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Yoongi still shivering in fear in the mafia's arms, scared that the man would hurt him.

He honestly is scared to death. Because who wouldnt?! The mafia king, Park Jimin, holding you in his dangerous arms! He could kill you within second using his hand or worst, he can just lay finger on you the you're dead.

So many thoughts clouded Yoongi's mind until this one popped out, his twin brother.

"Y-Yunki?" He manged to say after shivering so much. "Who?" The deep voice made him flinch, he quickly covered his face using his hands. "We're here, sir" He heard another voice and felt the car stopped.

They probably brought me to the place where they torture people, Yoongi thought while crying helplessly. He again felt the mafia picking him up in bridal style. He shocked, he just realized that the mafia could carry him. His weight is 47kg!

He peek his head out a little, wanting to see where he is. His thought is wrong, he saw a white walls decorate with arts. He lifted up his head, looking around and apparently he's in a house. No scratch that, he's in a mansion. He saw an expensive antics everywhere, even a piano that he dreamed to buy!

His eyes were filled with sparkles until his saw the mafia king, his eyes started to watery again. Suddenly, the mafia stopped his movement.

 Suddenly, the mafia stopped his movement

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They are on a bedroom.

The leader put him on the bed, pulling the cover up to his collarbone. "Sleep. I'll take clothes for you. Dont try to escape, we wont do anything to you" Said the mafia leader before standing up. Yoongi tugged his sleeve, "P-promise?" He asked with puppy eyes that probably melt the mafia's heart. "Promise. What's your nane?" "M-Min Y-Yoongi" "Okay Yoongi, wait here" The mafia said for the last time before disappearing.

Yoongi sighed, thinking about how his twin brother doing right now. He must be so scared.

Yoongi is older than Yunki for 5 minutes. But,

People would always say that Yunki is the older because he act like he's the older. He treat Yoongi like a little brother but when they are alone, Yoongi is just a trash to him. People would always say that Yunki is better than Yoongi, maybe they are true. Yoongi is just a mistake, at least that's what he thought. Yunki is a jealous type of person.

Yoongi had a boyfriend before and guess what? Yunki stole him away and ended up breaking each other heart. Yunki blamed him for their break up which is not true. The bumps, Yunki is the first one that created those ugly arts. Yunki is the reason they got here. If he didn't gamble and didn't owe it, they wont be here.

Yoongi's mind interrupted by the door swung open revealing the mafia with clothes in his hand. He handed Yoongi the clothes and sat down next to him. "Are you okay? Can you walk?" The question made Yoongi shocked. Can you believe, a mafia king, the most feared person in the world asking him the question? "Y-yes.... How's Yunki?" He still ask the question even though his brother dont even care about him. "Oh your twin? Yeah he's fine. You're more hurting than him, so I brought a medicine. Remove your clothes, let me help you" The mafia commended and Yoongi couldnt say no. After all, the mafia king is demanding him.

Yoongi removed his shirt, revealing his cute tummy that is full of bumps. He covered his tummy a little, embarrassed that the mafia had to see his tummy. "Dont cover it, Im going to put some herbs and bandages around it" Said the mafia as he pulled out a herb and put it on the bumps, making Yoongi to yelp silently.

After putting some medicine, the leader finally wrapped the bandages around Yoongi's tummy, arms and even legs. "Are you feeling better?" He asked as he touched Yoongi's forehead, checking his temperature. It's hot, the leader gasped and quickly left before Yoongi could answer his question.

W-weird....., Yoongi thought, shrugging as well. He heard the rumors about the mafia king.

The mafia king is very cold and no one has ever melt his ice heart. He has no mercy on killing, even a woman or a kid. If you're the next target, get ready to go to the grave. If someone is messing around with him then the leader kindly say bye bye to you.

Without wasting more time, Yoongi changes into the clothes that the leader lent him. Its a baby blue oversized hoodie with white shorts.

The oversized hoodie is too big so it covers his knees and his shorts. His milky legs showing off making him not uncomfortable in this clothes.

Suddenly the door burst open that made Yoongi flinch and turned back. Apparently it was the leader bringing a napkin and a bowl of water. "Lie down on the bed" The mafia's deep voice echoed the room. Yoongi quickly lied down on the bed, not wanting to disobey or be punished by the mafia leader.

The leader put the napkin in the water, squeeze it and put it on Yoongi's forehead. He wipes gently, making sure no place he missed, even Yoongi's neck.

Yoongi on the other side, just realized something.

The mafia king isnt that scary, he's so handsome. He never heard the mafia king was this kind to help people, especially a trash like him. Yes you read it, he considered himself as a trash.

His eyes sparkles as he saw the leader's lips, it's thick as a pillow and pink into red.

"What are you staring at?" The leader spoke, didnt spare a glance, still continuing what he was doing. Yoongi blushed and immediately closed his eyes shut, embarrassed for what he just did. He himself dont know why he stared at those plump lips.

Deep in the mafia's heart, he's cooing at the cute boy shyness but kept on his cool. He rolled his eyes which he didnt want to do it, but it's his natural.
Lastly, the mafia put the napkin on Yoongi's forehead, letting it cooling his forehead. "Sleep" Said him in his deep voice. "H-how about you?" "This isnt my room so sleep" "Thank you..... Mister...?" "Just call me Jimin" "shouldnt I call you Mr.Park?" "No need. Now shut the fuck up and sleep" "But-" The mafia glared at him making him to shut his mouth and quickly turn around on the opposite side. He wishes this is just a nightmare....

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