Books: Part 16

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45 Minutes Later:

I have ten books in my hands stacked up. I look at my phone and it's been 45 minutes! That went by fast. I turn to go to the next aisle and see Thomas. He has four books in his hands including the one I wrote. I walk up to him and as I do so he turns and smiles at me.

"Hey Thomas"

"Hey" he says and looks at all the stack of book in your arms "Wow you have a lot of books" he says

"Yeah I love reading, it's so relaxing" I say

"You should put my book back" I add

"Why" he asks

"It's not that good"

"It looks amazing! When I go home it's gonna be the first book I start reading" he says laughing at the end.

"After you read it can you give me an honest opinion on it?"

"Yeah, but I'm sure it's amazing"

"Thanks, have you read The Death Cure yet?" I ask

"I finished reading The Death Cure the day before we started filming The Maze Runner" we both laugh

"I read that years ago, it's a great book and I can't believe I'm going to be in the movie!" He just laughs and smiles at me. Then he asks "Wait Aspen makes it to the end?"

"Yeah well I don't know if she dies but Wes told me I would be in The Death Cure movie" I add, Thomas smiles and says "Wait you said years ago you read them right?"

"Yeah years ago I was obsessed" I say

"Who is your favorite character?" He asks

"Newt" I say he just blushes and laughs "Its always been Newt ever since I started the first book" I add. He blushes more

I look at my phone and see a text. I think to myself crap I forgot I have plans on Thursday

Then I ask him "Do you want to go to dinner tonight instead of on Thursday? I just looked at my phone and I forgot I had an interview about the movie, I'm sorry"

It was a Tuesday and I had plans to have dinner with him on Wednesday and Thursday

"Yeah sure I don't have any plans today" He turns back to the shelves filled with books and says "Yes! I have been looking for this book everywhere"

"Nerd" I say

"Says the one with ten books in her arms" Thomas replies

"Well.... Ummm.... you're a British nerd" I say he looks at me puzzled and we both break out laughing.

"British nerd" I say again dying of laughter

"American nerd" he says

"That isn't as cool" I reply

"And why not?" He asks

"Because I love british accents"

Thomas blushes and laughs "you don't love American accents?"

"Ehhh I mean not as good as Australian or British ones" I say

"British or Australian? Pick one." Thomas says

"Hmmm that's tough" I laugh awkwardly "I like both" we both chuckle and start walking to check out.

"Ok but what if you have to pick" he says

I roll my eyes and walk away and buy my books and I wait for him to buy his, after about a minute he is done and Thomas walks up to me.

Fans came and ask for pictures and autographs after 10 minutes when they are about to leave I say "It was lovely meeting you guys" I say, they hug me and Thomas and say goodbye and how great it was meeting us and they leave.

"I love them, they are so sweet" I say to Thomas

"Yeah they are really nice, you never answered my question" he says

"Ummm probably British" I say this making him blushes

"I wish I had a British accent" I add, we both giggle

"I like your accent" he says to me blushing and we both giggle more, we walk out to the car and Thomas opens the door for me.

We both giggle and I roll my eyes. He laughs even more and walks to his side of the car. Once he gets in the car I get a phone call, he looks at me, I look at my phone "It's Kaya" I say he laughs and I answer the phone.

Word Count: 714

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