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"How are you feeling, Hyuka?" The leader asks worriedly as he enters the hacker's room, seeing the weak person lying on the bad hurt his heart enough. "Im feeling better, boss. Dont worry" The hacker, Huening Kai or called as Hyuka, replied with a soft smile plastered on his face. "You can walk right?" "Now, I dont think so. My back still hurt but dont worry, I'll be fine. Keep going on our mission" The leader sighed hearing his crew states. He can only nod his head then got out of the room, not without a 'take care' look.

"Boss, I heard a group is tracking us" Kai who was walking from his personal room, voiced. The mafia leader stopped his movement, looking straight to the sharpshooter eyes, waiting for the next information. "From all I know, they are trying to get the 2 boys that we saved yesterday. Should we send them over? It would be easier" Said him again, handing the leader his phone about a video.

*The video*

Person 1: Where the fuck are they?!?!

Person 2: I-I dont know boss

Person 1: Go fucking search for them!!! They know they are mine!!!

Person 3: W-we heard BTS s-saved them......

Person 2: A-and bought them to their h-house


Person 2&3: A-alright boss!

*End of Video*

"What do the two boys have to do with these bastards?" The leader asked furiously, eyes darkened as the person on the video which he assumed that he's their boss saying that the two boys are his. "They are his sex slaves" Namjoon suddenly interrupted, wearing a glove all of sudden. "Where are you going?" The sharpshooter asked as he went next to the drug sealer. "To end these bastards' life, of course" "Im in" Sehun poke his nose too, wearing a black leather glove. "Hell yes, Im in too" Kai smirks widely, following the two boys as they started walking away.

"I guess I'll take care of the two boys then" Jimin shrugged, making his way to Yoongi's Room. Usually, he'll join the boys torture whoever messed up with them, but it is not today.

Being a gentleman he is, he knocke on the door first then just opened it, didnt wait for any response.

There is Yoongi curled into a ball on the corner, shaking slightly as he saw the mafia walking towards him. The mafia stopped just few feet away from him, "Why are you there?" The mafia asked but in a soft tone which shocked Yoongi a little. The leader bent down to his level, now really in front of him. "Dont be afraid, I wont hurt you" The leader ruffled his hair.

Yoongi lifted up his head a little to see the mafia smiling which made his heart flutters.

His eyes disappeared into a crescent when he smiles!

How can a mafia have such an incredible smile?

Yoongi's cheeks went to a shed of red as he tries his best to not look at the mafia in front of him. "Yoongi, look at me" Yoongi immediately look at him, afraid if Jimin would hurt him if he disobey. "Im here to protect you, with your brother of course. No need to be afraid, as what I said, I wont hurt you neither your brother" The mafia suddenly picked him up bridal style in which Yoongi hid his head on the crook of Jimin's neck. Jimin chuckles softly, putting down Yoongi on the bed.

As he lied Yoongi down on the bed, he lied next to Yoongi. "C-can we c-cu-cuddle?" The boy stuttered while a light pink blush could be seen, eyes sparkling as he lifted up his head facing Jimin. Jimin of course, nodded and a bit blushing that the boy wants to cuddle with him.

Eventually, they ended up cuddling to each other.

"Fuck. They ran away" Namjoon cursed after seeing the house of the bastards is empty, no one was in there, not even a furniture. "I think they already know about us. We better go now before they attack our boss!" The sharpshooter clenched his fist, the thought of his boss' safety made him worried to death. The three of them quickly went to their car, hope in then the driver, Sehun revved the engine and stormed off to their house.

Hyuka is currently drinking a water at the kitchen. Luckily he can walk, but not as properly as usual.

After drinking his water, he decided to study more about their mission. Despite he has a lot of great deal of information, he was confident that there's still information left. He went back to his room where all his things; computer, notebooks, etc were.

As he was about to stand up from the stool, he suddenly heard a sniff behind him. Weird, impossible if one of his friends crying! He turned around, it might be a theft. Turns out it was a boy with messy black hair, red puffy eyes, few inches shorter than him (heck, hyuka is 181cm bruh).
"Who are you?" Hyuka asked curiously, standing up from the stool and walking limply towards him. "Y-Yunki. W-where am I-I? Where's my brother?" Said the boy crying again. Hyuka frowned, his friends didnt tell him about this. How is he supposed to believe this boy? "Im sorry, Yunki. I dont know about you neither your brother. How can you get in here anyway?" "Y-you guys s-saved us yes-t-terday" Yunki lowered his voice, making it hard for Hyuka to hear him since the boy is crying.

Saved them? Weird, we've never saved someone before, the more question clouded his mind, the more he frowned. Just then he heard the front door slammed shut loudly, "HYUKA?!?!?!?! BOSS?!?!?!?! ANYONE HERE?!?!?!?!" They could hear the 3 boys shouting from the hallway, their voice sound worried. "We're here!!" Hyuka shouted in response. They heard footsteps running closer to them, wheezes also could be heard. "Thank god you guys are safe!! Where's boss and the other boy?!?!" Sehun asked as he wheezes, catching the air. "I dont know. I didnt see them-" Without another word came out from the hacker, the 3 boys shouted their lungs out for their boss and started running again, searching for their boss in each rooms.

Jimin was too busy cooing at the boy's cuteness, giggling for nothing but the boy's cuteness. The boy almost resembles a cat, cute snores from him almost sound like a baby.

Suddenly the door burst open by Namjoon, making the leader to flinch that made the boy to wake up by the sudden action. "BOSS YOU'RE SAFE THANK GOD" They sighed in relief, falling on the floor from running too much. "Why? What happened?" The leader asked as he at up properly, telling the boy under him to keep on sleeping and the boy obeys. "That bastards ran away! I think they know about us. I think-no! Im sure we need to move to another house!" Kai choked between words, breathing for the air. "Okay then. I'll find our new house, you guys can go rest now" Demanded the boss, brushing Yoongi's hair as the boy below him blushing furiously. The crews nodded before closing the door gently.

"Lets go back to sleep" Jimin snuggled more into Yoongi's embrace, now he's under the boy, smelling the sweet scent of the owner of the body, Yoongi. He could hear the boy's heart race in fast pace which made him giggle.

The mafia's hair smells like a lemon, the mafia's scent smells like a mint. Yoongi felt the mafia's hands squeezing his butt, his cheeks emit red. "Thank you, Jimin" He muttered, burying his head on the top of the mafia's head while the mafia still squeezing his butt.



Btw, thanks for reading this trash!!!! ✨✨✨✨✨

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