2734 Fighting the Fallen

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Shi Feng had long planned to turn Starmoon kingdom to an empire, but he wasn't strong enough yet. Luckily all the epic adventures in the Kingdom were all Zero Wing members so no one has taken the SSS rank adventurer missions, and since he already knew what the quests were he had people investigate them. So far the Revenge of the Fallen quest is the quickest. The guild had managed to find five fallen residing in the kingdom and the weakest ones are tier 3, two tier 4, and a tier 5 NPC. To the current Shi Feng only the tier 5 NPC would be considered trouble, only getting to where these NPCs were hiding is a little cumbersome. As for the Undead Researction he only managed to find the whereabouts of the bone staff and he already knew where the book of Undead was. He had no idea about the location of the ancient contract. After accepting the Revenge of the Fallen quest and paying his deposit to the adventure association he teleported to a neutral map called Sinking Hills. This is a level 70-120 neutral map that has been hit by a terrible tier 6 water spell submerging most of the map in water. Shi Feng went to a hidden location, of the map guarded by spear wielding grand lords and great lords sharkmen and whale spiders.
[WhaleSpiders] (level 117 grandlord, 720,000,000/720,000,000)
[Sharkman] (level 115 great lord, 450,000,000/450,000,000)
As soon as these monsters saw Shi Feng they immediately charged at him. Not caring for them at all Shi Feng activated fantasy domain of the seven luminaries ring becoming immune to all magic damage and did lightning edge. Because he was currently underwater the skill was strengthened and electricity surged everywhere. Shi Feng didn't feel a thing but the monster were constantly taking damages in the millions from the tier 4 sure kill skill and when the skill was over static electricity still lingered in the water and when it hit them the monsters it took 1,000,000 damage at least. Shi Feng then quickly finished off the stragglers. After swimming for about two hours he found a cave being protected by a bubble. When he entered he saw a lair filled with all kinds of magic devices and books that emitted a deathly miasma.
"This fallen must have been doing forbidden research, no wonder he came all the way here and no wonder no one captured him. They wouldn't last ten minutes in this cave." The death miasma is toxic to all living things especially players, if it wasn't for Crown Sword cleansing his body of it Shi Feng would have died. Not finding the fallen Shi Feng presumed he went out for some reason. Taking this time Shi Feng set up traps and magic arrays all around the layer. Even though he had tier 5 combat power he will not underestimate a fallen tier 4 NPC that does forbidden research. Forbidden research is allowed in most kingdoms and empires but is heavily restricted and must be done in a controlled environment and under the watch of qualified individuals so it doesn't get out of hand and no inhumane acts are done. Most criminal magic NPCs are those who got absorbed in their research and broke the rules, but they obtained power far beyond normal NPCs. After five hours someone entered the lair. It was an old man who had an aura of death around him and looked sickly. Next to him was two levitating unconscious NPCs.
[Stail, tier 4 Grand Wizard] (Dark Decayed Wizard, level 142, 17,450,000,000/22,000,000,000)
"Finally with these two perfect specimens I can say goodbye to this cursed body! Mhm why is the mana so out of place?"  After sensing the mana Stail noticed that magic arrays have been drawn, suddenly he pointed his staff to a corner of the room and shot out 20 winds of spears
Tier 3 spell- gale of death
When the winds of spears hit the wall hundreds of wind blades went flying in all directions.
"I know you're not dead intruder, come out and face me!"  Stail said
With that four clones of Shi Feng emerged from the darkness and shot themselves at Stail with their swords burning white.
Tier 3 skill- Ghost Dance
Tier 4 skill- Flame Burst
Two clones went and attacked Stail forcing the NPC to instant cast defense spells back to back, but Flame Burst immediately shattered whatever spell he put up. The other two clones freed the two unconscious NPCs floating in an orb and sent them to safety. After five seconds both clones managed to land a few hits on Stail before disappearing putting him in a critical wounded condition. Stail bleeding from his mouth and burnt took out a potion but before he could down it a big blue slash that left void spaces in its wake cut his head off reaping the last of his hp.
Void Slash.
Out of thin air out came Shi Feng. This whole time he was using void steps to remain invincible. After reaching tier four when ever he uses a combat technique the ambient mana gathers to it, strengthening the technique, now his void steps can work on domain realm experts who just entered the realm.
"That was a little bit too easy. The fool of a NPC was even under the side effects of his research." Some NPCs paid heavy prices when their forbidden research goes bad. As a tier 4 NPC Stail should have a long lifespan but he was dying slowly, Shi Feng could sense the life force trying to leave the NPC's body. Shi Feng went up to the two unconscious NPCs, one was a handsome platinum haired youth and the other was a gorgeous red haired girl, both NPCs should be in their twenties. After a little inspection Shi Feng noticed something about these two.
"I can't believe it, these two NPCs have free body physique!" Shi Feng got excited. In gods domain while physique is an important attribute to players it's even more important to NPCs because it allows them to perform powerful combat techniques which is very difficult for NPCs and also allows them to improve their spells and skill completion rates. The free body physique is a term for NPCs with a perfect physique giving them a much stronger starting point then other NPCs. A tier 1 NPC with a free body physique can rival a tier 2 NPC's physique.
"If I can recruit these two as personal guards if they are finegold rank they'll be as strong as darkgold NPCs." Shi Feng said.
The two NPCs then woke up.
"Where are we, what's going on?" The female one asked.
"The last thing I remember was being kidnapped by a sickly man. Are you with him?!" The male NPC shot himself into a fighting stance but collapsed as soon as he got up.
"Relaxed, I already handled that GrandWizard. I am an adventure sent to deal with him. Here take these, you two are not in good condition." Shi Feng said as he handed them healing potions these potions were special as they can dispel weak curses.
The two NPCs looked at Shi Feng with untrust but took the potions and downed them. When they did they immediately got their complexions back and were full of energy again.
"Thank you sir, how can we ever repay you? The female one said.
"Yes we owe you a debt of gratitude." The male one said.
"How about you two join me. I will make you adventurers and allow you to be my personal guards."
After hearing this both NPCs' eyes lit up. It was always their dream to become adventures but they never had the chance to do so.
System: favorability with Jeremy +50 points
System: favorability with Laura +50 points
"Ok let's get of here and get you two-" Shi Feng stopped himself. The system just reminded him of something. After killing a Fallen the system should reward him and tell him to go get his prize from the adventure association, but after killing Stail he didn't hear anything.
"Is he not dead?" Then instinctively Shi Feng activated absolute domain making himself, Jeremy, and Laura immune to damage. Then out of nowhere a black fog exploded in the lair devouring the group. After five seconds the fog explosion stopped and like a twister started to circle in the center of the room till it created a 10 meter tall version of Stail made of black fog.
[Stail tier 5 Half Soul Eater] (level 142, 132,000,000,000/132,000,000,00hp)

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