After Music class was over, Nicki, Miranda and Cherri walked with the 'munks and 'ettes to their next class since the new chipettes discovered that all 9 of them had Science class together.
"You know, we've never got any of your names yet," Nicki said.
"I'm Alvin the awesomest one," said Alvin with made Nicki smile, "and that's Simon and Theodore, we're brothers," he pointed to the blue-clad and green-clad chipmunks.
"And I'm Brittany and these are my sisters Jeanette, and Eleanor," Brittany introduced.
"Well it's really nice to meet you," said Nicki.
"Are we going to Science class?" Miranda asked. "Yes," Cherri answered.
"Oh I love Science!" Miranda's quiet voice said joyfully. "You do?" asked Simon.
"Uh-huh, especially when we get to mix different chemicals together to make the most magnificent things," she replied. Simon couldn't believe what he just heard.
"So do I!" Simon said surprised that she liked doing the same thing in Science.
Miranda giggled which made Simon smile.
Alvin rolled his eyes. "Do you like Science, Nicki?" Alvin asked. "Well, not really. I'm actually really good at math though," Nicki replied.
Alvin's face lit up. "Do you have Math class after lunch?" he asked. "Yeah," Miranda answered since she had memorized their schedule.
"Great! I can copy- I mean, you can help me figure out all the answers," Alvin said with air-quotes.
Nicki giggled and said, "You know Alvin, I actually really don't care if you copy off of me," "You don't. Well thank you," Alvin said and smirked. "No problem," Nicki said and smiled.
Seeing Alvin and Nicki smiling at each other made Brittany feel a little jealous beause she knew she had a huge crush on Alvin.
"Well here's Science class!" Brittany said quickly which startled the other 8 chipmunks. "Hi, Mr. Logan," the 'munks and 'ettes greeted. "Oh hello," he replied.
Miranda sat by Jeanette with Simon, Cherri sat by Theodore with Eleanor and Nicki sat by Brittany with Alvin. In front of the 3 groups of chipmunks were test tubes, different colors of chemicals, and a piece of paper with directions on it.
After the tardy-bell rang, Mr. Logan instructed, "Okay class, just follow the directions on your instructions. You are going to make the mixture change colors in your test tube,"
"Ooooooo that sounds FUN!" Cherri said and grabbed a test tube. "What do we do first?"
"Well you put in the blue chemical first," Eleanor said. Her and Cherri both picked up the tube filled with the blue chemical and poured it into the empty test tube.
After they did that, Eleanor saw Cherri walk over to Theodore who had a chocolate-chip cookie.
"Can I have half of that?" Cherri asked him. "Sure!" Theodore replied and he broke half of the cookie and gave the half to Cherri.
"Thank you," Cherri said with a smile.
"Your welcome,"
Eleanor watched the two eat the cookie and was surprised that Theodore didn't ask her if she wanted a piece.
But she kept her head high and didn't say anything.
Instead of Simon helping with project, he was too busy talking to Miranda about the greatest books he has read from the school's library. Jeanette knew it wasn't like Simon to not try to mix chemicals with her; it was her and his favorite thing in Science.
Jeanette just sighed and tried to follow the directions on her own.
Miranda noticed Jeanette was doing the project on her own and told Simon, "Um, Simon, we need to help Jeanette,"
"Huh?" Simon said confused. He looked over at Jeanette who was alone. "Oh.. right.. the project,"
Miranda giggled and walked over to Jeanette, Simon followed. Jeanette smiled glad that they decided to help her now.
After a while, they had followed all the directions and was amazed that all the chemical together in the test tube started changed rainbow colors!
"I think we make a great team," Miranda told Jeanette happily. "I agree," Simon and Jeanette said at the same time. They looked at each other and smiled shyly.
Miranda smiled at them. They look perfect for each other, she thought to herself.
Nicki, Alvin and Brittany didn't get anything done. Brittany was too confused about the directions, and it was bothering her that Alvin kept whispering things to Nicki and Nicki and him would always laugh.
"You know, you two could be helping me right now," Brittany suddenly said with a sense of annoyance in her voice.
Nicki stopped laughing and said, "Oh I'm sorry that we're not being attentive," and she stood up and scurried across the table over to Brittany and read over the directions on the paper.
"I'll help you," Nicki said when she was done reading and began putting the chemicals into the tube step-by-step.
After she was done, the mixture began to change rainbow colors. "There ya go," Nicki said.
"Oh... thanks I guess," said Brittany kind of amazed that Nicki had did that all by herself. "I'm glad I could help," Nicki replied.
Alvin scurried over to the test tube and admired the colors. "That's beautiful," he said. Then he looked at Brittany and Nicki and said flirtaciously, "But not as beautiful as you two,"
Brittany blushed and bit her lip. Nicki smiled and rolled her eyes. "But not as beautiful as you two. Please Alvin. I can flirt better than that," said Nicki with a hint of sarcasm.
"Oh really," Alvin challenged. "Yes. And I bet I could make you blush as red as your hoodie," Nicki challenged.
"I bet that you can't," Alvin pressed. Nicki walked over to him and their faces were just an inch from each other. Alvin stared into her dark brown eyes. Nicki wrapped her little arms around Alvin's neck, and Alvin could feel Nicki's hot breath. And to Alvin's surprise, he was blushing as red as his hoodie.
Nicki let go of Alvin and laughed happy that it worked. "I told you I could make you blush," She said in between laughs. Brittany laughed as well. "You should've seen your face," Brittany said.
Alvin rubbed his arm sheepishly. His stomache began doing flip-flops for some reason.
Back to Cherri, Theo and Ellie...
Eleanor had finished the project all on her own. She was surprised of her work she had accomplished all on her own.
"Ellie, you did a WONDERFUL job!" Cherri told her cheerfully. "Oh, and I'm sorry that Thedore and I didn't help you. I feel terrible," she added.
"Oh it's okay," Eleanor replied "But I'm really really sorry," Cherri apologized again.
"It's alright. It's no big deal," Eleanor said quietly. "Thank you," Cherri said and gave her a hug.
"Um Ellie?" Theodore asked. "Yes Theodore?" Eleanor replied. "Do you want half of my sugar cookie?" asked Theodore.
Eleanor's face brightened. "Of course!" Eleanor walked over to him and took the half of the cookie and sat beside him which made Theodore smile happily.
Cherri grinned and giggled at the two. They're so adorable, she thought to herself.
In the next chapter there'll be more of TheodorexCherri, AlvinxNicki and SimonxMiranda :)
~MeanLittleKitten (Courtney Min)