2725 Shi Feng vs Lee Jun

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In the red stone restaurant third floor private room sat Shi Feng and Lei Bo when a knock came on the door.
"Excuse me Sirs but a woman named Lee Jun Bo is here." One waitress said.
"Let her in," Shi Feng said. A woman in a beautiful green dress with golden flower designs walked in. When Shi Feng saw her he was a bit surprised, based on how Lei Bo talks about her he expected a tough and rough looking girl, but Lee Jun Bo had a figure that could rivals Zhou's and her face was a match for Gentle Snow and even though she should be 30 years or so she looked like she's in her early 20's but still gave off the aura of an older women adding to her charm and elegance. When Lei Bo saw her he immediately went to go greet her.
"Big Sis how have you been, your flight was comfortable right, and is your hotel to your liking, I booked one of the best in the whole city!" Lei Bo said. Again Shi Feng couldn't believe his eyes. Lei Bo never panders to anyone.
Lee Jun Bo looked at Lei Bo examining him then suddenly gave him a big hug "Little Bo I've missed you so much! You really became a lot stronger. I was worried you might go around getting yourself into trouble, it kept me up at night sometimes."
Again Shi Feng was speechless, she was nothing like Lei Bo describe, she was just an over-dotting older sister. While Shi Feng was surprised and confused Lee Jun Bo walked up to him.
"You must be Hall Master Feng. Little Bo has told me a lot about you, it's an honor to meet you" she said. Lee Jun Bo was astonished even from the ancient martial art family sect she trained at there was no nutrilizing grandmaster this young even the most talented of the of the ancient martial arts family became grandmasters in their mid thirties and she had managed to become one at 29 because of dumb luck. Shi Feng was extraordinary.
"The honor is all mine, please sit and enjoy the meal. Lei Bo went through great trouble to order all your favorite foods"
Lee Jun Bo smiled and sat and the three enjoyed their meal and talked about martial arts. Lee Jun Bo talked about her journeys which captivated Shi Feng and Lei Bo, the world of martial arts she was in is on a different level then theirs.
"Hall Master Feng thank you for taking care of Little Bo all this time, you even helped him become a grandmaster I can't thank you enough for that. But now he has to leave." Lee Jun said
"Big Sis I don't think that's necessary. Staying here could help me reach new heights!"
"No Lei Bo, my decision is final, after my visit you're coming with me to train!"
Before Lei Bo could say anymore Shi Feng spoke up.
"Ms Lee Jun, why don't we have a bet."
"A bet, what kind?"
"If I could prove that Lei Bo can improve just as well with us than with you, you have to let him stay and do one thing for me as well." Shi Feng said.
"Oh and how would you do that?" Lee Jun asked, her interest peaked.
"I challenge you to a fight. If you can't even beat me you don't qualify to take Lei Bo and help with his training." Shi Feng provoked.
For a second Lee Jun had her beautiful eyes go wide, than she burst out laughing
"Fine I agree, but what do I get if you lose and what's this favor I'll have to do if I lose?" Lee Jun was excited not even the grandmasters at her sect talked to her like this. She now understood why Lei Bo decided to follow this youth, his spirit, attitude, and strength were definitely worthy of recognition.
"When you lose besides having Lei Bo stay, you must join the Zero Wing workshop for a year as an instructor. Of course we will provide you with accommodation, training resources, and pay you a significant salary as well. If you manage to win I will do one thing for you as well." Shi Feng said.
"I agree to your terms, but when you lose not only does Lei Bo go you must come with me as well, how about it." Lee Jun said.
"That won't be a problem" Shi Feng said with confidence.

