Chapter 5

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~skip forward a few weeks~
Summer was in full flow. Each day more and more people seemed to come down to the beach, most where tourists and where unaware of the dangers the ocean possess. Many don't understand English so can't read out dangerous current signs or understand what we are telling them on the megaphone. I had began to get more confident as a lifeguard, making more rescues and dealing with more situations like dislocations, spinals and resuses. Bondi was beginning to feel like my home and I loved every second of it. I had become good friends with all of the lifeguards, each one brining a different asset to the team. I had been saving up so that I could move out of my parents home and into an apartment of my own. I had finally saved enough and began looking into places where I could possibly live. I wanted to be as close to Bondi and as close to my best friends as possible. I was speaking to Jethro about it one day whilst on duty together down at bronte. He told me about an apartment complex that he lived on. It overlooked Bondi but the best thing was that Maxi, max, jesse, jake, ryan, harrison and Lachie all had apartments in the same complex and there was an apartment for sale. After a few calls, I went to a viewing and fell in love with it, so I brought it! However, I hadn't told any of the boys living in the complex that I had brought it. The next day Jethro and I were back on duty at Bondi and were out on tower duty. He came into the tower with a glum sad look on his face so obviously I asked him what was wrong. "Someone best you to it and brought the last apartment in out complex" he sadly let out. I had to try and hide a smile. He had no idea that the person who bought it was me! He had no idea that on that very same evening, I would be moving into the apartment surrounded by some of my best friends.

I'd reached my parents home to find my mum's car fully packed up with all the boxes of clothes and belongings from my room. In my dad's car was all my furniture in pieces so that it would fit. We made the short drive over from Maroubra to my new apartment. When we got there the boys were all out, it was a Friday night and none of them had work the next day so they were probably out clubbing or down the pub or something. I had picked up my keys the day before so I was all set. I made it up the short flight of stairs and opened my door. The smell of fresh paint oozed out the room. My voice echoes through the open apartment. It felt as if I was living in a dream and I never wanted to wake up. We assembled my furniture and brought all of my boxes up from the cars. By the time we had finished it was close to midnight and my parents left me to settle in. Shorty after this, I heard the main door to out complex open to hear a group of drunk delusional men. I knew exactly who it was. I didn't even need to go down and look to work out that it was the boys.

After hearing several falls up the stairs, I decided to go and see what was happening. That's when I saw Jake and Jesse on the floor laughing and the rest crowded around them trying to help eachother up but failing and ending up in one big laughing mess. I whipped out my phone and began to film them to show them in the morning (and for to look back on in the future). Because I had only just moved in, I didn't know which boy lived in which apartment, so I decided to just bring them all back into my apartment and let them spend the night here. Maxi and Ryan slept on a couch each, Jethro and Harrison slept on the floor, max and Lachie slept in the spare room and Jake slept on the floor next to them. My apartment was very open so it was easy to help the boys in and around. I placed a blanket over each boy and put a cup and a tablet next to each of them so that in the morning they could easily take it. I set an alarm to make sure that I was up before all the boys so that they hadn't thought they'd been abducted.

I got up about nine am to find everyone still sleeping. I decided to make breakfast for everyone, hoping the smell would wake them up. I decided on pancakes as I knew all the boys liked them. I decided to take the opportunity to get ready whilst they were all still sleeping. I grabbed a plain grey singlet and my black Nike Pro shorts. My hair was naturally wavy so left it the way it was. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I entered the kitchen to find Jake filling up his glass of water. I whispered "Hiya, how you feeling?" He replied "I've been better" laughing slightly. I had told him my plans for breakfast and he approved. He sat on one of the kitchen stools and we spoke as I made the pancakes. It was nice to get some alone time with Jake to talk. Jake seems to have this ability to make me laugh historically every time he's with me. After a while the rest of the boys rolled into the kitchen one by one. We all sat around the island in my kitchen eating the pancakes until Jethro says loudly "wait!" The rest of us look at eachother confused "it was you!" he said almost shouting. "you brought the apartment" I started to laugh as all the boys began to shout and cheer. Jake looked especially happy whispering loudly to Lachie who was next to him not realising the rest of us could hear what he was saying"this means I can spend more time with her". Lachie laughed and rolled his eyes as the rest of the boys joined in teasing jake, I could feel myself blushing and smiling. "Looks like she likes that idea too" maxi said pointing at me, all the boys suddenly turned to look at the state I was in and we all ended up laughing, I had eye contact with Jake the entire time. "I can't wait!" I screamed and we all just sat there laughing.

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