four -> caught.

296 20 22

august 11, 2014
luke and troye had been eating lunch together for the past few days, and they were really hitting it off.

troye had introduced luke to a bunch of cool people, all with various mental problems. he felt normal here.

michael hadn't spoken to luke since that day. he was being strangely quiet and it was beginning to make luke nervous.

they were at lunch, luke sitting across from troye. he could feel michael's icy stare on him the entire hour.

he didn't understand michael. he was dark and mysterious, not to mention an asshole.

luke tried to keep his mind off of michael, distracting himself with troye's company.

"you okay mate? you seem a bit off today." troye spoke softly, giving luke a sympathetic smile.

luke shrugged, frowning down at the table.

"is your room mate bothering you again?" troye asked, rolling his eyes when luke nodded in response.

"c'mere then." troye smirked, reaching out his hand for luke to grab.

troye held on to luke's hand as he led him, causing luke to blush deeply. he was holding this beautiful person's hand and he felt all warm and fuzzy inside.

troye led luke into what he called his "secret room" which was really just a supply closet that nobody ever went in.

luke went into the closet with troye and then raised an eyebrow.

troye locked eyes with luke and smirked.

"michael can't bother you in here, can he?"

luke let out a tiny, almost silent giggle as he stepped closer to troye, grabbing his hand again because feeling the smaller boy's hand against his made him incredibly happy.

to say luke had developed a crush on troye would be a massive understatement. he saw no wrong in troye, this boy was the boy he always dreamed about, luke had no doubts of this.

luke had no clue if troye liked him back, but he got vibes that he did.

the two boys were staring in each other's eyes for over a whole minute, neither of them saying a word. both of their faces were bright red.

luke made the rash decision to do something brave that he'd never imagined doing before.

he slammed his lips onto troye's.

troye began to kiss back instantly, moving his arms so that they were resting on luke's shoulders.

luke grabbed troye's face in his hands and pulled him impossibly closer than he already was.

things got heated fast and they were making out against the brick wall of the supply cabinet, until one of them bumped into a broom, knocking it- and a few other cleaning supplies- over, making a giant crash sound.

not even three seconds later- luke was counting- a hospital administrator was ripping the door open.

"what are you two doing in here! you're meant to be in the cafeteria!" she yelled. "both of you, to your rooms now. you're both on room lockdown for two days. you've lost lunch and group therapy privileges."

and luke spoke for the first time in god only knows how long, "fuck."

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