CHAPTER 10: Unknown Feelings
THANKYOU ONCE AGAIN :D for reading dis far and follow my twitter @AnnaIsPreety
Jeanette, Simon and Miranda walked together to the library and sat down at a table together. Inside, Miranda was glad that she was sitting with her very first best friends; and she was glad that she gets to check-out her very first library book.
"What's your favorite genre, Miranda?" Jeanette asked. Miranda rubbed her little arm sheepishly and gave Simon a very quick glance before answering, "Well... I really actually like.. r-romance..."
"Do you mean like Shakespeare?" Simon asked curiously. "Well, I think so. I really loved that story Romeo & Juliet," Miranda replied. "And I just really love reading romance novels every now and then..." She added.
"Well there's lots of books with romance at this library," Simon exclaimed.
"C-Can you help me find where they are?" Miranda asked kindly. "Of course," Simon replied with a smile. Miranda couldn't help but smile back.
Simon was about to walk with Miranda to help her, but wondered if Jeanette wanted to help too. "Would you like to help, too, Jeanette?" He asked the bespectacled Chipette.
"You and Miranda go ahead. I'm going to search for a book for myself," Jeanette answered with a reassuring smile.
"Okay," Simon and Miranda said in unison and Simon led Miranda to the shelves where the love-stories were.
"Wow, that's a lot." Miranda said in awe. Simon scanned through the books and grabbed one and showed it to Miranda. "I've heard that Ann Watson is a good author at writing love-stories," He explained. (I made up the author's name.)
Miranda read the summary that was on the back of the book and shook her head. Simon placed the book back in its right spot.
He continued to scan through the rows of books, leaving Miranda on her own to her time to scan through the books.
Miranda wanted to explore the shelves that were about 2 feet above her.
She looked at Simon to make sure he wasn't looking, which he wasn't, and carefully began to climb the shelves so that she could read summaries of other books.
Suddenly whenever she got to the 24th shelf, she looked down and saw how it was a very far away distance from where she was to the ground. She began to feel sick to her little stomache, and dizzy.
Oh no... I forgot I was afraid of heights...
After a while, Simon realized that it was a little quiet over where Miranda was. To his surprise, he saw Miranda on a very high shelf and gasped, aghast.
"Miranda, what are you doing up there?" He said aloud. Miranda was breathing heavily as she closed her eyes so that she wouldn't look down again. "I... I..." She stammered.
"You need to come down. I-I-It's not safe!" He exclaimed alarmingly. "I.. I can't..." Miranda said faintedly with her quiet voice. Simon was pulling his hair, pondering quickly in his mind on what to do. "Um... uh.. er..."
As Miranda's eyes were closed, her heart was pounding a mile a minute, and the dizziness from being so high was going to her head. The dizziness was draining in her head, and she began to feel weak.
That weakness overcame her, and she fainted; and she was falling from that high distant.
"Miranda!" Simon cried in alarm.
He calculated the numbers quickly in his head to know where exactly Miranda was going to fall. He quickly ran to the spot he precisely calculated to catch her, and to his success, he had caught the Marajette in his arms.
Simon sighed with relief. He was proud of himself that he had saved her.
He looked down at the chipette with glistening eyes. Even though Miranda's eyes were closed, she still had looked pretty.
He could feel the warmth of the Marajette as his arms were wrapped her, and now she was breathing steadily. Simon stroked some of her long locks of her bang and couldn't believe how soft it was between his little fingers.
Miranda had awakened and slowly opened her gleaming light-brown eyes. She was looking right into the eyes of Simon Seville. "W-What are you doing?" She asked quietly.
Simon quickly cleared his throat and carefully let her down as he blushed. "I... saved you," Simon simply said. "Okay..." Miranda said awkwardly.
"Did you ever find a book, Miranda?" Asked Jeanette that had just scampered beside the two. "No. But I think I'll wait 'til another day to find a book," Miranda answered, hiding a sheepish smile.
"Oh okay," Jeanette said in a joyful tone. "Well I've found a book. I'm gonna go get it checked-out,"
Then Jeanette walked to the check-out table where the librarian was and happily checked-out her book.
Simon rubbed his arm nervously as his blush was fully shown. Miranda had her paws behind her back and bit her lower lip shyly while looking at the designed carpet.
Simon looked at the Marajette for 8 seconds before slowly walking over to Jeanette. "S-So, did you find a good book?" Simon asked Jeanette, trying to pretend in his mind that what happened between him and Miranda never happened.
"Yeah. It's a book all about different kinds of insects. I can't wait to read it!" Jeanette said excitedly. Simon smiled. Jeanette always had a way to make Simon smile.
Jeanette smiled back.
Simon let out a tiny sigh. "I guess it's time to go to Alvin & Brittany's favorite class. Music." He exclaimed.
"Come on, Miranda," Jeanette gestured. Miranda scurried up to the 'munk and 'ette and walked with them down the hallway.
Miranda and Simon would glance at each other every now and then as they both still kept thinking about what happened with them back in the library.
Jeanette noticed this and was very confused and curious. What had happened between them two while I was searching for a book?
I really had fun writing/typing this chapter ;)
Ooooo... Simanda X3 Aw don't worry, Jeanie. At least they didn't kiss X3
Do you think SimonXMiranda (Simanda) is cute? I do! But I gotta love my Simanette :)
I wonder what's gonna happen in Al & Britt's fave class in the next chappie? Your ideas are appreciated! ^^
VOTE, please! :) Give me some ideas for the next chappie and/or what you guys thought about this chappie :) Thank you~