2700 Bullying Monarchs

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Inside his private room in the freedom hotel Shi Feng summoned his three personal guards. After not seeing them for a while. Versallies and Kite both reached level 126 while Anna was level 127, all of them were tier 4 as well. Versallies wielded a special fragmented legendary staff as well three pieces of the extremely rare fragmented legendary accessory set, one being a hat, pendant, and ring. Accessory sets were different from regular sets, although the attributes the set provides don't compare to normal sets their passive and active skills are game changing. The skills of an epic accessory set are as strong and useful as fragmented legendary weapons skills and for fragmented legendary accessory sets those skills could rival the power of divine artifacts. Kite managed to get fragmented legendary armor and boots and Shi Feng could tell his twin darkmoon blades were strengthened. While they might not be legendary rank the twin swords were not that far off. Anna had the most improvement of the three; she not only wielded a full set of fragmented legendary accessory sets but she also wielded a legacy armor set that is similar to Shi Feng's broken steel set.

Suddenly Shi Feng took out two fruits of life and gave one to Kite. After a deep bow Kite ate the fruit and suddenly all the rooms mana concentrated to his position. A cocoon made of liquid mana surrounded Kite and after a few seconds the chacon bloomed like a lotus flower. Kite didn't seem different but Shi Feng can sense a familiar feeling from him. Shi Feng couldn't tell what this feeling was but it shook his very bones. Ignoring his thoughts, Shi Feng checked out Kites statistics. "Yes he became epic rank", Shi Feng was excited, Kite's growth potential rose from 96 to 104. Next was Versallies, Shi Feng strengthened Versallies soul with the ancient god literature fragment then gave him another fruit of life. A similar phenomenon to Kites occurred but was much weaker. Versallies growth potential rose to 101 putting him squarely at epic rank. Shi Feng wasn't surprised by how low it was, after all Versailles already ate a fruit of life so the effects of the second fruit should be much weaker. After taking one last look at his personal guards Shi Feng was very satisfied "alright let's go dethrone some monarchs"

Shi Feng along with his personal guards made their way to the first monarch lair. A 60 meter tall rhinoceros with white skin and pale blue flame coming out of its body was resting. (Frost Rhino level 123, 13,100,000,000hp, bloodline superior mythic monarch)
Monarch bosses grow to be slightly ahead of the average level of gods domain front line players. "Time to finally stretch our legs, why don't you guys show me what you can do" Shi Feng said as he pointed to the monarch. With a nod Anna, Kite and Versallies went straight into action.
First one up was Versallies after a 2 second incantation a threefold magic array circle appeared above the Frost rhino, all the ambient mana then swirled into the center of the array and a white flaming tornado over 40 meters wide and 100 meters tall spontaneously appeared under the monarch. Tier 4 super spell- white flare hurricane
Damages of 40,000,000 and above continuously gifted the Frost Rhino, but its suffering didn't end there, suddenly Kite jumped over and his swords were releasing torrents of black wind. Kite changed his footwork and four after images of him appeared. Each after image went to one side of the flaming white tornado and swung their blades in the same direction the tornado spun.
Tier 4 legacy skill- dark wind.
Black raging winds shot out of The four Kites swords and combined with Versailles spell. The flaming tornado became even bigger and stronger as it spun wildly, it almost looked like armageddon appeared, as damages in the 100,000,000s continuously displayed. Combination skill- Dark Flare Hurricane.

After about ten seconds the move finally ended and the Frost Rhino looked half dead, it only had a little over half its hp left. The monarch's suffering didn't end there, Anna finished her chant and out came a 40 meter tall knight made of pure light (Knight of the Sun, Mythic level 136, 12,000,000,000hp) Tier 4 curse- shining juggernaut.
The Frost Rhino was about to charge into the knight but Anna just finished another incantation and the monster was caught in chains of darkness.
Tier 4 super spell- chains of the black crown. With the Rhino stopped in its tracks, the knight of light was free to wail on the monster slashing at it indiscriminately. The Frost Rhino had no chance to fight back. Anna, Kite, and Versallies bullied the poor thing, for a second Shi Feng swore he saw a tear form in the monarch's eye. Shi Feng pitied the beast. When the monarch was close to death Shi Feng activated divine providence and dealt the finishing blow. The monster dropped a little over 100 items all being top tier materials, scrolls, and weapons. A few designs for ice resistance potions dropped, but one item caught Shi Feng's eye. It was an old book that radiated a bit of divine might, "this is a fragment of an ancient war fortress design"! Shi Feng couldn't believe his eyes, a war fortress was the most powerful war weapon in the game even tier 6 players wouldn't dare to confront a war fortress, but an ancient war fortress is even more powerful. In fact an ancient war fortress could determine the fate of an entire world. The closest thing to an ancient war fortress that Shi Feng ever saw was Noah's ark and it took 'the great destruction' to bring that down. If zero wing could build one the guild would truly become an overlord of the game after all Shi Feng already had the perfect power source. The Titan core which he just needed to fix. "I should visit Titan city pretty soon", now knowing that he can complete an ancient war fortress design Shi Feng hunted monarchs with new vigor. He waited for divine providence cooldown to finish then went and challenged the next monarch. All the fights went the same as with the Frost Rhino, these monarchs had no chance of surviving with three epic guards bullying them.

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