2716 Riches, Riches, and more Riches

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Shi Feng then entered Conner's castle and entered the main hall and what he saw stunned him, the room was filled with treasures. Rare Materials that even superguilds have hard times finding, combat technique tablets all ranging from bronze to gold rank, magic arrays two of which were advance ancient arrays, and a staff that radiated divine might and emitted lightning. On top of the hall was a gray liquid and the liquid showed a desolate world filled with spirits and undead creatures in a terrible environment where the ground had a black fog, the sky rained fire, and terrifying lightning storms destroyed the area. Shi Feng knew this world quite well, in fact he had a quest to stop this world from connecting to the main one, this is the undead world.
"Was he trying to create a portal to the undead world what a madman." So far Shi Feng hadn't bothered with Arc Angel Vatra's quest because he knew he wasn't quite strong enough yet. Anything that comes from the undead world stands at the peak of gods domain and can bring disaster anywhere. "This is great, with this portal I can just bring the guild's forces to the undead world and destroy it from the inside out." If Vatra could hear Shi Feng now he would assume the man had gone crazy, he had only asked Shi Feng to stop some NPCs from entering the main continent not destroy a whole other world. Shi Feng collected the treasure and he inspected the staff.
[Electric Champion] (two handed staff, fragmented legendary rank)
Equipment Requirement: Strength 1,000, Intelligence 2,200, Vitality 800
Attack Power (240% of Intelligence)
All Attributes (Increases according to user's level)
When equipped:
Strength increased by 40%, Agility increased by 50%, Intelligence increased by 70%, Endurance increased by 55%, Vitality increased by 70%;
Casting speed increased by 30%;

Cast range +30
Magic damage increased by 35%;
All Spell effectiveness increased by 30%
Spell critical rate increased by 30%
Spell completion rate increase by 4%
Spell casting time decreased by 30%

Additional Passive Skill: Static mana: make the surrounding mana difficult to control for all enemies with in range and strengthen surrounding mana for all allies in range
Additional Passive Skill: Power of Lightning- increase the tier of all lightning type spells by 1 (cannot exceed tier 5)
Additional Active Skill: Shock Impact- create a shield of electricity up to 50 yards that absorbs 40% damage and sends it back to the attacker. Shield's defense is 300% of intelligence attribute. Duration 40 seconds Cooldown 30 minutes
Additional Active Skill: Mad Tempest- create a lightning storm in a 400 yard area, each lightning strike has power the same tier as user and all basic attributes increase by 70%. Lightning storm damages only enemies. In the storm create a pack of thunder lions to fight for you. Duration 3 minutes Cooldown 5 hours
Additional Active Skill: Death Thunder: shoot a massive beam of lightning that has attack power, strength, and attack speed 500% of users intelligence attributes and tier up to 50x50 yards. Deals 800% lightning damage. Duration 10 seconds Cooldown 1 hour

Electric Champion was a gift from the thunder God to his daughter Sarah Lake but was damaged in the Great Destruction. Can be repaired with 200 lightning source crystals. Only someone recognized by the thunder god or his daughter can use the staff's full power.

"Summer lucked out, I'll have to get a chance to take her to meet Sarah" Sarah was well known throughout the game in his past life. She had been one of the first gods to return to the main continent, there was even an expansion that revolved around her. Based on Shi Feng's estimates it shouldn't be much longer till players start interacting with true gods. Afterwards Shi Feng explored the castle a little bit more and found a crimson token and when he grabbed it the sound of the system rang in his ear.
Lost Light Plains regional announcement: a player has captured the Castle of Light and has Awakened the Shining fortress. Fortress will be open in two days. Rewarding founding guild 10,000 guild popularity.
Suddenly the ground started shaking and from the lake rose a small fortress. "This place is a fortress. I really hit the jackpot!" Shi Feng is extremely excited right now. The lost light plains is similar to the western continent's Bermuda Islands in that both areas are absolute treasure troves but surviving to gain those treasures are immensely difficult, also there are no fortresses or ways to build towns in them. Shi Feng had a way to build a town in the Bermuda Islands because in his past life the great super guild Olympus Palace managed to build a town there and thanks to the town that eventually grew into a city Olympus Palace was one of the wealthiest guilds in the game in terms of in game resources and real world money. Now Shi Feng has the chance to double that wealth. "This must be a reward for the legendary Lost Magic quest" after thinking about it Shi Feng came to this conclusion after all this castle was known in his past life as well but no one could ever enter, not even god ranked players. What was in this castle was one of gods domain twenty great mysterious. Shi Feng searched the area with omniscient eyes and he found a hidden room. As he decoded the magic arrays and entered the room he saw a sky blue crystal in a diamond shape. When Shi Feng inspected the crystal he was speechless
Crystal of Sages: A crystal made from the life essence from the sage god Stella Crowell. Gives access to the long lost Sage legacy.
"I just found the perfect legacy for Phoenix Rain, I hope she can handle it." Sages were from a time before the ancient gods, they were the ancient gods to the ancient gods. Just having the legacy allowed players to transcend tiers no crazy powerful weapon required. In his past life only three players had the sage legacy and they all ranked among the top among tier 6 players and the best part about this legacy is that the earlier you obtain it the more powerful the legacy becomes. But the more difficult it is to transition through tiers. If someone transitions to a sage at tier 1 it's almost guaranteed that they won't be able to become tier 6 gods, in the past all those who obtained the legacy transitioned to it at tier 4 the earliest. When Shi Feng finished inspecting the castle and fortress he left Anna, Kite, and Versallies to guard the fortress from monsters. He. Wasn't worried about players hearing the system Announcement because no player should be in this map yet due to a special seal on the place. Shi Feng then took a transfer scroll and with a beam of light left the castle.

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