CHAPTER 7: Hints of sweetness
Im so glad i made this story :) and i'd really appreciate it if you comment,vote and fan me :) thanks and chippet forever by the way i made this because the name jeannete made me remember alvin and the chipmunks! so thanks for inspiring me jeanette by the way jeannete is my favorite among brittney and eleanore :D simonette forever i hate siranda =.=
(8:56 p.m.)
After the 'munks and 'ettes ate their snacks, they all scampered into the living-room to watch TV. The Chipettes were sitting on the right side of the couch, and the Chipmunks were sitting on the left.
It was Jeanette's turn to pick what they would watch on TV tonight. So she picked a show that was a romantic-comedy.
At the end of the show where the boy and girl shared a passionate kiss, Eleanor and Jeanette said 'Aww...'; Brittany rolled her eyes in annoyance; Simon and Alvin had an 'Ew' expression on their face; and Theodore's eyes went wide in shock.
Jeanette and Eleanor looked over at Brittany and the Chipmunks and rolled their eyes disappointingly.
"Next time, Jeanette, pick a show that we would all rather see," Alvin said with a sense of arrogance. Jeanette ignored him. "I'm surprised youdidn't like the ending, Brittany," She said aghast.
"Well, to me those two really didn't belong together. It would've been much better if she kissed the guy with the blonde hair," Brittany stated.
"Actually that kinda would have been better," Jeanette assured. Eleanor smiled and nodded in agreement.
Alvin groaned with annoyance. "Who cares!" he said out loud as he threw his tiny arms up in the air.
Theodore let out a tiny yawn and slumped down in his spot tiredly. "Is it bedtime, yet?" He asked. Simon looked at the nearby clock which read 9:34 p.m.
"Uh.. it's past our bedtime." Simon said.
The 'ettes and Alvin gasped and quickly scurried to their bedroom which they shared and Simon and Theodore followed. They quickly climbed up to their respective bunk beds and closed their eyes.
Five minutes later, the Chipettes and Theodore had fallen asleep.
Alvin was still awake, as he was laying on his small back and looked up at the ceiling.
He couldn't stop thinking about what had happened between him and Nicki at school. He kept thinking about how he felt butterflies in his stomache, and how pretty her dark brown eyes were.
But even though Nicki was very pretty, nothing could ever compare to Brittany's beauty to Alvin.
Simon was laying on his side thinking about when Miranda had made him blush. How could he blush? Miranda was just his friend...
He thought about the last paragraph of his poem that he had wrote that he had read aloud to her...
I'm a little shy
But just know my feelings are true
Just remember one thing
It's that I love you...
Even though it wasn't possibly true, he kept thinking: Was those words really meant for Miranda?
But to him Jeanette was the most intelligent and prettiest chipette he had ever known. But Miranda was also pretty, shy, and sweet too like Jeanette.
Simon just couldn't figure out what the difference was between the chipettes.
But eventually after about 5 more minutes of thinking, Alvin and Simon had fallen asleep.
The next morning at the Marajettes's house, Miranda and Daniel were the first to wake up.
Miranda knew she was too clumsy with cooking to help Daniel cook breakfast; so she just watched her guardian cook the pancakes and bacon.
As the bacon sizzled in the pan, Daniel used the spare time and undid her bun and let her long hair fall down past her shoulders. "Miranda are you sure you don't want to help me?" Daniel asked.
"Yeah I'm sure," Miranda replied and smiled half-heartedly.
"Can you wake your sisters up for me, please?" Daniel asked as she playfully smiled, knowing that it wasn't going to be for her to wake Nicki up. Miranda sighed dramatically.
"Okay..." She said as she sluggishly scurried up the stairs. Daniel giggled. "Thank you,"
When Miranda went into her room, she went over to Cherri's bed first. "Cherri, wake up," She said softly. Cherri's eyes slowly opened while she let out a tiny yawn.
Cherri sat up and rubbed her eyes. "I'll help you wake up Nicki," she offered. After she stretched, she and Miranda went over to Nicki's bed and said in unison, "Nicki, it's time to wake up..."
"Leave me alone..." Nicki groaned in annoyance and put the covers over head. Unfortunately, Cherri and Miranda slung the covers away from Nicki. Nicki growled. "Get up." Cherri pleaded.
"Fine..." Nicki sighed. When she got up out of bed, she changed out of her pajamas into her regular clothes and so did Cherri and Miranda.
They scurried downstairs into kitchen and was greeted by the sweet smell of their breakfast that was on the table awaiting them.
Cherri sat in the middle, Miranda sat on the right and Nicki sat on the left; they happily started eating their breakfast. "Daniel makes the BEST pancakes!" Cherri exclaimed with her mouth full of a part of pancake.
"Cherri, don't talk with your mouth full," Miranda said quietly. "Sorry..." Cherri said cutely and swallowed. "So Nicki, have you been havin' any more dreams of a 'certain somebody'?" She asked as she air-quoted "certain somebody".
Nicki opened her mouth to say something. "What certain somebody?" asked Daniel who had just heard the conversation as she sat with her chipettes. "Um... nothing..." Nicki answered sheepishly as she blushed.
"Mm-hm," Daniel said doubtingly and ate one of her bacons. Cherri and Miranda looked at Nicki and they all quietly giggled.
After the Marajettes and Daniel all ate breakfast, Daniel dropped off the chipettes at school and said their good-byes.
Nicki, Miranda and Cherri walked to their lockers to get their pencils. Nicki looked in her mirror that she had on her locker door and stroked some braids. Cherri made silly faces in her mirror just for fun.
"Actually, I didn't dream about Alvin when I went to bed for some reason." Nicki said, resuming the conversation. "Oh okay," Cherri said as she made another silly face. Miranda shook her head. She's so silly.
"Nicki!" someone called from a distance away. It was Alvin. Alvin and Brittany were walking up to her waving. Nicki quickly got her pencil out of her locker and closed it. "Hi," She said.
While the three all walked together to their classes, Nicki kept glancing at Alvin who was walking beside her. Alvin noticed the glances and smiled and gave her a playful wink.
Nicki blushed a light pink and looked to the side. Brittany saw Alvin wink at her and tried her best not to scream in frustration. But her frustration was shown by the expression on her face.
I'm really, really sorry if you kinda weren't satisfied with this chapter ^^' It was kind of a filler for the story. But there was a little hint of Alvicki in it. YAYYY! :D
*Just a reminder: Daniel IS a girl! ^^ Well, that's actually pretty obvious cuz in the last chapter I said that Daniel was a GIRL. But I'm just sayin' it again because she has a boy name. :P
But I hope yall think I did a good job c: I LOVE the jealous Britt :D
VOTE OR FAN, please! :) Should I have more of Theanor in the next chappie?
~MeanLittleKitten/Courtney MIn