Chapter Twenty-One

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Riding along the beach on horseback was the perfect way to end the day. It took Katherine no time at all to fall fast asleep. Though between Alexander's tossing and her own bad dreams, she didn't stay that way for long.

She trembled as she woke from her nightmare. It had happened again. The same as before. Yet one more puzzling piece was revealed. The man who wanted her dead was Henry. His face was as recognizable as any she knew.

But why? She knew she didn't trust him...and this dream seemed to be warning her, but of what? She glanced over at Alexander, but he wasn't there.

Raising herself upright, she scanned the suite till her eyes fell on him sitting by the fire. Head in his hands. She grabbed her robe and neared him.

"Can't sleep?" she pondered.

He glanced at her, "Oh, I'm sorry. Did I wake you?"

She shook her head, "No, I couldn't sleep either." Her gaze fell on the papers at his feet, she arched a brow, "What are you reading?"

He shook his head and picked up a page, "Just a police report." He handed it to her. She noticed the date. It was twelve years ago.

He shrugged his shoulders, "I suppose I shouldn't be reading it...but I never had before."

She slimmed over it. It was the report on the wreak he had with his brother. The report mentioned the brake lines having been cut.

She gasped, "The brakes?"

He nodded, "I always wondered why I wasn't able to stop that car...I guess now I know."

Her brow creased, "But doesn't that mean —"

"Someone tried to kill us? Probably...but there's no way to prove it." He handed her another page. It was the mechanic's report. He had concluded that the lines had been damaged when the car had slid over the embankment before it had overturned. He mentioned nothing about them being severed like the police had said.

"Could you question him? Maybe he was bribed to change the reports."

He nodded, "Yeah, I had thought of that, but he died two years ago."

She slumped down beside him, "I'm so sorry, Alex."

He shook his head, "It doesn't matter now. It's been too many years."

He tossed the papers down on the floor again and sighed as he leaned back in the chair. Eye's closed. Finally, he sat up straight and asked, "Did we ever do anything for Mark? He did warn you of the attempt on my life."

She shook her head, "No, I don't believe so." He clapped his hands together, "That's what I'll do. I'm sure there is something I can do for him. I'll talk to the Prime Minister in the morning."

* * * *

Alexander placed a book on the shelf and grabbed another. Sitting at his desk he began reading the second book. He had spent most of the day in his study.

A knock on the door told him the Prime Minister had arrived. Closing the book, he granted him entry. Henry bowed and sat in the seat the King had gestured to.

"Henry, what do you think should be done for a man if a King would like to show him honor?"

Henry grinned. Surely this was it. The King had finally realized how important he was.

With a dip of the head, he modestly began, "Well, Sire...for a man the King would like to honor, I would put him in the finest clothes, perhaps one of your royal robes reserved only for the most important occasions. Allow him to ride your personal horse and let him wear your crown. Tell one of your highest officials to lead the horse down the city square proclaiming that this is what the King does for those that please him."

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