Hi i know im not yet in a high chapter but please Vote,Fan me and comment i love you!
CHAPTER 4: The art thats from the heart! :)
The next class period after lunch was Art for the new chipettes and Theodore.
This was the only class that Theodore had without his brothers. He felt kind of lonely, but kept good thoughts in his mind.
The class assignment was to paint anything you wanted to. Theodore just stood in front of the easel and ate a strawberry.
He didn't know what to paint.
"What're you painting, Nicki?" Cherri asked with her voice filled with joy.
Nicki eyed her painting. She scribbled sky blue, red and pink hearts all over the huge white paper. She really didn't know what the heck she was painting.
Nicki laughed as she realized why she had painted all the hearts. "Uh... no comment." Nicki exclaimed as she looked to the side and smiled.
Cherri playfully rolled her eyes and looked over at Miranda's painting. She had painted the Milky Way; and it had looked realistic.
"Nice painting, Miranda," Cherri complimented in awe. "Aw, thank you," Miranda said and smiled.
"Your welcome!" Cherri squeaked with a grin.
Then Cherri's gaze went from her sister's painting to Theodore. Theodore was now sitting on a desk in front of the easel.
Should I go over there with him? Cherri asked herself in her thoughts. She let out a sigh and shrugged. Maybe I better.
Cherri jumped from the desk that she was standing on to Theodore's desk. Theodore gasped as he heard a small thud from behind him. But he sighed relieved that it was only Cherri at his desk.
"Hi Cherri!" Theodore greeted as he smiled. Cherri smiled back pleasantly and looked at the blank sheet of paper and back at the chubby chipmunk.
"Um, aren't you gonna paint somethin'?" Cherri asked as her Trinidadian-accent was heard softly as she spoke.
"Well... I really don't know what to paint," Theodore admitted softly.
Cherri looked down at her feet shyly, and walked 4 inches in front of Theodore. "You know what I'd do when I don't know what to paint?" Cherri asked as her caramel colored furry cheeks began to turn pinker.
"What?" Theodore asked, confused about why she was beginning to blush. "I paint from what's in here..." Cherri said and she gently placed her right paw on his chest where his heart was.
Theodore blushed as well. Cherri could feel his heart beating 200 times faster.
"So, just think about what's special to you," Cherri exclaimed as her Trinidadian-accented high-pitched voice became gigglier apprehensively. Her fluffy tail also twitched from being nervous.
Theodore's mouth opened but no words came out for a couple of seconds. He replied, "Um... well... m-my brothers are special to me," Cherri took her paw away from his chest.
She smiled. "Well, you could try to paint them then," "I-I'll try..." Theodore replied.
Theodore grasped one of the paint-brushes and dipped it into the brown paint and began painting Simon, Alvin and then himself.
When he was done, he asked Cherri nervously, "I-Is it a good painting?"
"It's great, Theodore. You did a GREAT job!" Cherri replied joyfully. Theodore smiled as he blushed again.
"Wait. W-Where's your painting?" He asked in his cute high-pitched voice.
Cherri giggled and went back to her desk and got the paper that she had painted on and hopped back on Theodore's desk and layed out the huge paper across the desk.
Theodore was amazed. Cherri had painted a picture of him, herself and Eleanor all wearing green and waving.
"Cherri it's beautiful..." Theodore said in awe. It wasn't that great, but Cherri was happy that her and Theo had thought it was great. She giggled. "Thanks, Theo. You and Eleanor are the bestest friends I've ever had." She said as she smiled her adorable smile.
Theodore smiled at that compliment and looked at Cherri.
I had never noticed her eyes were hazel until now. I've never known anyone that had hazel eyes before. They're perfect for her... he thought daydreamingly.
So how do you feel about TheodoreXCherri? (Cherridore - I DEFINITELY know that's how it's spelled together, I hope)
I wanna know if you think Cherridore is cute or not is all ^^'
Okay, I know at the end Theodore said 'he's never known anyone with hazel eyes' and some people think that Alvin's eyes are hazel... if Alvin's eyes are hazel, please let me know so I won't make that mistake again.
I've always thought Alvin's eyes were amber (brownish-yellow) in CGI, but I could be wrong. Or is amber and hazel kind-of the same thing?
Anyways, VOTE please! :) (ya probably know what mixed couple is comin' next...) ;)