Chapter Twenty-Four

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Henry practically skipped into his home as he hummed a tune. His wife huffed, "What are you so cheery about?"

He laughed, "Woman, not only did the Queen host a banquet in my honor tonight, but she is doing it again tomorrow night. Image it! I am now fully gaining trust. I will end those petty Christians and get the throne all within a week's time! It couldn't be more perfect."

She cheered for him, "Oh Henry! You are a devil! What delightful news!"

He sat down in his chair and snapped his fingers for someone to bring him a drink. He downed it will great satisfaction. He was completely pleased with himself.

"I've done it. I've finally done it. Soon I won't have a care in the world. I couldn't have done better if I'd tried."

* * * *

Katherine said a final prayer as she draped a shawl over her shoulders. This was it. She had to do it tonight. This was the last chance to save her people.

The candles were lit, the places were set. All that was left was waiting for the guest of honor to arrive. Her lungs filled with air as she sucked in a long breath.

This time the King and the Prime Minister entered together. Katherine graced them with a smile and a small curtsy. They both returned the gesture with a bow.

"My Queen." They said in unison.

Katherine's hand trembled as she gestured to their seats, "Please make yourselves comfortable."

Alexander kissed her cheek before taking his seat. Henry wasted no time at all. Immediately diving into his plate of food.

Katherine's brow creased. Does he not have any respect for the King at all?

She knew that breaking such etiquette would not be received well by her husband. She glanced in his direction, sensing his disapproval.

He eyed Henry and shook his head. She knew he was aware that the Prime Minister had absolutely no respect for him.

Nevertheless, he chose to ignore it. Again. For Katherine's sake. He wouldn't let Henry ruin such a beautiful evening.

The conversation was lighthearted mostly. Until the King turned his attention to Katherine.

"That was another wonderful meal, but I am most anxious you hear your request."

Henry nodded in agreement, "Yes, as am I."

Katherine's stomach knotted inside. She pushed herself away from the table. Stood, then fell at her husband's feet. Tears streaming down her cheeks.

Alexander grabbed her shoulders, "Katherine, what's wrong?"

She raised her head and locked her eyes onto his, "If I have found favor in your sight, and if it pleases you. Save my life and the lives of my people. For we have been sentenced to death."

The King's brow creased, "What?" His anger grew and his eyes lit with fire, "Who would dare threaten your life?"

Katherine turned her gaze at Henry, "The enemy is our wicked Prime Minister."

Alexander glared at him and stood from his seat, arms resting his weight on the table as he leaned towards the Prime Minister, "Henry?"

Henry shook his head, "My King, I have no idea what she is talking about. My Queen, you should know I would never harm you."

Alexander turned his head to Katherine. Looking for some kind of answer.

She drew in a shaky breath, "Alex, I'm a Christian."

His brow furrowed, his eyes filled with a mixture of anger, confusion, and grief. He looked like his world had just been torn apart and thrown upside down. His face dropped. He looked sick.

He pushed his weight off the table and turned from them. He shook his head and walked into the garden.

Katherine wiped the tears from her eyes as her gaze followed him.

Henry came at her. She turned to him and saw something she had never seen in his eyes. Fear.

"Your majesty. I didn't know you were a Christian. Please don't let your husband kill me."

She shook her head, "But you want to kill thousands of people."

Now his eyes turned from fear to anger, "You've developed quite an attitude, my Queen."

"My attitude is based on how you treat me."

He grabbed her. She struggled to free herself, "Let go of me!"

He grit his teeth, "You have no idea the things I've done to get this much power and you can't imagine what I'd do to keep it."

Katherine shook under the pressure of his strength as he squeezed her arms tighter, "If you have to hurt other people in order to feel powerful, then you are an extremely weak individual, Henry."

He laughed, "Weak? You're husband is the weak one. He's so weak he laid there unconscious as I bashed his brother's brains in."

Katherine's eyes grew wide as she realized what he was confessing.

"You killed Eric?" she asked with a tremble in her voice.

He nodded, "And the King and others. Since those two stupid guards couldn't handle things it seems I am going to have to do the same with you."

"No!" She screamed and pushed his arms off her.

Alexander ran back in the room with two guards close behind him. His eyes were fuming, "Would you attack my wife in my own house?!"

He grabbed him and pinned him against the wall, "Don't you ever lay a hand on her! I should kill you with my bare hands!"

"He killed them."

Alexander glanced at her, "Who?"

She swallowed past the bitterness in her mouth, "Your father, Eric, and others. He admitted it to me and that he tried to kill us too."

The King locked his jaw and began choking Henry as narrowed his eyes, "'ve been deceiving me all along."

Henry gasped, "D-don't believe her. She's one of t-them."

Alexander squeezed Henry's throat tighter, "You've lied to me for the last time, Henry! You've never once given me one piece of good advice! You've always been wrong! About the Christians, about Katherine and about me. There's never been a kinder soul than Katherine! She was right, there is an enemy and it's you!"

One of the guards informed, "Your majesty, there is a gallows in his courtyard. It was built for Mark but I'm sure he'll find it a perfect fit."

The King nodded, "Yes. Hang him. Immediately. Before I kill him myself."

Henry yelled as they pulled him from the King, "You can't do this!"

Alexander clenched his fist and cut his eyes at him, "Of course I can! I'm a monster, remember?"

Henry's eyes grew as he realized his fate was sealed and they dragged him away.

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