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"Sir, someone raped our Hyuka"

The drug sealer's voice echoed throughout the room that is full of pistols, blades hanging on the wall as an art. The leader or should I call the mafia king? Who was cleaning his favourite pistol, eyes turning to the drug sealer who now standing in front of him, waiting for his boss command. "Who the fuck raped our Hyuka?" Asked the boss, eyes filled with anger, putting down the pistol on the table. "His name is Lee Min Ho. He's one of Black Wolves' crew members" The drug sealer, Namjoon replied while handing his boss a tablet.

The tablet shows the boss a picture of a good looking man, brown hair a work out body shaped.

"Grab your things

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"Grab your things. We're going to end this fucker's life" The boss demanded, grabbing 4 pistols and 2 his favourite blades, putting the pistols on his pistol belt and putting the blades on his secret pocket on his jeans.

The drug sealer smirks, knowing they will have some fun. He excuses himself and called the other members to get ready. Once they grabbed all of their things, they hope in their big car.

Sehun, the shooter also their driver, drove them off to the said place.

"According to GPS, the Black Wolves were at a club called Starry Night. They were there for almost 2 hours, presumably they were still there. No movement so far" Namjoon tells all the information that is available through the computer that looked like a briefcase. Sehun took that information as a note. He increases the speed of the car to get to the club faster.

The big black car stopped right in front of the said club. There were two men guarding the club.

They got out of the car, the guards didnt recognize them and started to go closer to greet them, thinking it was a celebrity or something. As the guards are in front of the car smiling, the leader came out.

The guards' face frightened, realizing their worst mistake ever. They threw away their weapons and quickly ran away. Unfortunately for them, the shooter, Sehun shot them in an instant. "This going to be fun" Said Sehun smirking.

The leader put on his black sunglasses and began to walk, following by his crew, protecting their leader from any threats.

The boss kicked the front door proudly, smirking as everyone in club stopped their movements. The people froze, even the drunk creakheads. Shiver sent down their bodies just seeing the mafia king smirking even though they cant see his eyes because of the sunglasses. They thankful though, if they can see his eyes, this world will say bye bye to them.

The gang spotted the Black Wolves on the corner of the bar and immediately made their way to them, the people already running out if the club, not bothering to call the cops cuz its useless and this is happening at a CLUB.

"Well well well, look what we have here" One of the men of the Black Wolves stood up, whistling as he saw the mafia leader stood an inches away from him. There is a boy that the crew members hide him behind them which the mafia king assumed that the boy is Lee Min Ho. "What the fuck do you want from me?" The guy asked, staring boringly at the another leader in front of him. "Revenge" The mafia leader said easily before a shots were fired by his men, making the another gang to groan in pain. "Dont hurt my crew!!" The guy screamed, holding his chest that were shot by Jimin's men. "I wont hurt any of them except this one" The leader points his index finger towards Min Ho who is shaking slightly at the mafia.

"Please! Please forgive him! I'll give you anything! Anything you want! I-I can give you my sex slaves!" The guy pleaded, tears flowing down his cheeks as the pain killing him, hugging the mafia king's leg tightly. "That would be good" The mafia king said with a small grin.

The guy eyes' lit up immediately, squealing a small 'yay' and lifts up his head to face the mafia leader. "But who says I'd let you go?" The grin on the mafia face faded, replaced by smirk like an evil would do.

Without words could escape the guy's mouth, Jimin took one of his pistols and shot the guy right in his forehead. Right after the guy collapsed on the floor unconsciously, a shots were fired secretly to the Black Wolves crews. Sehun walked out from his spot, congratulated his friends for doing a great job before all of them get out of the club, glancing for the last time at the such masterpiece art they made.

As the leader was about to hope in the car, a sudden scream could be heard. They look toward the direction, apparently it came from an alley street. Jimin, being a good mafia king he is, he and his men to the alley street to find out what it was about.

As they walk deeper to the alley street, a scream could be heard again. The voice is calling for someone's help, indicating them that someone is in danger. But it's not someone, there was 2 voice screaming for help.

They stopped their step, seeing a bunch of boys kicking 2 boys on the ground. Sehun, Namjoon and Kai went to kick the boys, having sympathy on the 2 poor boys. "You whores!" Said Namjoon as he kept on kicking the boys.

The mafia leader yawned before making his way to the poor boys to help them. He went to one of them, the one that has a grey hair. The grey haired boy shivered in pain, bruises and bumps could be seen on his body since his shirt was ripped. He covered his face in fear using his hands so Jimin removed his hands.

The mafia leader blinked his eyes for several times, not believing that he's actually seeing an angel in front of him.

The grey haired boy has a pale yet smooth skin, cherry pink lips, cat shaped eyes, button nose and a cute cheeks.

Jimin shook his head and mentally slapped his cheek, cursing under his breath for staring at the cute boy in front of him. He quickly lifted up the boy in bridal style then told his men to stop kicking the boys. "You guys help this one" He said before going to the big black car they came with.

The boy shivered in his arms, crying silently as a sniff could be heard. Just seeing the boy shivered made his heart felt a pang which is a new feeling for him. Never did he feel this way towards someone. This is also his first time seeing someone beautiful as the boy in his arms.

Not long after, his men came and Sehun revved the engine after everyone hoped in. They quickly stormed off to their house.

First chapter, hope you like it ^^
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