Chapter Five

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Katherine gazed up into the balcony just as the Prime Minister stormed out. The man with the billion-dollar smile met her gaze, gave a slight nod and a genuine smile. She knew him now as the King.

She had almost forgotten just how handsome he was. She curtsied to him and an even bigger smile grew across his face. She wished they could speak, but Maxwell said that couldn't happen for some time yet.

Still, she wanted to know what he saw in her. Why he had asked for her and no one else. Their eyes stayed locked onto one another even as she crossed the ballroom.

A guard neared the King, whispered something in his ear and the king nodded. Turning his attention from her, he gave the signal to silence the orchestra. When he stood, all eyes turned to him.

"Prime Minister, members of the royal court, Parliament, ladies, and gentlemen — thank you for joining me here at the palace. This is the first of many activities you ladies before me will endure. Starting tomorrow morning I'm afraid it will be more work than play. So please dance and enjoy the rest of the ball. Good night."

With that, he exited the balcony and was gone. His voice was claim and kind. It made her feel warm inside. She glanced around the room, then exited the side door into the gardens.

Gazing up into the sky, she could see thousands of stars twinkling above. The full moon illuminated the cobblestone path beneath her.

She twirled in her glow. She actually felt like a princess in this gown. She had ever had anything so fancy in her life. The soft powder blue fabric with white lace embroidered flowers complimented her dark brown hair and jade eyes.

She strolled through the gardens alone and smiled to herself. It was the most beautiful place she had ever been, yet all of the other women acted as though they expected it and more.

The orchestra began to play the lullaby Lavender's Blue and she smiled. She loved that song. Her mother had always sung it to her when she was just a small child.

She began to hum the tune along with them and dance with her invisible partner. She sang the last verse aloud:

"I love to dance, dilly, dilly,
I love to sing
When I am queen, dilly, dilly,
You'll be my king.
Who told me so, dilly, dilly,
Who told me so?
I told myself, dilly, dilly,
I told me so."

She twirled around and hummed the last line again. As the last of the melody drifted into the night, she heard in the distance a soft baritone singing:

"Lavender's blue, dilly, dilly,
lavender's green,
When I am king, dilly, dilly,
you shall be queen."

As the song ended she looked up to see the king in an open window overlooking the garden. He smiled and quietly disappeared behind the curtain, still humming the tune.

She watched for a long moment, smiling to herself. Perhaps she couldn't meet him yet, but they seemed to be having a private conversation all their own.

"Katherine." A voice whispered. She turned to see Mark waving to her from the corner wall. She hurried to him, "Mark, it's so good to see—"

He stopped her short, "Katie, there's not much time. We shouldn't be seen talking. I just came to warn you."

"Warn me? Whatever for?" She questioned.

Mark glanced around to make sure they were still alone. "You must not reveal yourself as a Christian here. To anyone. The Prime Minister hates Christians it seems. This country is neutral on the subject, but we don't know where the King stands. I fear for your life, Katie. Promise me you will not share your true feelings on the matter."

Katherine shook her head, "I don't understand. You taught me never to hide my faith. I'm proud to be a Christian. I will never deny Jesus!"

Mark placed his hand on her shoulder to claim her, "I'm not asking you to deny Christ or your faith. Just keep it silent."

Grief filled her eyes, "But if I don't speak of my faith, am I not denying my belief in it?"

Mark sighed, "Just be careful. Don't speak of it until we know what the King believes." She gave a reluctant nod and he disappeared into the darkness.

The King entered his room still humming Lavender's Blue. He removed his coat and loosened his tie. She was so beautiful tonight dancing in the garden all alone. It took every fiber in his being not to join her there. He wished he could just forget the protocol and just proclaim her Queen now. But he knew that would not be wise.

She was indeed beautiful, but that did not mean she had what it took to be a Queen. After disgracing the crown and displeasing the people once before, he could not afford to do so again. Regardless of whatever attraction he had for her.

He could only hope she was as intelligent as she was beautiful. That would make the decision much easier on him. He threw himself onto his bed and sighed. Letting the weight of his body sink into the memory foam.

Perhaps she would do well with the press tomorrow. That would give her a point or two in their books. Her story would interest them enough, of that he was sure. A rags to riches story. A modern-day Cinderella.

Then a sick feeling dropped in the pit of his stomach. If she wasn't prepared, they would also devour her like a lamp going to the slander.

He raised himself off the bed, ready to go help her prepare. He hesitated. He had to be fair. He must be fair. He couldn't help her, even though he wanted to. She would have to handle them on her own.

He sighed and tossed himself back onto the mattress. Wishing all of this were already over.

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