Chapter 9

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After the serious events that happened yesterday with a drowning the bondi rescue film crew invited us to film a YouTube video for their channel. It was a really rainy stormy kind of day so there weren't any swimmers, giving us plenty of free time. Myself, Jake, Harrison, Jesse, lachie, Jeff, maxi, Max and ryan all agreed. The film crew had set out some chairs underneath a gazebo. Each chair had a name on it and had a whiteboard, pen and rubber in the seat. We each went to our assigned chair, i was right in the middle with Harrison one side of me and Maxi the other. We found out that we were going to be playing a lifeguard who's most likely to but instead of being able to choose from all the lifeguards on the service, we could only choose out of us nine. The questions started off with pretty simple questions like which lifeguard was the funniest, which lifeguard is most likely to be late to work and which lifeguard was the biggest party animal. A question then came up asking which lifeguard was the strongest mentally, everyone but myself wrote my name on their boards. I wrote Jesse's name as he's been through a lot but still came out stronger which I admire him for. As I looked round to see my name on everyone's boards I had seen that on Jake's board there was a little symbol next to my name. He was sat wayyy down the end so I could quite make out what it was. Max was sat next to him "look Jakeys drawn a little heart next to Lu's name". I could hear all the boys teasing him and I could feel myself blush as I looked over and locked eyes with him. I could feel my heart beating a million times an hour and we both just sat there keeping eye contact whilst smiling at eachother.

We'd finished the game and the boys all went off into the surf to muck about whilst I sat in the tower with Ryan watching the water incase anything happened. We were just sat there laughing and joking about until he asked me what my plans for the next day where. I knew some of the boys had the day off work and so did I. I told Ryan that I just planned to go over to Maroubra for a surf and he asked if he and the other boys that were off could join. "Of course but only if you bring good snacks" I said whilst laughing. Sadly Jake was busy tomorrow so he couldn't join but it meant that I could spend some time with my other best friends so I didn't mind too much.

The next day rolls around and I hear Jesse Jethro and jake leave for work. I decided to get up and ready for the day seeing as I wanted to find a good spot on the beach before it got too crowded. I put on my spotty one piece, grabbed my board and my bag and headed out to meet the others. We had to take two cars seeing as there were a lot of us and lots of surfboards. Myself Harrison and max went in one car with Lachie maxi and Ryan in the other. we spent the day laughing and joking and hands down it was one of the best days of my life. By the time eight pm came around we were all completely shattered. Caught off guard, maxi asks "good distraction ay?". "distraction?" I reply back quizzing him "distraction from what" I ask. "uhhh nothing" he replies awkwardly with the rest of the boys shooting him looks as if to say 'shut up'.

Jake's POV
Me Jesse and Jethro had work today down at Bondi although only had short shifts. The rest of the boys knew this but didn't tell Lu. I wanted to surprise her and finally ask her to by my girlfriend. Once the three of us had finished our shift we raced home to set up a romantic little scene. By the pool, we had layed out a small red picnic blanket with fake candles and rose petals surrounding it. I knew it would be back by the time they arrived back from Maroubra so would make the perfect place to ask her to be my girlfriend. Throughout the rest of the afternoon we made signs that would read 'be my girlfriend?'. We had a sign and a rose for each of the boys to hold. I texted Harrison to tell him that everything was set up and that it was okay to come back. All the boys were in on the plan as they wanted to see is together and much as I did.

Back to Lu's POV
For the whole journey back to our apoartemts I quizzed the boys on why I needed to be distracted but none of them told me anything and changed the subject as soon as I brought it up When we arrived back to our complex, all the lights were off. This was weird as usually there would be at least one light on. It was around nine pm by the time we were back so I just guessed the boys were either called back to an emergency down the beach, or were too tired so just fell asleep. We all got out of the two cars but the boys had told me to wait outside whilst they went an did something. After waiting about five minutes standing in the dark outside our complex (which by the way was very scary and I thought someone would come out of the dark and snatch me), I got a text from Lachie telling me that I could come in now and that I should head to the pool. When I got inside, there were fake candles and rose petals scattered along the hallway. It was so beautiful. I made it to the pool to see all of the boys suddenly all in suits and facing the other way (how they got into suits that quickly will always amaze me). Each boy but Jake walked up to me and handed me a rose before heading back to where they were and grabbing a sign. They each span around revealing the words 'be my girlfriend?' with one sign pointing an arrow down to where Jake was. I could feel myself tearing up as no one had ever done a romantic gesture like this for me before. I ran over to Jake hugging him. He picked me up and span me down as I repeated 'yes yes yes a thousand yesses!' he put me down and leaned in to kiss me. I didn't hesitate and before I knew it our lips where connected. I heard the boys whooping and cheering in the back round as I looked at Jake and smiled before hugging him again and resting my head in his chest. Nothing could ruin the happiness and joy that I felt right now.

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ily ~ Jake Nolan Where stories live. Discover now