The shower

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Me and Louise were running to our room. I knew she was going to be mad. But when we got to the room she started laughing and said 

"ZOE!! This is great! You finally met someone." She giggled  "Quite the charmer too." she added

"Ayy!! Hes mine" I said and we both laughed. We were having a girls night in until Matt came up with Darcy and ruined it all. 

"Matt , what are you doing here?" Louise questioned

"Me and Darcy came to suprise you i got up the biggest suite.. COME ON!!" He yelled with excitement.

"Oh okay.. Zoe will you be fine here on your own?" She asked " Bring down alfie if you like" And she winked and set off.

I made a video and edited it. I had to call Alfie but i didn't want to seem pushy. But I just had to.

So i dialled his number and I heard a farmiliar voice.

"Zoe?" He whispered

"Yes its me , I was wondering if you would like to come to my room. Louise's Husband and daughter came and they now have their own suite." I said trying to be as cool as possible.

"Sure , Give me 5 minutes to take a shower." He said

"Its ok Alfie  , I have a shower and anyway , I need one too. We can save water." I laughed

I never caught myself being so flirtatious!


I ran straight to the elavator just bringing my phone. I arrived on her floor and ran to her room and knocked on her door. She opened it wearing the sexiest langerie i ever seen.                                         Shes pulled down my pants. I kicked off my shoes, took my top off. And she ran into the shower 

and said "Come on Alfie. Dont waste water"

I would never pass up an oppurtunity like this so i walked over to her in the shower. Got in and I unlaced her beautiful Bra that was attatched to her panties. I stared into her eyes and i kissed her , well it was a dangerous kiss like the one you see in movies. I knew her for a few hours and what was i doing? I don't even know. I don't care. She was trying to do a twirl but then she fell. 

"WHAT DO I DO?" i thought to myself

So i rang the ambulance and put a robe on her and slipped my clothes back on. She was unconcious. Oh no. 


 I'm in a hospital bed and I see Alfie on the chair in my room. I remember I fell in the shower..

"Alfie?" I say ,  I repeat it because he was sleeping.

"Zoe? Oh finally" He said as he woke up.

"How long were you here for?" I questioned

"A few months almost a year." He said

"WHAT?!" i shouted

"Haha Im only joking I've been here for 11 hours."  Alfie joked

"Am I okay?" I asked

"Yeah you'll be fine you just had a little sex injury."

"Shush , haha!" 

We went on talking and i lost track of the time we were talking for an hour before the nurse came in.

"Zoe elizabeth Sugg , Is it?" She asked

"Yees maaaaaam" I giggled

" I need you to tell me what happened." She said seriously

"Oh ok um well me and alfie , here , were in the shower and i tried to twirl but i fell and i cannot remember anything else." 

"Oh...........Okay.. Thank you Mrs. Sugg"

"Ms" I said and winked at Alfie.

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