Chapter 6: Suddenly

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You followed Bazz to Zora's domain. All of the zoras were outside near the Lanayru Tower. But you were horrified when you got to the entrance Zora's domain. It was completely destroyed. Guardian pieces everywhere.

"What happened?!" You cried.

"Guardians and lynels came and attacked the domain and we were caught off guard. Everyone except the King and Prince made it out." Bazz put his right hand on your left shoulder. You burst into tears.

"Dorephan... Sidon... no... this can't have happened..." You just sat down and sobbed. Until...

You heard a faint yell in the distance. A familiar one.

"Is someone out there?!" Bazz called out.

"HELP!!" It was Sidon.

"SIDON!!" You screamed as you ran out across the mostly destroyed bridge.

"_____!!" Bazz chased you. But you knew parkour better than him. So he had to stop at some point but he continued screaming your name.

"SIDON I'M COMING JUST HOLD ON!" You ran and ran until you reached him finally. You pulled out your huge sword and broke the rock that he was stuck under. Some of the other Zora's who were better with parkour went over and got Sidon to Hyrule Castle.

When you arrived there, you were still in tears. They had Sidon in the medics but just a few hours later the Great Fairy Cotera showed up with Kaysa to see you.

"Excuse me, _____, but if you're willing to come back to Zora's Domain with us, I think there's something you should see."

You followed the two back to Zora's domain where Tera, Mija, and their mother Eliva were waiting.

"So what's going on? What do I need to see?" Cotera handed you a letter. You're name was on it. You opened it.

Dear _____,

There is an army of guardians and lynels attacking the Domain, and I'm afraid I will not make it out. But I still had time to write these letters. I just want you to know that we all love you. You will always have my respect, no matter where I'll be. Make sure my people stay safe. And I need you to promise me one thing: Don't let Sidon go. EVER. Now just be safe and be happy. Please.

- Love, Dorephan

You started crying again and Cotera and Mija comforted you while the others looked around more,

"Who else did he write letters to?" You asked.

"Prince Sidon, Captain Bazz, Sir Muzu, Master Link, and Queen Zelda." Cotera said.

"Oh. Well I should get going home."

"Okay. Be safe, kiddo." Mija sent you on your way. You really didn't go back to the Castle. You hid yourself until the Great Fairies left. Then you went back in. All of the guardians had been killed. And you eventually found a book with photos in it. You took it and a couple of precious heirlooms back to Hyrule Castle and hid them in your room. You planned on returning them to Sidon after everything was sorted out.

You heard Zelda and Link talking to the royal guards about how they would have to rebuild Zora's domain in Hylia lake for the time being, and Sidon would have to become King immediately after they rebuilt it in it's original location. But then there was the problem. Zora's don't become Kings or Queens until after marriage. And Sidon had no bride never mind a girlfriend. You went in the room he was in at around 4 am. You snuck in and sat down in the chair next to the bed.

"_____?" Sidon whispered. You jumped a bit, as you had not expected him to be awake. But you gave him a weak smile.

"Hi Sidon." You trembled.

"Thank you. You saved my life."

"And you saved mine."

"Did my father make it?"

"No, he didn't..." You burst into tears and he opened his arms and once you got close enough, he wrapped his arms around you.

"Shhh We're gonna get through this together, okay?" You just nodded. Tears rolled down his cheeks. He lifted you up on the bed and just held you close. You fell asleep and Zelda had to come wake you up in the morning.

"_____... wake up... _____! Wake up!" You jumped up.

"Okay, okay! I'm up!" You yawned and stretched out. Sidon was still asleep. Zelda led you out of the room.

"You fell asleep with Sidon?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"We were comforting each other!" You snapped.

"I wasn't judging. I was just asking."

"Obviously yes."

"Well we have a lot of work to do today. Starting in 2 hours! Now go get ready!" You hurried to your room. After a shower, you looked at the photo album. Something caught your eye. It was a picture of the place where you healed for 104 years. A memory came back to you. You remembered the very last words Sidon ever said to you.

I didn't want to have to leave off on another cliff hanger here but it'll be worth the wait. But I think for Casidon I'll be doing almost daily updates for a bit so while your waiting for Chapter 7 of this I suggest checking out Casidon. Hope you enjoyed and I'm sorry!

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