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Yoongi felt someone poking his nose and weirdly, he loves it even though he knows it's Jimin who was poking his nose. His eyes fluttered open, meeting a figure smiling brightly in front of him. He was wrong, it wasnt Jimin but someone else he doesnt even know. "W-who are you?" Asked him, slightly scared as he sat up properly, hauling the duvet more onto him, hiding himself in the duvet. "No need to be scared, Im one of Jimin's crews" Said the boy as he ruffled Yoongi's hair, giving the boy confidence to believe him.

"My name is Huening Kai but you can call me Hyuka. Come on, I got you some shirt but I like crosdressing" Said the male who named Hyuka, shyly as he wriggles his fingers awkwardly. "R-really? M-me too" Yoongi divulged, scratching his neck as a light pink blush materialized his face. Hyuka's face lit up, smiling coquettishly as he excitedly grabbed the clothes that he already brought for Yoongi.

He lent it to Yoongi who has a gummy smile, feeling exhilarated as he touched the clothes softly. "I'll wait for you outside, okay? We have something to do" The male stood up from the bed, walking towards the door and says "Im sure you'll impress Jimin" and walks out of the room after closing the door gently. Yoongi on the other hand, blushes as he recollects the memory last night.

He gotta admit, he loves it very much. It's been a long time since he had a relationship. Maybe this mafia king isnt that bad as anyone thought. Maybe he can change him.

As what Hyuka said, he waited for Yoongi outside the room, leaning on the wall as he crossed his arms, humming whatever songs crossed his mind. After what feels like forever, the door finally swung open, revealing Yoongi in the clothes he gave him. He awed, cooing slightly at the sight. He's sure that Yoongi could melt Jimin's ice heart. "Come on, the others are waiting for us at the living room. Includes your brother" He grasps Yoongi's hand and leads them to the living room, both smiling like a couple as Yoongi swings their hands like a children playing in a park.

As they are in the living room, everyone stopped their movement, glancing over the two.

The mafia leader is sitting on the desk, the two shooters are sitting on a couch, the drug sealer is standing near the boss while holding a tablet and Yunki is sitting properly on the other couch.

Jimin's jaw almost dropped seeing how cute Yoongi is. He silently cooed and hold his chest, telling his heart to stop beating so fast than usual.

Yoongi is wearing a black oversized short sleeve shirt with an ice cream painting on it, black and white patterned inner sleeve, a pink ribbon wrapped around his neck, sheer tight high and a pink mary jones shoes.

Damn, Yoongi's sexy legs almost make him to fall on the floor but he managed to hold himself. "So everyone's here, we shall start. So Namjoon, any information?" He query Namjoon, avoiding his gaze from Yoongi, he might end up staring at the cute boy. "I could tell that the name of the group we were pursuing was Red Dragon. They are a group that robbed the world bank 6 years ago. After that incident, they never showed up and all of a sudden, they were back in action 2 years ago, starting with bribing a judge and earning a lot of money. The judge was jailed while they were still free. They are also wanted by the police" The drug sealer, Namjoon scrolling down his tablet as he tries to find more information.

"I got this" Hyuka interrupted them, telling them to go to his bedroom since his computer is there.

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