On the top floor of the Heaven Rumble dojo was a ring and standing in the middle of the ring was Shi Feng and Lee Jun Bo. Shi Feng was in his usual blue track suit and Lee Jun borrowed one of Fire Dances for this fight. Zero Wings core upper echelon all gathered around. Shi Feng never had serious sparring matches with anyone besides Lei Bo. Aqua and Snow walked up to Lei Bo curious what was going, they had both rushed here when they heard Shi Feng was fighting someone. Lei Bo explained and they were both clearly upset.
"Is the guild leader not satisfied if he doesn't constantly bet the future of the guild!" Aqua said, angry.
"If he loses he better not think of coming back ever again!" Gentle Snow was mad too.
"Your friends don't seem to be happy with you." Lee Jun said.
"Ignore them, they're used to stuff like this" Shi Feng added.
When the timer hit zero Lee Jun moved.
"I'll show you the gap between us and make you understand that you're just a frog in the well!" Lee Jun started moving and her footwork was amazing, not only was she fast if Shi Feng didn't pay attention he swore he saw three of her. To everyone else who weren't grand masters they couldn't believe their eyes, they legit saw three Lee Jun Bos. Lee Jun then surrounded Shi Feng and struck. Her attacks were amazing, Shi Feng could tell he was stronger physically but Lee Jun's punches were faster and more precise Shi Feng had trouble dodging and would get cuts here and there. Lee June punches were like swords being wielded by a master swordsman. Shi Feng could only defend and observe and he noticed something, Lee Jun had reached the ascension realm and is able to incorporate combat techniques in the real world.
"No wonder she's so strong" Shi Feng stopped treating this as a fight in the real world and a more so as a fight in gods domain. He took a deep breath and charged at Lee Juns fist. When Lee Jun saw this she was a little shocked, but that didn't deter her from aiming her blade like fist at Shi Feng's face. Shi Feng then moved his left arm and using sword transmigration principles managed to direct Lee Juns fist to the side not getting cut at all. Lee Jun was quick and placed her leg between Shi Feng's legs trying to throw him off balance then kicked at his knee, but Shi Feng's center of gravity and balance was strong. Not fearing the oncoming kick he raised his left leg and with a stomp and shot out his right fist. What looked like a textbook normal punch changed as Shi Feng's punch turned into five then transformed into lightning arcs. Lee Jun stunned, tried to defend herself but two of the lightning arcs managed to hit her shoulder stomach, sending her flying off the ring.
While this fight was short it was intense and left everyone speechless. Claps started to fill the room, while all the training guild members were excited. Snow and Aqua breathed a sigh of relief, anybody related to Lei Bo was definitely extraordinary. But luckily Shi Feng was stronger. Lee Jun got up and walked up to Shi Feng staring at the man. She had to train for years to condition her body to be able to do those superhuman techniques, but this young man infront of her had managed to do so as well and even surpassed her, it was unbelievable. Shi Feng is definitely stronger than her and even some of her superiors at her sect.
"Hall Master Feng I lost and as agreed Lei Bo can stay and I will also work here. But may I ask of a favor?"
"Of course you may."
"Is it possible for you to train me to reach your level of mastery in enlightenment?" Lee Jun asked.
Shi Feng didn't know what this enlightenment was but he responded. "If your talking about how I was able to do those techniques the answer is up to you. Everyone here is training in that field and had achieved much in it as well, Lei Bo included. If you join us you will get the same training they do as well."
Lee Jun was speechless, everyone here was training in enlightenment and achieved much in it. This means she could progress faster here than she could at her sect.
"Hall Master Feng allow me to get my business in order and then I will give my all to fulfilling our deal" Lee Jun then walked off the ring and to Lei Bo.
"Liang Jing go give her a life elixir ok" Shi Feng said. Lee Jun wasn't the only one that needed a life elixir he did as well. Right now it feels like his muscles were tearing apart and his body is on fire. Shi Feng had never tried to use so much of gods domain combat techniques in the real world before, if it wasn't for reaching the half step transcendental realm he would never be able to pull off using lightning flash and sword transmigration in the real world like he did just now, Lee Jun Bo is definitely stronger than him. As for the enlightenment Lee Jun talked about he figured it was the act of utilizing such superhuman techniques in martial arts. While Shi Feng didn't know how to train in that, the realms of truth and the extraordinary tower can help people achieve the same thing. After drinking a life elixir and continuing his business Shi Feng logged back into gods domain for the night.

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