A Trip To Gotham

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One and a half years later
Marinette.point of view

(°Oh Tiki what if who ever my soulmate is thinks that I'm crazy) I whine.

(°*sigh*Oh Marinette why would they think that) said Tiki looking tired.

(°Well she dose visit that one asylum once a month to check on Harley, Ivy, and that copy cat) said plag. Hearing that I collapse on to my bed thinking about how this all happened. About how last summer I went with my uncle Jagged to help with his concerts, and how I had met Harley during his last show in Gotham, yup that Harley. Well she showed up out of nowhere, and tried to attack us because she and Joker had gotten in to a fight about how she was going soft. Well I kinda got mad and started chewing her out about attacking us over her own problems. Which caused her to burst in to tears, well I felt bad so I when an gave her a hug and said sorry, which she returned. Then I sat her down and talked her through her problem, then she decided that she was going to give Jack a piece of her mind, and if he didn't except her she would dump him. That was about the time Ivy came to pick her up, and before they left she thank me for making Both Harley and the plants around us happy, then I met Batman an had to explain the whole situation, and he asked if I would mind visiting Arkham Asylum once a month to help control the criminals. Just another day in the life of one Marinette Dupain-cheng.

(° Marinette who ever they are they will except you for who your are, and if you still worried you can just explain the whole situation) said Tiki kindly.

( °okay Tiki, but what if they're crazy) I said worried. She just sighs (okay I'll stop) I said.

(°Good) said plag, (° plus your soulmate is a descendant f my first holder like you are of Tiki's) * the song speechless*

(°Marinette your phone is ringing) said tiki grabbing it.

(°Oh thank you Tiki) I said trying to make it look like I knew it was my ringtone, Chloe I am so gonna get you for this remembering how she had changed my ringtone from the ringing sound to this.

(°Hello) I said answering my phone.

(°Is this Marinette Dupain-cheng) a man's voice asks.

(°Yes this and you are) I asked confused.

(°I am Bruce Wayne and I am calling to inform you that you won W.E's essay contest your whole class will be coming to Gotham in a month time)he said.

.......I don't know what to say so I just sit there looking stuned. Then said (° Thank you Mr Wayne, but may I ask why did you pick me) I ask.

(°Ms. Dupain-cheng) he starts, but I interup him.

(°Marinette) I said, I can hear laughing on the other side of the phone.

(°Well then call me Bruce) he said (°and for why we picked you it is because of what you said about how Gotham and its people are inspiring, that is all)

(°Oh okay) I said and before I can say anything else he said.

(°Marinette your teacher will give you more of the details on Monday) then he hangs up, but that doesn't really bug me because he is a busy CEO.
.................................. Class the next day
Marinette.point of view

(°Hi Marinette, Adrian) said Alya as we walked in we got Adrian away from his father on child neglect, but that couldn't get him locked up so Hawk moth is still on the loose, plus we have nothing to prove he is Gabriel Agrest. Well now Adrian is my adopted brother, but he has said that he will never use the cat miraculous again.

(°Hi Alya) I said grinning.

(°Okay what's up, you only look like that when something good happens) she said curious.

(°You will know in a bit) I said just as the teacher walks in.

(°class I would like to inform you that in a month time we will be going on a two month trip to Gotham City) said our teacher while Alya gives me a oh look.

(°oh my Damipoo probably set this up so he could see me ) said Lila, I just roll my eyes wondering who would believe her................. basically everyone.
Gotham just after Bruce hung up
Bruce.point of view

"So who did you pick", asked Tim. I hand him a printed version of her essay then said.

"A young girl from Paris", he looks at the essay then said.

"I see why you chose her."

"That and I knew you, Dick, and Danny would love to get to meet MDC", I said. I can see his Eyes light up, and I can hear Dick and Jason crash into each when they hear that.

"Wait is she the girl that visits Arkham once a month to see Harley, Ivy, and Selena", Asked Tim.

"Yes she is", I tell him." It is strange, but I doubt even the Joker would do anything to the Girl", hearing me say this they all look shocked.

"Well I guess that makes her an even better choice", said Dick.

"Yes, yes it does, it should mean that her class will be safe", I state.

"As long as they're nice To the girl", said Jason, "if not they might as well sign their own death warrants."

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