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Initialize = Kyrpytonianese   Bold Initialize = Daxamianese

Kara was done writing her sentence which said 'Hello my name is Kara, nice to meet you.' 

Mon-el was also done writing his sentence which said 'My name is Mike, and I like football.'  

"Okay, class I'm going to start pairing you guys up! Imra and James, Winn and Kenny, Alison and Lena, Ella and Mark, Kara and Mike..." The teacher kept pairing the students up. Kara and Mike looked at each other and smiled. "Okay, not get with your partners." 

All the students got up and went to their partners awkwardly, accept Winn and Kenny since they were best friends. Kara got out her seat and made her way over to Mike.

"So I guess I'm stuck with you, Little Danvers," Mike said teasing Kara.

"Oh, shut up! Little Mathews." Kara said.

They made there way over to a small table in the corner of the classroom and settled down.

"Okay so now what we trade papers and read it?" Mike asked.

"I guess, here's mine now give me yours," Kara said trading papers with Mike.

They both read it and they were shocked. Kara knew how to speak and read Daxamianese, the same was for Mon-el he knew how to speak and read Kryptonianese. They both looked up wide-eyed at each other none of them said anything for a minute till Kara broke the silence.

"What does it mean?" 

"It means, Hello my name is Kara, nice to meet you. What does yours mean?" Kara asked.

"It means, My name is Mike, and I like football," Mike answered.

Kara was confused about how Mike knew Daxamianese, and Mike was confused about how Kara knew Kryptonianese. They just looked at each other Mike was going to say something but the teacher interrupted him.

"Okay class clean up, you guys will be dismissed in a minute!" Then the bell rang meaning it was time to go home. All the students got up and headed out of the classroom. Mike went with his friends and Kara with hers, their own separate ways. 

After she got all her stuff gathered in her bag she went meet with Winn, Kenny, and Lena to catch the bus. They were one of the first ones on the bus. Lena sat on the window seat and Kara got the aisle seat, right across from her sat Kenny and Winn.

"So Lena do you like the school so far?" Kara asked.

"Yeah, it pretty good even though Winn, Kenny and you are my only friends." They both laughed when Kara's phone ringed. It was a text from Eliza.

Eliza: Kara I'm going to be home around 8:00 pm, I left money on the counter so you guys can order take out. Please do not fight with Alex over the potstickers! Love you, sweetie!

Kara: Okay thank you Eliza, and don't worry over me and Alex! I will have 15 potstickers and I will give her 5. Love you too!

Right, when Kara had sent the text she looked up and saw Mike get on the bus. Mike smirked at her, Kara smiled back and looked back at her phone as he passed by her and made his way towards the back with his friends. 

"Is there something between you and that Mike guy?" Lena asked.

"No no, umm, we are just I don't know classmates actually we are friends I guess," Kara answered.

"Mhmm, well I think he might like you! You guys will make a really cute couple!" Lena said.

"What! Why would you say that?"

"I agree!" Kenny and Winn both said. Kara looked at them and rolled her eyes.

"Kara I saw the way he looked at you when you guys came into Spanish class together."

"And the way you guys looked at each other in gym class!" Winn added.

"I don't think so, Plus I think he likes Imra." Kara said.

Soon they arrived at their stop, Kara got up and said bye to Lena. When Kara got in front of her house she also said bye to Winn and Kenny. When she opened the Alex was in the living room totally ignoring that she had just arrived. Kara went upstairs put some music on and finished her homework. 

When Kara was done with her homework she decided to order some takeout.

"Alex, do you want anything specific from the Chinese restaurant?" Kara asked.

"no," Alex said.

Kara went and grabbed the phone and ordered the usual. While she was waiting for the food she started to wonder about what had happened in Spanish class. 'Could it be possible? Can he be an alien? I don't think so. Maybe I should let it go.' Kara thought. 

Mike was in his room he had eaten in his bedroom to think about what had happened today. 'I mean it could be possible? She did beat me in gym class and I do have super strength. Maybe I'm just exaggerating, she could just be strong? I should just let it go.' Mike thought. 

With that, they just continued there day just letting go of what had happened.

Thank you guys for reading! Sorry, this chapter was shorter than the rest but maybe the next chapter will make up for it! Follow @team.supergirl on Instagram! - Jasmin

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