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tσuch thє mαfíα kíng'ѕ вαвч, α вчє вчє fσr чσu 👋

In this shitty world, there is someone called The Mafia King. Why mafia king? Why not something else that will suit him well?

Because this guy can only lay his finger on you, then you're dead.


Who else than Park Jimin?

Park JiminPersonality: Unknown

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Park Jimin
Personality: Unknown

If the personality wrote as unknown, it is obvious that

He's the most feared person in the world. I mean, the entire world.

Once he stepped his feet somewhere else, then the place is no longer called club, shop, etc but a grave. Dont mess up with him, he can blow you a bye bye kiss, you know? Within second.

You dont believe me?

You say his name to the police, you could see they shivered down as they heard the simple name.

Say his name to your mother who's overprotective, she will scold you and try to change the subject.

Say his name to your grandparents, you clearly sent them a goosebumps just hearing the two words they dont want to hear the most.

Park Jimin

"Never mention his name again"

The same words will escape their mouth. Am I right?

What did he do that everyone scared of him?!?!?!

Easy peasy lemon squeezy

He kills people

Just that?

Oh you dont know how he kills people!

He could just throw you a small knife from far and it will definitely hit you, then you are no longer breathing in this world?

How scary is he?

No one could describe.

The scariest way he kills people?

He tied your hands, you hanging on the air while naked. There's a coil coarse rope and he will hit you using it. Oh you may say "It's normal" but it is very not. The way he hit you, it's very hard, harder than you think. Only one hit, you're bleeding badly. Can you imagine, another 99 hits? Oh, how can only a hit could kill people? Ha that's why people is scared of him.

Friends? Of course he has.

But he's closer to this one;

His one and only alien

His one and only alien

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Kim Taehyung.

Is he the second mafia king? Sorta.

Aish, a mafia has a baby? Of course! They have a love life too! I hope you didnt mistaken the 'baby' word....

So people out there, I warned you to not mess around with him! Not even talk bad about him if you wanna be alive!!!

Hello dear readers!
Thank you very much for clicking the read button!

No, all of information in this story arent true! Jimin and Taehyung werent a mafia!

This is just a fanfiction
I do not own any of them but I own the plot story
They own my soul (╥﹏╥)

!¡ Warning ¡!

Strong language
Failed smuts
Mafia things as torture, killing, etc
Too fluff (will)

ad writing

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