CHAPTER 9: Honestly

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CHAPTER 9: Honestly 


Brittany was actually really angry at what Nicki had did to her; she was also baffled aswell... Why did she do that to me in the first place?

As Brittany walked beside Nicki down the long hallway, Brittany sneaked a look at Nicki, who was just looking down walking in a slow pace.

Brittany had noticed something about Nicki that had surprised her. She could see her dark-brown eyes gleaming more from the tears that she was holding back.

Brittany was about to put a paw on her shoulder to comfort her, but withdrew.

It had seemed like hours to get to Dr. Rubin's office, but they finally had reluctantly walked into the principal's office, ready for whatever they were about to be told. "Hello, Miss Brittany and Miss Nicki," Dr. Rubin greeted as she looked up at the chipettes.

"Hi Dr. Rubin!" Brittany squeaked and grinned innocently. Nicki just stroked one of her braids, looking down at her feet.

"I was informed by Mrs. Stevenson that you two had started a food fight..." Dr. Rubin exclaimed. "Um... well... we kinda, sorta did..." Brittany said grinning sheepishly.

As Nicki blinked, some of her tears fell down her furry cheeks. "I actually started it..." She admitted, as her voice had sounded far away and hoarse.

"You did?" Dr. Rubin asked curiously.

"The truth is... th-that I was..." Nicki began as she looked at Brittany, "...jealous.." She finished.

"Jealous of what?" Brittany asked.

Tears still was falling from Nicki's eyes.

"I had gotten jealous of Alvin helping you instead of me," Nicki honestly admitted. Brittany's eyes grew wide a little.

That's why she had done that to me... She was jealous.

"It's okay, Nicki," Dr. Rubin said comfortingly at Nicki, "Fortunately you two are not in trouble, now that I understand how this food fight hadreally happened."

Nicki gave her a tiny smile of happiness and relief and wiped her tears away. "You may leave now," Dr. Rubin said.

When the two were back in the hallway, the bell had rung for everyone to be released to the cafeteria for lunch. The chipettes walked together to lunch since they had no choice.

To Brittany, it had seemed awkward for her right now to ask this question at Nicki, but she was curious...

"Nicki?" Brittany said.

Nicki looked up at her.

"D-Do you like Alvin?"

Nicki's mind literally went blank at that moment. Did she just ask me that, or am I imagining things? "W-What?"

"Do. You. Like. Alvin?" Brittany said more understandable for her. Nicki blushed instantly as she replied quietly, "Kinda..."

Brittany's heart had stopped. I remember yesterday Alvin wouldn't answer my question when I asked him if he liked Nicki... WHAT IF HE DOES!

Brittany shook her head and let that thought escape her mind when she scurried inside the cafeteria and sat beside her sisters and the Chipmunks.

"So... did you and Nicki get in trouble?" Alvin asked as soon as Brittany sat down. "Nope." Brittany simply said.

"I-Is Nicki okay?" Alvin asked in a soft voice. "Yeah. She's okay now," Brittany replied. "Why?" Alvin was puzzled at first when Brittany asked 'Why?', but answered, "Well, she seemed pretty mad. I was just.. w-worried about her, that's all."

"Oh... okay..." Brittany said half-heartedly, as that thought that she had recently began to go through her mind again.

"Did you get in trouble? Did you get dentention? ARE YOU GETTING SUSPENDED!" Cherri was asking her eldest sister a whole bunch of questions. "No; no; and no." Nicki answered all her questions. Cherri sighed. "THAT'S a relief..."

"So Nicki, why did you really do that to Brittany?" Miranda asked in a I-can't-believe-you-really-that-to-her kind of tone. After Nicki explained why she had gotten so angry back in Cookery class, Miranda could understand.

"Well, I really don't want you in trouble again from jealousy. Try not to get jealous next time." Miranda assured. "I'll try not to. I was kinda harsh..." Nicki said.

"Kinda?" Miranda said doubtfully, which made Nicki laugh. "Nicki can you throw this away?" Cherri asked randomly as she showed Nicki the trash of wrappers.

"I ain't cho maid." Nicki simply said with a playful grin, and Cherri laughed. "Fine, I won't be lazy..." Cherri said as she playfully sluggishly walked to the trashcan.

Miranda and Nicki had noticed that Jeanette scampered to where they were. "Hi, Miranda!" She greeted as smiled. "Hi, Jeanette," Miranda answered joyfully.

"Simon and I were wondering if you would like to go to the library with us?" Jeanette explained.

"Sure!" Miranda replied, and she followed Jeanette and Simon down the hallway to the school's library.

"This school has a lot of great books here. I've already read about 22 books from the library!" Simon explained to Miranda with a joyful smile.

"Well I can't wait to check-out my first book," Miranda said as she couldn't wait to go to the romance section of the books and check-out her first love story.

This chappie's kinda short, but I love it. ^^

There's so many questions that need to be answered! Literally... :D

"I ain't cho maid." - Nicki is too funny. XD

How are things gonna go in the library? You'll have to find out in the next chapter. :P

VOTE/FAN ME, please! :) I absolutely LOVEVOTES/FANS! :)

~MeanLittleKitten/Courtney Min

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