Chapter Twenty-Three

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Katherine's lungs stalled as she made her way up the steps to the throne room. Beginning her long journey down the hallway leading to large golden doors guarded by two of the King's security.

They bowed as she neared them. Then informed her she was not allowed inside. She nodded, "I know. Open the door."

"Your majesty, don't you realize you will be killed if you go in there?" One guard asked.

She met his eyes with her gaze, "Yes. Open them anyway."

Reluctantly, they obeyed and allowed her entry. Every eye turned to her as she entered the room. A moment of fear waved over her. It was just like her dream. Same faces, same room, same feeling.

Drawing in a breath, stepped forward. Confident and sure of her destination. Alexander stood as she neared him. His brow creased. His eyes narrowed as the guards surrounded him, blocking her from getting any further. They drew their swords as whispers of treason and breaking the law rumbled through the crowd.

The Prime Minister stood and nodded for the guards to remove her. Katherine fell to her knees before the King. A sword was lifted over her head. The Queen prepared to meet her maker. Believing this was the end.

I'm sorry, Mark. I tried.

The clinging of metal against metal loomed over her head.

"Stop! Don't touch her!" She heard Alexander yell at the guard.

Katherine raised her head to see the King holding his scepter under the sword. His eyes pinned the solider with a mixture of disappointment and anger. The pressure from the scepter forced the guard to back down.

Her eyes filled with tears. The King had saved her. The guard holstered his weapon and bowed, backing away from the King.

Alexander knelt to her, took her hand in his and placed it on the top of the scepter, "She has found favor with King and I will hear her request." He took her hand in his and helped her stand. Gasp and echos his words drifted through the rafters.

The King locked eyes with Katherine and shook his head as his features softened and he whispered, "How did you know I had my scepter with me? I didn't have it yesterday."

She sucked in a deep breath, realizing just how close she'd come to death and whispered her reply, "I didn't." His face dropped. Then with a grin, he turned and took his seat on the throne as he asked, "So, my Queen, what is your request? Ask me anything and I will grant it to you, up to half my kingdom."

She glanced at Henry then wrung her hands together. She knew better than to blurt out her true reason for coming. A situation like this had to be handled with care. She drew in a shaky breath and hoped that the old saying was true: the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. With that in mind, she bowed before him once again.

"If it pleases you and if I've found favor in your sight to grant my petition...I was hoping that you and Prime Minister Henry would join me for a banquet I will prepare in your honor. Then I will make my request."


He just stared at her. No expression.

Her stomach clenched and she closed her eyes, stifling her disappointment. She should have known better. At least she'd tried. "I, uh, I know you're busy. I just — miss you, but you're a king so I completely understand that you have far too much—"

"Whoa! Hang on a minute."

He smiled at her and shook his head. He stood, neared her again, and knelt down, raising her to her feet once more.

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