mean if you don't want to-" Mike got cut off by Kara. "I'd love to," Kara said smiling.

"Okay, we can schedule something up one day! Bye have a goodnight!" Mike said.

"Yeah, you too!" Kara said making her way closer to Mike and giving him a peck on the cheek before turning back opening the from the door and said goodnight =one last time before walking in.

Mike stood there for a moment before going to into his car and smiling the whole way back to his home.


They both went to sleep with a smile on their face waiting what the rest of the week might bring.

Sorry for the really short chapter hopefully the next one is more interesting! Thank You For Reading! Follow @team.supergirlon Instagram! - Jasmin

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2020 ⏰

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