"Alright." Page sighed after shifting his broken arm into a more comfortable position. "One of the groups attacked us-"
"No sh**, Sherlock." John muttered.
"For once I agree with ya, John." Rose remarked.
"...and we're going to get our food back." Page continued, ignoring the other's comments.
"What about Cathal and Timmy?" Rose questioned, her eyes shifting to look at Page's.
There was silence for a second.
"Rose, they're dead, they've been missing-"
Rose scoffed. "Yeah right. As if they'd die. Cathal's the most powerful out of all of us, Timmy's pretty powerful when it's daytime."
"...they could be Crippled..." I added. There was silence for a very long time. When someone is Crippled, they're either dead, old, or controlled by a different serum that the government uses to control you. When I was younger my classmates and I used to joke about the ugly classmates being Crippled. After everybody learned what Crippled meant, we never spoke of the Crippled again.
Page, getting up, climbed up and onto the flat roofs of the cement apartments. Rose soon followed and John motioned for me to climb up with them.
"What are we doing...?" I asked, shielding my eyes from the harsh sunlight. The sun was setting, but it was bright nonetheless.
"We're going to get our food back." Rose answered, flapping feathery wings and lifting off the ground. "See you!"
"She can fly?" I asked Page, he was looking out over the sea of flat roofs.
"Mhm." He simply said, his roving eyes scanning the horizon.
"...what's he doing...?" I whispered to John while motioning at Page.
"He's tracking the group or at least any of the members that attacked us. Rose is flying in the direction of one member who's out hunting for more unarmed and unaware Freaks to kill them and Page is, like I said, tracking."
"You guys kill people?!"
"Just like how you used to kill Freaks, we kill other Freaks and on certain occasions, Citizens who took it way too far."
I remember when I used to purge Freaks. It felt like the best thing in the world. Citizens could kill Freaks whenever they wanted, but to prevent the population from dropping any further, the government enforced a law that nobody can kill anybody unless you're literally about to die.
"I found them." Page's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.
"How will we get over there...?" I asked.
"We jump." Page said it so casually that it sounded as simple as breathing or blinking.
"Jump?! Like, hop from roof to roof?!"
"Yep." John answered. Seeing my hesitation, John places a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry." He reassured me, "The space between the buildings isn't far at all."
I exhaled, the shaking in my hands decreasing a bit. Smiling at John, we prepared ourselves for the many jumps to be made. Leaping towards the horizon, we weren't going to let those other Freaks steal our food.
Small note:
This is mostly a filler chapter, I ran out of motivation. Sorry. Things will get more crazy in the next chapter.
Don't Feed the Freaks (character x reader style)
AcţiuneAs a Citizen, you're granted infinite happiness, wealth and success. As a Freak, you're granted endless violence, inequality and hate. It all depends on one. Little. Beep. Inspired by the Autodale series by David Armsby, Game Over and Strings Attac...