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"Welcome back." Dad smiles as he pulls me into a hug, the small bag I'd found to hold the few items I'd purchased in London over my shoulder.

"It's good to be home." I sigh, relaxing into the familiarity of his hug.

"How was London?"

"I'm glad I went." I shrug slightly, letting him turn us towards the exit of the terminal.

"Did you fix things with Ashton?"

"Ya. We're good. And you were right, it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be to meet him in person. Mostly it was actually really, really fun."

"I told you it would be. But we all know miss Rylee has to figure those things out for herself."

"Hey, dad." I chew slightly on my lip as I ask for his full attention.

"What's up, Rylee?" He almost frowns as he turns to me slightly.

"I'm sorry. I let my illness get the better of me over the last few months, not focusing on it well with trying to finish up school, and I'm sorry about that."

"I appreciate the apology, but you know I love you no matter what right?"

"Ya, but you, Mom, and Ashton have got the worst of me lately, and I felt the need to apologize for that. I apologized to Ash in London, and now you. I'll find some time to see mom this week and apologize to her too."

"I'm glad you're getting you're head on straight again, Ry."

"Me too, except it scares me a little too. I've been high for a while, I'm scared leveling out will drop into a heavy low if I'm not careful." I sigh, sinking into the front seat of his car as we reach it in the parking structure.

"You're home for a couple months, Ry, we can figure it out. Don't worry too much. You've always got me." He reaches across the console to squeeze my hand softly.

"Ya, thanks for that."

"Always, baby girl."

The drive home to dad's house is uneventful, so much so that I fall asleep against the window for most of the drive. A long travel day and the whirlwind weekend in London getting to me. Tripping slightly as I wander through the front door, all I want to do is crawl into my bed and pass out. 

"Dinner?" Dad asks with a chuckle as he follows me through the door.

"I just want to sleep. How about a rain check. We can do breakfast in the morning." I laugh.

"Sounds good. I love you, Ry, get some sleep."

"I will." I stifle a yawn as I grab the railing, moving to climb the stairs.

I laugh when I push open my bedroom door fully, seeing Missy curled up on my bed already. "Did somebody miss me while I was in London?" I coo, scratching at her head as she sits up, wagging her tail at me excitedly. 

Dropping the bag onto my bed I unzip it, knowing if I don't empty it now I won't for a week or more. Freezing as it falls open, a small box and envelope sitting on top of all the dirty clothing.

Carefully I pull the box out seeing my name written on top in my favorite handwriting. Lifting the cardboard lid carefully to see a small green butterfly pendant resting on a silver chain. The back of my eyes suddenly burning as I take it in. Slowly slipping it from the cotton pillow it rests on, clipping it around my neck and letting the cool metal fall into the small spot between my collarbones.

Carefully grabbing the envelope with my name written identically to the way it was on the box. Slowly prying the envelope open to pull out the letter inside.


This is a first, I'm sitting beside you as I write this letter. You're arm is wrapped around my hips as you sleep in my t-shirt and my bed. Well technically it's the hotel's bed, but my fake name is on the room reservation so it's my bed for the week. Wow, that was a long ramble just to tell you I'm so glad to have you laid beside me finally. To tell you I have loved spending every second I could with you over the last few days. To tell you how happy it makes me to know that you no longer are afraid to be with me in person. Whatever comes from this weekend and everything that was being discovered between us, I hope you know how much I love you. I'll see you again soon, Ry, I'll make sure of it.

I hope you like the necklace, I was going to give it to you for graduation, but you had to earn my trust again first. This weekend you definitely did that. I won't go into detail about what it represent because I know you know. But I do hope you wear it proudly, and every time you see it hanging around your beautiful neck I hope it is a reminder of how badass you are a human being, and how proud of you I am, RyRy. I'm so fucking proud. You are the strongest and most determined person I have ever met, and I constantly look up to you as a role model.

I hope you made it home before you found this surprise, and I hope it made you as happy as I think it will. Call me as soon as you can, I miss your voice already. And thank you again, for coming to London, for finding me, for fighting all the natural instincts that make you want to run, because you just made this weekend the best of my year. 

Love you lots, see you soon. Always your oldest and best friend,

I read over the letter again, curling my fingers softly around the necklace, smiling like an idiot at the paper in my hand for far longer than I need to. Finally reaching over for my phone, seeing it is probably far too late to call Ashton at this point, so I open a new text message.


Just got your letter and
gift. Thank you! As
always, it was perfect.
I made it home and I am
exhausted, I hope today's
promo went well. I'll call
you tomorrow, Ash,
hope you're sleeping

I quickly finish unpacking my bag, smiling when one more surprise finds it's way into my hands as I sort the laundry. Slipping the plain black t-shirt over my head and breathing in the intoxicating smell of Ashton as I climb into bed, curling my hand back around the necklace. How in the world had my life changed so much in the last seven days..?

Do you smell that? Smells like drama's coming to me...

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~M =)

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