The Elevator...

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/ Tony was stuck in the elevator when someone comes and tries to stop him but can not ... /

Z- Sorry, had not heard you called me ..

T- Does not matter ... I tried the elevator will not close, but it does not matter, we have been a little tired atrapados.- Tony said.

Z-What? -?! Yelled Ziva starting to hyperventilate ..

T-Agent Daaveed, didint know what caused this effect insti- Tony said sarcastically

Z- Tony, I'm not amused by sitting right now- Ziva troubles in a corner of the elevator said.

T-Zee, are you okay? - Ask Tony really worried and sitting down beside her.

Z-Really these questions worried you or just teasing me? -Ask Ziva with effort

T-Really im so bastard Ziva? - Asked Tony pain.

Z-Forgive me, Tony, no, I'm not fine, I'm claustrophobic and I will not take much here.

T-I thought you hadnt had a weakness, okay, okay, I stop, tell me I do to help-not finish the sentence when Ziva start breathing harder.

T-Ziva!Ziva, dont do this to me please! I swear to protect you with my own life-Tony shouted as he tried frantically to Ziva woke up.Please Ziva ...i didint had the chance to say something to you...

Z-Are u ok Tony?

// Tony gets up and with a quick movement sits atop his Ziva //

Z-Tony? - Asked Ziva surprised.

T-No, Ziva, I'm not okay, it's something you carry inside for a long time and now is the perfect time, I think I'm in love with someone in the office ...

Z-What? Do you, having eyes only for a woman? And who is, because if the office ... is Abby - Asked Ziva.

T-Zee No, not Abby, really,ABBY IS LIKE MY SISTER!

Z- Of course but Abby is attractive and .. WAIT, if it isnt Abby and you are not going with anyone else...

-To be continued-

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