Chapter Twenty-Five

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Alexander turned to her. Tears swelled in his eyes, "Why didn't you just tell me you were a Christian at the beginning of all this?"

She shook her head and bowed herself to his feet, "I'm sorry...I was afraid you would kill me if you knew."

He knelt down with her and told the guards, "Leave us."

Resting his head on hers, he gently caressed her shoulders. A tear trickled down his cheek, then another and another, "Why?"

She shook her head, "I've been here. Waiting, watching...staying in the shadows, out of the way. But then you needed me and my people need me. So I stepped out of the shadows to protect what's mine."

He sighed, "I would never harm you, Katherine. I can't believe I couldn't see past his ways. I should ask you for forgiveness. Please forgive me for being so stupid."

"Can the law be changed?"

He nodded, "I will make sure people know the Christians are not traitors and if anyone comes to attack them, they can fight for themselves."

Maxwell entered the room, along with Charlotte and Mark. The King stood and hugged his mother, "Do you know?"

She nodded, "Yes, Maxwell just told me. I'm so sorry darling! I had no idea Henry was behind your father's and Eric's death."

He nodded, "I know. I'm afraid I've made a mess of things. I don't know how I let myself become so blind."

Maxwell shook his head, "You didn't make a mess of things. Everyone knew Henry was deceiving you. I'm just glad you realized it before it was too late."

Alexander grabbed Maxwell and pulled him into a bear hug, "I'm so sorry. Can you ever forgive me?"

Maxwell smiled and returned the King's gesture, "Of course, I have to apologize too. I'm sorry I didn't reveal the Queen's identity to you or your mothers."

Alexander's brow creased, "My mothers?"

Charlotte smiled, "I think he means to stay that I am a Christian too."

The King's face dropped, "I, um...I think I've had quite enough surprises for one day. But after this, I doubt if I will be shocked by anything."

He turned to Maxwell and placed a hand on his shoulder, "I seem to be in need of a new Prime Minister. Would you do me the honor? It's long overdue."

Maxwell shook his head and raised his hands, "No, thank you! That's one job I'm not interested in, but I think I might know just the person you need."

The King's brow arched, "Oh?"

He turned to Mark, "Yes, he's right here. Mark is the one that saved your life after all and he convinced the Queen to reveal the truth to you."

Alexander extended his hand to Mark, "I'm forever indebted to you, Mark. In such a short time you have indeed earned my trust. Would you consider becoming my Prime Minister?"

Katherine nodded in a gesture of encouragement, "Oh please Mark!"

Mark smiled and bowed, "I would be honored to do so, Your Highness. But may I reveal a truth of my own?"

The King nodded, "Please."

"Perhaps your Queen has told you of an old cousin that raised her?"

Alexander smiled, "And you're that cousin?"

Mark nodded.

The King laughed, "Well then you must accept! We have to keep her favorite cousin close."

* * * *

Alone again, Alexander neared Katherine and took her hand in his, "Your faith is where you draw your courage from isn't it?" She nodded.

He drew in a shaky breath. His brow creased, "Can you share it with me?"

Tears swelled in Katherine's eyes, "Yes, that's all I've ever wanted."

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