2707 A deal with Starlink

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In starlink's city in Gloomy Hills a huge crowd was split in two. In the crowd were the four shadow demons, three kills, startled wind, and evil blade, all experts that can command respect from even super guilds guild leaders. Right now these awe defying people stood in fear not daring to move. It wasn't because of the three tier 5 demons flying above their city or the tier 4 personnel guards eyeing the crowd. No they were scared of the ordinary man taking a stroll to the city lord mansion. This man wore a black cloak and looked like your average passerby. On his right hand was a sword as black as night and exuded a dark fog and on the other was an aquamarine sword emitting surges of electricity. This person was Shi Feng and before coming here he had destroyed all of starlink territory, he didn't even leave behind the guilds residences in the dark night empire and had even destroyed the guild various shops just for the hell of it. When Shi Feng got to the front of the city lords mansion he was about to order his demons to attack but suddenly someone stopped him. It was Lu Xingluo and a man Shi Feng didn't recognize beside him. "Brother Lu I didn't see you at the peace talks, I was afraid something might have happened to you so I was worriedly searching for you everywhere" Shi Feng said jokingly.
"Black flame don't get cocky just beca-" before Lu Xingluo can finish the man beside him slapped him then walked up to Shi Feng and Lu Xingluo just had his head down. "Greeting guild leader black flame you might not know me but I am Lu Zhangwang the CEO of the Starline corporation"

Shi Feng didn't know this man but always had suspicions that someone was behind Lu Xingluo . After three years of gods domain being out in his past life several super guilds had banned together to wipe out starlink after the guild had screwed over these super guilds. For a time everyone had thought starlink was done for until they suddenly stopped the assault. Since then everyone suspected an awe defying power stood behind starlink. This didn't surprise no one after all Lu Xingluo was an insufferable young master, he would run starlink to the ground if left to his own devices.

"Greetings CEO Zhengwang, to what do I owe the pleasure" Shi Feng said.
As Lu Zhangwang gazed at Shi Feng the man felt disappointed with himself. Shi Feng is the man he wanted his son to be but instead his son grew up to be nothing better than a puppet and decoy. If Shi Feng was his son then the two of them will rule over gods domain already. "My son has repeatedly offended you and I am sorry for that. Please name your terms and our two guilds will forever go our separate ways"
After giving the matter some thought Shi Feng said "in that case zero wing requires five things. The first is 1,000,000 magic crystals' ' Lu Xingluo was about to speak up but was again stopped by his father. "That's not a problem but we can only pay 60% up front and the rest in installments" Lu Zhangwang said.
"That's not a problem, I also want 1,000,000 gold in rare materials, you can also pay 60% up front and the rest in installments. Third, I want a two year supply of high level energy, fourth 200 S rank nutrient fluids and finally 70 life elixirs".

Lu Zhangwang bit his lip the magic crystal and materials weren't much but the two year supply of high level energy was basically giving zero wing 50,000,000 credits not to mention the nutrient fluids. "Starlink agrees to your terms guild leader Black Flame, everything would be delivered to zero wings headquarters in a day". After saying that Shi Feng and Lu Zhangwang signed a contract and Shi Feng teleported away leaving Starlinks last guild city alone. "Father, why did you agree to such outrageous demands even if black flame could destroy our guild? We can always bounce back. It's better than having our pride stepped on '' Lu Xingluo said to his dad.

"If it was just starlink I wouldn't care, but what if Black Flame got wind of our real operations and decided to act. No one in gods domain will be able to stop him for a long time. Also I heard the five states corporations will soon make their debut in the game. If they decide to team up with zero wing everything we worked for will go down the drain" after saying that Lu Zhangwang walked back to the city lord mansion leaving Lu Xinglu frustrated.

Currently Shi Feng was heading toward a city to transfer to the ten saints empire and begin his tantrum on demon heart, he won't give the guild the same mercy as he did with starlink. As for starlink the guild was doomed even if he didn't act, Han Yifeng is going to devour the guild soon enough he just wanted to use this chance to scam the guild of more resources, with everything he had obtained from starlinks territory's and the other superpowers Shi Feng had more than 11,000,000 magic crystals not counting what he's about to get from starlink and the spoils from war blood. And the high level energy will allow him to train more refinement realm experts. Shi Feng then proceeded to demon heart and he would have no mercy on the guild

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