CHAPTER 18: A Little Relaxion!
Aww you guys have not voted for me :( its already 11/17/12 please do vote sometimes i wonder why you dont vote/fan me when im just busy writing THE STORY! PLEASE do fan me/Vote me!! >:(
When the Marajettes and Daniel arrived at the Chipmunks's house, Daniel parked her car in the driveway and the girls joyously scampered out the car. They were already at the door before Daniel was.
Daniel chuckled at Cherri as she was trying to hop up to the doorbell to ring it. Daniel carefully picked up Cherri so that she could finally reach the doorbell and she cheerfully rung it.
After Daniel set Cherri back beside her sisters, they all waited patiently for someone to answer. After about 5 seconds, Alvin had answered the door. The Marajettes waved.
Alvin's eyes went wide a little. "Hi Nicki!" He beamed with a grin, and added, "..and Cherri and Miranda," Nicki smiled back as Cherri giggled and Miranda rolled her eyes.
"Who's at the door, Alvin?" They heard a tiny voice called that had belonged to Theodore. Cherri was squealing inside. ^w^
"The Marajettes are here!" Alvin called back over his shoulder.
In a matter of 2 seconds the Chipettes and Alvin's brothers were at the door ready to greet the chipettes.
The 'munks and 'ettes were all dressed in comfortable clothes that were in there signature colors. Each Chipmunk wore a comfortable T-shirt; and each Chipette wore sleeveless tops and a denim skirt.
When Dave walked to the door, he greeted Daniel first. "Good morning, Daniel," Daniel responded back with a smile.
"We were just about to go to the beach. You all wanna come?" Jeanette asked politely.
Miranda slightly gasped. "Can we please go, Daniel?" She asked. Her sisters looked up at their guardian for an answer.
Daniel chuckled. "Sure, only if Dave says yes,"
"They can come too," Dave replied.
All 9 chipmunks cheered happily. The Marajettes were especially happy. Since they've moved from Trinidad, they haven't been to the beach for a whole week! XD
They helped the Chipmunks and Chipettes get their beach toys and towels as Daniel helped Dave get their cooler filled with water and their basket filled with food.
After they were all done packing for the beach, Daniel and her chipettes went back in the car and Daniel followed Dave and his 'munks & 'ettes to the beach.
Twenty-five minutes later, the two guardians parked next to each other and the chipmunks eagerly all got out of each car and met in a group at the beautiful beach.
The Marajettes's eyes lit up at the mesmerizing sight. "It's so... pretty..."Cherri said.
"Come on, guys, let's go for a swim!" Alvin shouted as he quickly scurried over the warm sand to the sparkling ocean, followed by Jeanette, Simon, Cherri, Brittany and Nicki.
"Would you like to build a sand castle with me Ellie?" Theodore had asked.
"Sure!" Eleanor replied joyfully.
After Daniel and Dave found a good spot and layed out the towels for them to lay on, they gave Theo and Ellie shovels and buckets to make the sand castle.
Meanwhile Alvin and his counterparts were laughing and splashing water on each other and Simon and his counterparts and Cherri were playing tag while swimming.
Daniel was very relaxed as she layed under a big yellow umbrella that provided cool shade while laying on a pink and white striped towel. Dave was doing the doing the while laying a blue and white striped towel, trying to take a nap.
"This is going to be the best sand castle ever!" Theodore exclaimed. Eleanor smiled, as she was really enjoying her counterpart's company as she was building the door.
When the green-clad Chipmunk and Chipette were nearly finished with their sand castle within the 15 minutes, the rest of the chipmunks came to the spot where Dave and Daniel had picked and the each shook the water off from their fur.
"Daniel you should go swimming. The water is great!" Cherri exclaimed.
"Oh I don't want to, Cherri. Besides I'll get my hair wet," Daniel replied as she sat up.
Alvin rolled his eyes.
"Yay it's finished!" They heard Theodore squeal and turned to him and Eleanor.
"Do you guys like our sand castle?" Asked Eleanor.
Miranda nodded. "Yes, you both did a wonderful job," She said.
Theodore's stomache growled a little. "I'm hungry," He said.
Since Dave was asleep, Daniel obliged to set out the food for the chipmunks.
Theo eagerly took a big bite out of his sandwich which made Cherri and Eleanor giggle. Nicki sat beside Alvin and Brittany eating a ham & cheese sandwich. Miranda had been eating the same type of sandwich, but was sitting a little far away from Jeanette and Simon so she wouldn't interfere the bespectacled chipmunks as they were happily eating.
Jeanette had noticed and was a little concerned. "What's wrong with Miranda?" She asked Simon in a whisper. Simon shrugged. "Maybe she just wants to be alone..." He said.
"Could you please check on her?" Jeanette asked. Simon put down his sandwich. "O-okay,"
He slowly walked over to her and was careful not to scare her. "Hello, Miranda," He greeted.
"Oh, h-hey Simon.." Miranda replied uneasily.
There was a silence.
"Are you okay?" Simon finally said. Miranda nodded trying to avoid his eyes.
"Okay th-then," Simon responded. He was about to walk away but heard Miranda's soft voice say, "Simon?"
Simon turned around. "Yes, Miranda?"
"D-Do you think I'm... pretty?" Miranda asked, feeling a bit awkward by her own question.
Simon's eyes widened a little. "Um... well-"
"I-It's okay if you think I'm ugly. Y-you don't have lie to me. I-I'll understand," Miranda said softly tracing a picture in the sand with her finger.
"B-but, I don't think you're ugly..." Simon's voice was almost quiet.
Miranda's light brown eyes gleamed in surprise. "Y-you don't?"
Simon walked over to her and brushed a lock of her hair back with his paw. "I think you're beautiful," He whispered with a warm smile.
Miranda smiled back.
Jeanette saw that her and Simon were smiling at each other and was glad that Simon had made her feel better.
"Would you like to sit with Jeanette and I now?" Simon asked.
Miranda nodded and walked with him back where Jeanette was and Jeanette smiled. "I'm glad you're feeling better," She said.
Miranda and Simon glanced at each other and each could feel their cheeks getting warmer, and it wasn't from the sun. ;)
Okay, I really needed to focus on Simanda more that's why there is more. XD Is SimonXMiranda kinda fluffy?
There'll be more Alvittany, Simanette and Theanor (and slight Alvicki) in the next chapter, don't worry ^^ I've also gotten a little better on my vocabulary :3
I listened to the Chipmunks and Chipettes's new soundtrack, and I gotta say that 'Survivor' is my all time favorite. It go hard! :D Thanks for reading. Fan me/Vote me, please! :)