Joining SmoshGames

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So today is the day I first start SmoshGames with Flitz! I'm so excited this is going to be awesome! The only scary thing is I didn't really know the other members all I knew was Anthony, Ian, and Flitz. Luckily Flitz knew all of them because of high school as he told me. But it still really scary to meet new people. Also they are making read a fanfiction that is almost like a damn porno... This will be interesting... I walked into the room... Kinda smelt weird like someone farted.. Oh this will be weird. (Author: Watch the video I put in the media section because it kinda helps with the info in the story xD But at the part where Joven went near Wes pretend that didn't happen because it won't really work out in the story cx)

Joven's POV 

Yay! New members...I hope they don't smell my fart. *Flitz and Wes walk in* Whoa... The one with the longer hair looks....amaz.. WAIT What the hell am I saying?! I'm not gay... But he does look really cute BLAH why am I thinking this?! 

"Hey everyone! These our knew members! This is Flitz, and this is Wes!" Anthony said greeting us to them and the fans. His name is Wes? Wow his name is even cool! *After the fanfiction reading* Well that was funny! Haha! Whoa hearing Wes laughing was adorable... I GOTTA STOP THINKING LIKE THIS! But I wonder if Wes wants to hang out. I should ask him so I can get to know him!

"Hey! Wes right?" I asked in a polite way

"Yeah. You're Joven if I'm not mistaken!" Wes said with a polite smile. Dang his smile...

"Yeah! I was wondering if you wanted to go get some coffee with me tomorrow, just to hang out and get to know eachother!" I said very happily

"Sure. That would be nice! I'll meet up with you tomorrow at 2?" Wes said with a big grin on his face.

"Yup that's fine by me! See ya tomorrow!" I said seeing him walk to his car and drive away. Wow that was easier than I expected. *Looks down at his area* DAMNIT WHY.... Luckily Wes didn't notice.. I hope. Well time to go home.

Wes POV 

That Joven guy is pretty cool. I hope we become best friends! Being part of SmoshGames will be fun.. But that Lasercorn guy was pretty cute not going to lie.. But he probably has a girlfriend. Ugh.. It's going to be weird being gay around all guys and one girl.. Also Joven had a random boner when I was talking to him... I really hope that was just randomly.

-----Next Day!-----

Joven's POV

Time to meet up with Wes! *Goes to the coffee shop* 

"Hey Wes!!" I said running to him.

"Hey Joven!" Wes said in his adorable grin. Goshdamnit I need to stop. I AM NOT GAY.

Wes and I then ordered our coffee and sat at a table.

"So Wes, do you like Batman?" I said as I pointed at my shirt

"I do. Batman is so cool! But I am really big fan of Link. Like c'mon Link is so cool!!" Wes said while pointing at his shirt. "I did cosplay as Link once. It was really cool." He said with a big smile on his face 

"Wow that's really cool! For Halloween you and I should cosplay as like someone from Legend of Zelda and just have a giant video game war!" I said with much excitement! Wes nodded with a really big smiling, which told me he actually wanted this to happen. 

Sadly after hours of talking him and I had to go back home and get ready for SmoshGames tomorrow. But wow.. Wes is just amazing! He likes everything I like and he has the perfect hair and perfect face... WHAT AM I THINKING!??? Wes is a guy.. I know I only like girls! Or do I?... I'm so confused right now! But hanging out with Wes made my heart beat like crazy.. I never felt like this before only once but that girl was a giant jerk to me.. What if .. I am gay? Naaah.. That's crazy talk! I will just go to sleep and have a clearer mind tomorrow!

I Fell in Love with my Best Friend (Wes&Jovenshire)Where stories live. Discover now