The cp's pet

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Jeffs pov

When I woke up I didn't see slender laying down in the bed. I sat up in my bed and looked around my room. I got up and did my normal morning routine. Once I got dressed I went down stairs. Everyone was busy doing there own little things. I decided to skip breakfast cause why not. I walked over to the couch but I saw Chris walking up to me.

She smiled happily and said "hey are you ready to start your training". I looked at her and smiled af if I can stop smiling ya know. "sure, we can start at the back yard" I said. we started to walk towards the backyard having a casual convo. Suddenly slendy appeared in front of us, stopping us from going outside. "jeff have you ate yet" he asked. I looked at him and sighed. "no,why" I said while staring at him. "because I care about your health now go eat something" slender demanded. "yes mom" I said sarcastically with an eye roll as well. "I'm not your mom I'm your boyfriend" slender whispered in my ear which made me blush. "I-I'm g- gonna eat something" I said as I turned around and walked away. I could hear Chris and slendy chuckling.

      As I was walking towards the kitchen I was complaining about slendy and Chris. When I looked at the scene in front of me I was just shocked yet not. I saw masky and Toby kissing, well more like making out. "hey if your gonna make out do it somewhere else" I said, which startled them.

     they looked at me in shock and embarrassment. Masky cleared his throat and said "anyway what we're you mumbling about". "Stupid slender and Chris" I said with a slight blush on my face. "oh really why" toby said. I looked at them and I tried to hide my blush. Luckily they thought I was annoyed. "don't worry about it, it's nothing" I said with a bit of annoyance in my voice.

       they looked at me and said "ok whatever you say". Soon Toby and masky left the kitchen. I didn't know what to make so I just made a bowl of cereal. Ah and of course my favorite, blood. I finished eating and I went to the living room. it was pretty weird because its usually noisy. "jeff, where are you jeffy".

      and I was wrong. I kept thinking "please don't come in the living room". It would be a nightmare if she found me. "ah there you are jeffy! can I ask you something?!" nina said with hearts and curiosity in her eyes. "sure what is it" I said with annoyance in my voice. "when's your birthday" nina asked.

(thats a hint for the next chapters)

I looked at her with confusion. "Why would I tell you, ask liu or something, just leave me alone" I said. nina nodded and went to look for liu. I never really liked my birthday besides we're immortal. we will all look the same for thousands of years. I don't see the point in celebrating my birthday. but anyways I went to look for slender and Chris

-time skip to when he finds them-

I finally found them. "there you guys are, I've been looking for you guys" I said. they looked at me and smiled, well one did. "are you ready for your training" Chris said. I looked at her and said "sure let's go". I smiled and looked at slender. I walked towards him and stood on my tippy toes and pecked his lips. I whispered in his non-existing ear "I love you".

I could see his blush and Chris chuckled a bit. It kinda looked like she was about to burst from happiness. "that is pay back for this morning" I said as I walked to the back yard with Chris.

-1 hour later-

slenders POV

I went to the back yard because It's been 1 hour since I saw jeff . I decided to teleported to the back yard cause I didn't feel like walking . I'm to lazy to walk. but anyways I arrived at the backyard.I watched them train for a little bit. I mentally noted some things that jeff could use some help on.

well you may be thinking what type of training are they doing. if you thought of fighting you are wrong they are actually trying to control their powers. "I think thats enough for the day" I said.they looked at me and agreed.

-the next day at 3 pm-

Still slenders pov

"Hey liu and Jeff would you like to go on a mission " I said the two looked at each other and smiled and yes "Okay Your mission is to kill a family ben will give you the address" I said and they nodded and before they left I gave jeff a kiss

-at the mission-

Jeff's pov

Me and Liu roamed around the house till we found a pink door and it said sky. (random child name). I entered the little girls room while liu went to the adults room.

I walked in and saw her sleeping. "awe you looked so peace full sleeping .......not I'll make you sleep forever " I said and laughed wickedly. which caused the little girl to wake up. I rushed over to her and put the Knive on her throat. "scream and I'll kill you" I said then tears ran down her face "that was a lie I'm gonna kill you so scream all you want" I said as the little girl screamed her lungs out.I plunged the Knive in her throat saying "". I then carved a smile on her face then I heard screaming from the room liu was in. then it stopped and Liu came into the same room I was in. "Well it was fun while it lasted,don't you agree " liu said i laughed a little. "true but let's go now before the cops come " I said.
End of chapter 7 part one of new creepypasta pet, I was gonna edit all of it but I'm to lazy to do it FINALLY I CAN WRITE THIS BETTER

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