Catra x Fem Reader

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Y.N  P.O.V

Your heart beat fast as the skiff pulled up at the bay. Waiting for you, you saw a girl around your age, impatiently tapping her feet on the floor. You had been dragged away from your kingdom (Insert kingdom name) as your parents had agreed to the Hordes take over. (Like scorpia's) You hated your parents for not fighting, for not joining the rebellion and resisting the Horde. However they had drained all off the money coming in. You had to give up your bed for food!

"Hi!" You said, earning a strange glance from the girl in front of you. She scowled for a second before replying.                                                  
  "Follow me." Only then do you notice her ears and tail, sending her a questioning look, she said
"And no questions." You inwardly laugh at how much she sounds like your sibling (Insert sibling name, sorry if you don't have one.)                                                                                                                           "I have a feeling you and I could be great friends." I say, smiling. The cat-Girl scoffs and you have to avoid using your telepathic like powers to find out why.

The girl gives you a tour. The last place was your sleeping quarters. It was a lot better than your room at the moment. which was covered in cobwebs and inhabited by rats.
"You sleep there and I sleep here" She said, gesturing to the sofa and then her bed. So, we must be sleeping together, I hope she doesn't snore, you thought.                                                                           "Ok! That is much better than the floor!" You say happily before realising what you said.                  "The floor?" The girl asks, suspiciously. You have to nod, it's rude to be ignorant.                                  "It's where I use to sleep." You say. A loud silence falls between us so you try to change the topic.
"Anyway! Are you going to introduce me to your friends?" You ask. The girl seems in thought and then says confidently,
"My Name's Catra." You smirk, now she is trying to take your mind off of the subject. She had a pretty name though, A pretty name for a pretty girl. Wait. What?  Never mind. . .                           "Nice to meet You. My name is (Y/n). Friends?" You prompt, You were severely intrigued by now. "I don't really- Have any." She stutters. Dang. I shouldn't have pushed her, you thought smiling sadly.                    "Well, Are we friends?" You ask quietly. She looks at you with a longing expression which makes you re-consider for a second.                                                   "No!" She yells, she turns away and my powers go into overdrive. they do this when strong emotional auras are in the air.  Flashes of a blonde girl blind your eyes as a scene begins to play.

You gasp coming back from a seconds worth of adventure. The cat Girl had run off. You ask around to where she is and follow her.

When you reach her she is shouting to the wind. You only catch a few words like "Weak and Broken" but it was enough. You see that she starts to crumple and run forward to catch her. You try to soothe her by saying things like                                               "Your not weak." and "You just need a friend." As you stroke her head, your other hand rubs her back.

"Come on. Lets go inside and maybe go to bed?" You say. The girl in your arms nods and you half pick her up. She depended on you to lead her back as you had put your jacket over her face so as she wouldn't be seen with tear streaks. When you got back to the room you realise why she had been going slow. She was asleep. You chuckle to your self as you let her flop on the bed. You pick up her legs, swinging them up onto the mattress. You tuck her in as you think to yourself, what A first day.

If only you knew

I'm posting this now so as i know i have posted today but i minght do a part 2 later tonight!
Thanks for your support lovelys!
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Due to 1K i will do a small revel. Maybe a Q and A if thats something you would like?  Comment any questions here.... i guess. I will not answer my name, age or my address.

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