Love Me Still

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Nikki's POV

I sit and watch my wife brush her beautiful long hair each stroke of the brush brings her sweet scent to me. I would rather make love to her then break her heart. I slept with another woman and it came with consequences. I've landed myself in a world I didn't know existed till a couple days ago. I drug my family along for the ride. There are moments I just want to run. But Nicole saved my life. I can't leave her alone in the hole we dug together. She had been promised to breed with another not to marry. That concept just blows me away. I sigh. My mind is still trying to wrap around what I am. What I'm becoming. Courtney smiles as she crawls into to bed with me. My heart is in my throat making it hard to speak.

"Courtney, baby I've fucked up." I whisper. She tips her head eyeing me waiting for me to continue. "After the crash...before we were rescued. I...I had sex with Nicole."

"You did what? Why would you do that?" the hurt look on her face is killing me.

"I don't know." I groan. When I was lost out there all I could think of was getting back to her and my kids.

"What do you mean you don't know. You don't just slip and fall into another woman's vagina." she spits out. She's rightfully pissed. She grabs her and the baby's bag.

"Where are you going?" I groan. My stomach feels sick.

"Away from you?" she cries. Picking up Ruby she rushes from the room. I know I should go after her but I don't know what to say to make her stay.

Courtney's POV

I can't keep from crying. I know I'm upsetting Ruby. My heart feels like someone is squeezing the life out of it. I just have to get away from him and this place.

"Where are you going?" the woman Carol stands blocking the door.

"Away from here." I whimper through my tears.

"No I have other rooms you're in no state to drive. You could get you and your baby killed." she says calmly taking my bags from me. "Why don't you come have some tea with me."

I know she's right about me driving so I follow her into her kitchen drying my tears.

"Woman what's taking you so long?" I hear a male voice holler from a back room.

"Patients I'll be right there Jeff." Carol answers.

"I thought Jacob was your husband." I ask confused.

"He is." she grins. "I have three. Jake, Jeff, and Joe They are brothers.

"Oh I didn't realize." I blurt out.

"It's a common condition right now." she comments.

"Carol!" another male voice calls out.

"Stop you three big babies you can go to sleep without me." she giggles. I hear three lonely sounding howls. She rolls her eyes. "Now they are just being dramatic."

I can't help it I laugh at their antics.

"That's better." she smiles at me. "I know you are hurting right now. I would hurt to if I found out one of my men had cheated. But your Idea of cheating is different then ours."

"Cheating is cheating." I hiss.

"My Husband's all ran when Nicole came to us as a breeder. I didn't think of it as cheating." She states. "If Jason hadn't out ran them. They would have all three rolled her."

"Your not angry that they would have had sex with her." I'm really having trouble believing it.

"No." she sighs. "Nicole was in heat. I really don't know how to explain how powerful that is. Males responded to it. They scent a female. Once they touch both are consumed with the need to breed. Being new to it he didn't have any control. I've only seen Alphas with the ability to control the breeding lust."

"So you are saying Nicole was heat so I should just forgive him like it's nothing." I answer sarcastically.

"That is completely up to you my dear. I'm just letting you know it was not a want, it was a need." she answers softly.

Something just dawns on me bits of an earlier conversation about Nikki healing and reversing his vasectomy.

"Do You think she is going to have a baby?" I ask my temper rising again.

"Yes a very good chance of her having babies." she answers bluntly. I'm staring at her in disbelief when her calm turns to urgency.

"Jake, Nyx hurry!" She cries. "Ava has come into her first heat. Nyx comes running down the stairs. She heads to a cupboard. She pulls out a syringe and some kind medicine. I watch as she prepares a shot. Then rushes out the door. I lay my sleeping baby on the couch and out of the way of the commotion.

"Just like Ava not to give us any signs." Jake laughs.

"Isn't Ava just a child." I ask worried for her. I look out the door and watch the naked men gather around the equally naked little girl.

"Not tonight she's not. She's a wolf female in heat." he reassures. He heads outside and stands on the porch. His brother's have already joined the other men. The girl howls. The males join in. Nyx moves in carefully and jabs the needle into the girl's arm. Then jumps back avoiding teeth and claws. The males howl in excitement. They sniff the air their bodies restless. Barely in control they let the girl come to them. She touches and rubs against them teasing them. I hear the low growls and panting. Their attention is completely on the girl. Nothing else seems to matter.

Nyx comes quietly to my side as I look away from the scene.

"What did you give her?" I ask.

"It was a birth control not all breeding should result in a pregnancy." she answers. "Her body might think she's a women, but she's still a child. We want to let her be one. She has plenty of time to adult later."

"Isn't she adulting now?" I'm having trouble that she's only twelve. I turn back when I hear the commotion. They've shifted and have dashed into the woods.

"Awe your husband is so sweet. He's controlling his breeding lust he doesn't want to hurt you. He's strong willed" she whispers and giggles.

"It's called love. Can't you hear him Nyx? His mantra. I love my wife. I love my wife." she smirks and tries not to laugh. I turn to see Nikki he leans against the wall eyes closed. I'm still feeling hurt I haven't forgiven him completely, but he looks so tortured. I reluctantly go to him. I don't really want us to be over..

"I love you Nikki." I say softly letting him embrace me. He nuzzles my neck sniffing and softly growling. His new wolfie ways are going to take time to get use to.

A crash from one of the cabins shatters our moment of closeness as a black wolf breaks through a window and races towards the woods a man in quick pursuit.

"Nicole is lose!" Carol cries out. Both her and Nyx leap into action. Nikki gently brushes me aside. He takes to a run inhumanly fast out distancing the women. Nikki Intercepts Nicole just before she escapes into the brush they hit the ground with force her struggling in his arms. Jake comes rushing out of the woods a few seconds later. I hesitantly edge closer to the tussle.

"Nicole stop." Nikki commands softly. She immediately goes limp in his arms.

"You can use the voice." Jake says a bemused look on his face.

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