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"Their birthdate is 9 March. Yoongi is older than Yunki by 5 minutes. Their parents are still alive but they do not keep in touch with them. Both men have been cared for by their aunts since they were 13 years old then taken over by the Red Dragon leader 2 years ago. Since then, they have been made into sex slaves if they want to live and as a reward, they are paid 2000 dollars per month. They have never been involved in criminal cases but many outsiders always beat them" The hacker kept on telling the leader all the information he got, rapidly typing on the keyboard. "How about their aunt?" The leader query, narrowing his eyebrows.

"Their aunt died of excessive bleeding. She was shot in the chest, aching and the area near his heart. She was only able to survive for 5 hours and died exactly at 5 am. It seems that this two siblings have actually been kidnapped......" The more information popped out on the computer, the faster Hyuka says all of it. "And why, exactly?" The leader furrowed his eyebrows, crossing his arms as he walked around the hacker.

"According to the  information I found, they knew something Red Dragon needed. But the search for 'something' has been going on for years and was stopped 5 months ago" And the 'something' made the leader to frown more, resting his hands on the table and ready to listen for more information. "What is the something?" "It's a location of a golds" Hyuka gasps as he read the information, standing up while covering his mouth. "If we found the golds, we could be rich!!" Said him, happily clapped his hands.

"Im here not to be rich" The leader scoffed, glaring at the happy hacker who's now fell silence. "I-Im sorry. But boss, what we gonna do with them?" "We keep them, of course" The leader stated.


"Greek civilization flourished in the Greek Peninsula and islands scattered throughout the Aegean Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. Moderate weather has allowed outdoor activities such as debates and active sports to take place in Greece. Moreover, its proximity to the sea caused the Greeks to be known as reliable sailors. Oh so that was life in Greece before?" Yoongi mumbled as he read more of the book, sliding another page of the book.

He currently reading a book at a library. Well, it surprised him that there's a library in a mafia mansion.

"What about the rise of the government and administration of Greek Civilization?" He query the drug sealer, which also was a bookworm. "The monarchical system is the system of government and government of the Greek Civilization. Monarchy means a hereditary system based on descent. The king was assisted by a Consul consisting of intelligent people. The second system is the Oligarchy system which means a government ruled by a small part of the ruling class. The third system is the Aristocracy system. Aristocracy means a government dominated by the aristocracy. The fourth system is the Tyrannical system which is a government dominated by tyrants and oppressors of the people and the last system is the system of Democracy. Democracy is a government elected by the people through voting. Do you understand?" Even though the information is much more than Yoongi thought, but he understands it. He nodded and giggled, his plain white teeth revealed.

"You're so cute. No wonder why boss wants to keep you" Namjoon shrugged, continuing on reading about early civilizations of the world. That maybe, compliment made Yoongi's cheeks crimsoned. "H-he wants to keep me? I-I mean, us. My brother and me?" He sheepishly asked as he fidgets his fingers. "Yeah. Ah Yoongi, I could feel that you're blushing so hard" The drug sealer chuckled, glancing towards the boy. "Im right" He laughs, closing his book and walks to Yoongi.

"Nah, I dont think he likes you" He patted Yoongi's shoulder before he left the library.

That words really made Yoongi's heart shattered like a vase fell on the ground. Wait whaaaaattttt why would he feel this way? "Y-yeah surely he doesnt like me. He's a mafia and a... Mafia king" Yoongi weakly stood up and placed the book on where it should be.


"Konna ta koti ina dekkita ttari ina"

"Anna yume konna yume ippai aru kedo~"

Yoongi titters as he sang along with the doraemon song.

"Minna minna minna, kannae te kureru"

"Fushigi na pokke de kannae te kureru~ Sorao jiyuni, tobita ina"

"Haik! Takekoputa!~" He saluted, his giggles echoed throughout the living room.

"An an an, tottemu daisuki, dorae-mon~"

"An an an, tottemu daisuki, dorae-mon~" He danced, following the song's beat.

Soon the song ended, he clapped his hands cheerfully as he sat down, continuing on watching the cartoon. "So someone here is good at singing, huh?" Out of the blue, a deep voice interrupted him which made him flinch and almost flipped the couch. "M-Mr- I-I mean, J-Jimin! W-what are d-doing here?" Yoongi hides under the cushion.

"I heard a beautiful voice singing a children song so I came here to ask their signature cuz damn, their voice is so beautiful but they happens to be you" Jimin walks to the couch and sits down, patting the seat next to him. "Come on, you dont wanna miss this cartoon, right?"

Yoongi sheepishly nodded and sat next to Jimin, nuzzling his head on Jimin's chest which in his surprise, the mafia cuddled with him.

I tried to update this ch 3 days ago (I guess) but my arm was too hurt to even move cuz I was injected

And now I can move it, slowly, tho
♪ ♬ ヾ(´︶'♡)ノ ♬ ♪

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2020 ⏰

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