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Finally, I know it's been forever but new problems keep coming up at home and someone in my family recently died, it's very stressful, anyways enough about my problems TIME FOR THE STORY!
Slender's POV

      After I told liu to take Jeff on a little 'mission'. I told Ej and Ben to go after a certain dog. I'm sure he'll be happy with him. He often comes by to rest or eat, but I think he'll stay here once he meets Jeff. Liu mentioned that it was Jeff's birthday soon, and that he liked animals. So i decided to finally get my fair share of our deal with non other than smile dog.

He was the perfect present, friend, and partner in crime for Jeff. He owes me, so this is a good way to use it. Smile asked for my help on a situation he had but that's another story for another time. Jeff and liu should be back soon. Luckily I'll just send Jeff on another mission. Ben and ej just left to look for smile dog. Tho they do need to be careful. Smile likes to wander around really dangerous places. But surely those two can handle them selves.

      I sat down on my chair and decided to read through some of my new letters and files. I had a bunch from Ben, but they where all jokes and stupid stuff. He soon saw one from bp. 'That's strange, bp never sends anything' I thought to myself. I quickly opened the letter and began to read it.

   Dear slenderman

It appears that rake is on the lose, he's going around with these sort of creatures that look like seed but more disgusting and more creepier. I've noticed they all had marks from zalgo.

I've spoken to masky just recently. We discussed that you shouldn't send anyone on any mission for the time being. Unless your sending them to discover what these creatures are.

If you are, be careful, zalgo is dangerous. He can kill all of the others in a blink of an eye. By the way, I've heard about Jeff's situation.

His brother, liu was it?, well he may have the same powers. Since he's related by blood, they have Similar genes. Meaning there's, I'd say at least he has a 50/50 chance that he to has the powers.

The only way to win against zalgo is to use those two. Even if it kills them, we have no choice or the entire earth will be destroyed. It all lays in their hands. Good luck and train them fast, we don't have a lot of time.

Bloody painter.

So he's finally back and ready to destroy the earth. Hmm, we are gonna need a lot of help. I have no choice but to call them here. My hands where balled into fists and I felt a thin layer of sweat cover my body. I sighed and leaned back on my chair. I rubbed my face and groaned. "When will he learn to stop" I mumbled. Soon the familiar sound of 3 knocks could be heard. "Come in" I said as I sat up straight.

My proxies soon came into the room. Toby was holding a piece of paper that was covered with scribbles. Masky and hoodie had a bit of blood on their clothing. Toby took off his goggles and wiped the blood off of it. "Boss, our mission was a success, but something weird was happening, we found a letter that is in a completely different language" masky said. Toby stepped up and handed me the paper.

I skimmed through the paper and it was indeed in a different language. The paper began to glow from the back and a red mark appeared. I flipped the paper over and there it was. Zalgo's mark. It was on this paper. Yet the writing was out of the world. It was gibberish. "Sir, we might-" masky's started. "I know, I have no choice but to ask them to come" I said which cut off masky from continuing.

I felt a headache coming. "Masky, when Jeff and liu come back, send them on another mission, toby, make sure you, ej, and Ben wash smile, hoodie, tell Chris to come to my office" I ordered them. They nodded their heads and did as they were told.

I soon started to write a letter to my siblings about the entire situation. 'This is gonna be hell' I thought to myself. I heard a soft knock on my door. "Come in" I said. I sealed the letter and stamped it. "You called for me" Chris said. I put the letter to the side and said "I did, I want to talk to you about something regarding the wood brothers". Chris looked confused but at the mention of me addressing them as their last name she knew it was serious.

"What about them?" Chris asked with her furrowed brows. "Bp sent me a letter about them, he said, since Jeff has powers, and liu is related to him by blood, he may have those powers to" I said in all seriousness. "You want me to see if he has powers to?" Chris said. I nodded my head and stared at her. She bowed and said "I'll train him with Jeff, I have a hunch that those training, they can become an unstoppable duo". She stood up straight and walked out of the room.

He grabbed the letter and stared at it for a while. Is this really the right thing to do. Calling them here can be dangerous. I sighed but sent off the letter to my brothers.


No ones POV

Smile was laying on the couch watching Ben play video games. "So how exactly do you win" smile asked. "By stabbing the stupid demon king in the heart, you destroy the smaller demons and you win, but the obstacles to get to the demon king is difficult" Ben said with his full concentration on the game.

Ben felt a vibration from his phone. He grabbed it and checked on it. If you didn't know, Ben put a tracker on Jeff. He was only 5 minutes away from the house. Ben quickly told the others about this. Sally grabbed smile, who growled, and put a bow on him as if he was- well he was technically Jeff's present. Smile was a bit excited on who is new master would be. Hopefully he wasn't a boring person who reads books all the time. The door nob jiggled and soon the door opened. Liu walked in first and smile looked like his ghost left his body. Was that his master, no way, he looks really boring. Smile thought. Soon Jeff walked in. He was confused but was covered in blood. His eyes no longer a nice deep ocean color that turned into the color of a nice blue sky. His eyes where red and full of blood lust. 'Now that would be a person to have has a owner' smile thought. "What's with the dog?" Jeff asked. Smile walked up to Jeff and stared at him. "That's smile dog, I figured, since it was your birthday and he owed me, I decided why not get you him as a pet to keep" slender said. Jeff's smile widened and crouched down to smiles eye level.

"Hm, we are gonna have a lot of fun adventures buddy" Jeff said and did a closed eye smile. "I look forward to that" smile said which startled Jeff a bit. Jeff looked at liu with a weird expression. Liu simply smiled at his brother. "Happy birthday little bro" he said. Jeff nodded slightly.

Are they really gonna have great adventures or will they never get the chance to. Who knows. Jeff is at a great risk along with all the others.
Welp, I think this was nice. Ok serious question.

Should I give slender a human form?




I had to ask cause I'm used to writing face expression and stuff, and since he doesn't have a face it's hard to give him expression. Anyways here the chapter you have all been waiting for.

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